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Explore ICS-UNIDO's impactful work on catalysis, plastics, and chemistry through workshops, events, and projects in Trieste. Learn about innovative solutions for soil remediation, pollution assessment, and chemical technology.

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  1. ICS-UNIDO - Trieste, ITALY ICS is headquartered at the AREA Science Park, close to the city of Trieste. The AREA is home to many organizations. ICS works with the main institutions in Trieste and has special collaborations with the UN centres

  2. ICS-UNIDO mandate The International Centre for Science and High Technology is an Institution within the legal framework of UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization). The Centre’s mandate relates to the transfer of know-how and technology in favour of developing and in transition countries, and is justified by the perception that a competitive industrial technological capability cannot be built-up without adequate scientific knowledge and commitment to a sustainable development approach, utilizing new and environment friendly technologies

  3. Technological Areas of ICS • Pure and Applied Chemistry • Earth, Environmental and Marine Sciences • High Technology and New Materials • Technology Management

  4. ICS’ Strategic tools in the Area of Pure and Applied Chemistry • EGMs, training courses and workshops • Creation of information packages and publication activities • Fellowships and on job training schemes • Networking and participation of ICS in international projects and initiatives • Evaluation, development and promotion of projects

  5. Area of Pure and Applied ChemistrySubprogrammes • Catalysis & Sustainable Chemistry • Environmentally Degradable Plastics (EDP) • Combinatorial Chemistry & Technologies • Remediation

  6. Focus • Catalysis & Sustainable Chemistry • Ways of transforming polluting obsolete chemical technologies into cleaner alternatives using catalysis (applicable in fine chemicals production). • Environmentally Degradable Plastics (EDP) • Plastic waste disposal and relevant pollution problems. Development of alternative approaches like recycling, reuse as well as environmentally degradable plastics.

  7. Focus • Combinatorial Chemistry & Technology • Enhancement of productivity and efficiency of pharmaceutical and agrochemical industry. • New approach for the discovery and development of innovative chemical compounds, fine chemicals and new materials through computer aided chemistry. • Remediation • Environmental pollution assessment methodologies. • Evaluation and promotion of new technologies for the decontamination of polluted sites. Analysis of technical applicability and economic viability.

  8. Training Courses and Workshops Objectives / Contents • To train on fundamental concepts of remediation, • To evaluate technical applicability and economic viability of remediation technologies, • To introduce modern remediation technologies, • To show practical applications of remediation technologies through site demonstration, • To train in the resolution of concrete problems through problem-solving sessions, • To promote the exchange of experiences through open discussions among participants and gather specific information through their direct interaction with lecturers, • To discuss and develop possible common initiatives.

  9. Events in Remediation • SPCMTrieste, Italy - November 1996; • TC Budapest, Hungary - June 1997; • TC Plovdiv, Bulgaria - October 1997; • EGM Trieste, Italy - March 1998; • WS Hanoi, Vietnam - May 1998; • TC Katowice, Poland - December 1998; • WS Cairo, Egypt - October 1999; • EGM Trieste, Italy - April 2000 • WS Tashkent, Uzbekistan - September 2000 • WS Varazdin, Croatia - October 2000 • WS Cartagena, Colombia - December 2000

  10. Remediation Events 2000 • Expert Group Meeting on“POPs and Pesticides Contamination: Remediation Technologies” Trieste, Italy - April 2000 • Workshopon “Persistent Toxic Substances: Enviromental Pollution and Remediation Technologies in the Central-Asia Region” Tashkent, Uzbekistan - September 2000 • Workshopon “Contamination of Food and Agroproducts” Varazdin, Croatia - October 2000 • Workshopon“Environmental Pollution and Applicability of Remediation Technologies in Latin American Countries” Cartagena, Colombia - December 2000

  11. Remediation Products 2000 • Four Country Reports on “Pollution Problems, Available Remediation Technologies and their Economic Viability”(Brazil, Egypt, Russia, Vietnam) • Compendium on Remediation“Soil Clean-up Technologies and Soil Remediation Companies” Published in cooperation with the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN-ECE) • Comprehensive publication on “Methods, Technologies and Applicability of Remediation” Publication of selected material collected in 1997-1999 ICS training events

  12. Remediation Projects 2000-2001 “Development and Application of Novel Technologies for Used Oil Treatment in CEE and NIS Countries” Objectives: to carry out feasibility studies and evaluate suitable and viable remediation technologies to develop selected pilot projects and disseminate knowledge and information Counterparts: Russia, Romania, Italy, other CEE and NIS Countries “Remediation of PTS Contaminated Sites in NIS and CEE Countries” Objectives: to survey PTS polluted sites and to select hot-spots to carry out feasibility studies and evaluate suitable and viable remediation technologies to develop selected pilot projectsand disseminate knowledge and information Counterparts: Albania, Hungary, Poland, Slovak Rep. “Decision Support System on Remediation Technologies - DARTS” Objectives: to develop new tools for technical evaluation and economic analysis of remediation technologies to create a tool for decision in remediation initiatives

  13. Remediation Events 2001 • Expert Group Meeting on“Contamination Assessment and Monitoring” Trieste, Italy - February 2001 • Workshopon “Remediation Technologies: Applications for Soil and Water Treatment” Ethiopia/Tanzania - May 2001 • Expert Group Meetingon “Soil and Groundwater Emerging Remediation Technologies: Applications in CEE Countries” Trieste, Italy - July 2001 • Workshopon“Advanced Treatment Technologies for Oil Contaminated Water and Soil” Russia - October 2001

  14. Workshop on “Environmental Pollution and Applicability of Remediation Technologies in Latin American Countries”, Cartagena d. I. - Colombia, 4-7 December 2000 Focus:Define possible solutions to solve the problems of polluted sites in Latin American Countries. Objectives: • Identify topical needs and recent trends in the development of remediation technologies and their applications; • Collect the latest information on the methodologies for the assessment of environmental pollution, remediation technologies and waste management; • Discuss the prospects and the economic aspects of remediation of contaminated sites; • Collect information on the applicability of remediation technologies in the Region; • Identify and develop possible follow-up projects.

  15. ICS-UNIDO Pure and Applied Chemistry Stanislav Miertus - Area Coordinator Andrea Lodolo - Associate Area Coordinator ICS-UNIDO AREA Science Park, Building L2 Padriciano, 99 34012 Trieste, Italy e.mail:miertus@ics.trieste.it lodolo@ics.trieste.it corazzi@ics.trieste.it volpi@ics.trieste.it http:\\www.ics.trieste.it

  16. Project Proposaloutlines • Background • Justification • Objectives • Contents • Expected outputs • Partners • Tentative budget • Possible financial support

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