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Energy Potential of Serbia’ s Forests. Comparative and ‘Linguistic’ Analysis. By Gregory Krupnikovs, Rika Biofuels Ltd. Belgrade, September 8, 2010. Serbia and Latvia compared.
Energy Potential of Serbia’ s Forests Comparative and ‘Linguistic’ Analysis By Gregory Krupnikovs, Rika Biofuels Ltd. Belgrade, September 8, 2010
Serbia and Latvia compared *It is importnat to note that unlike Serbia, Latvia over the past 15 years has experienced a massive influx of Scandinavian companies into forest, wood-processing and pellet-production industries and markets.
A Bit of Linguistics: Energy Calorific value Which energy – heat or electricity? Which heat – domestic, district heating boilers, small CHPs, large CHPs? Efficiency
A Bit of Linguistics: Potential • Total volume of felled wood • Total volume of logging residues • Total volume of processing residues • Economically collectable volume of residues • Social aspects – household consumption
More on Household Consumption • 675,286 households using wood-based energy • Overall consumption 5,5 mio cbm of firewood • Average price: EUR 30/cbm NB: A discrepancy in figures? Potential wood harvest is 4,6 mio cbm, whereas firewood-only consumption is estimated at 5,5mio cbm.
More of Linguistics: Forests • Sustainably and well managed forests (Serbia already has a FSC certificate) • Improved assortment of species • A million-dollar question: Are energy crop plantations forests? • Salix yes • Poplar yes • Miscanthus ???
A few words about pellets Why pellets? Pellets for export Are pellets good for internal market? Woodchips for local boilers and CHPs.
How to calculate potential? • Sustainability of forest management • Net financial results • Social aspects • Export/import balance • Improvement possibilities for households
Thank you for your attention! krupnikovs@rika.lv
У оквиру пројектаБеоградског фонда за политичку изузетностРазвојног програма Уједињених нација (UNDP) Уз подршку: Министарства животне средине и просторног планирања Министарства рударства и енергетике Министарства пољопривреде, шумарства и водопривреде У процесу смо идентификације потенцијалних пилот пројеката за финансирање и имплементацију За додатне информације и могућу сарадњу, контактирајте нас: - Грегори Крупниковс: +44-7881504307(krupnikovs@rika.lv) - Џеси Узел: +46-739568222 (jesse@climatefutures.se) - Војин Лепојевић: 064/170-2355 (lepojevic@yahoo.com)