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STRATEGIC RENEWAL (Organisational learning). PERFORMANCE. Strategic Inflection Point. 2007. 2015. 2001. YEARS. NRF L INKAGE T O DST 10 - Y EAR I NNOVATION P LAN. NRF. NRF V ISION & C OMPOSITION. Museum. Zoo. Observatory. S CIENCE A DVANCEMENT. KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT.
STRATEGIC RENEWAL (Organisational learning) PERFORMANCE Strategic Inflection Point 2007 2015 2001 YEARS
Museum Zoo Observatory SCIENCE ADVANCEMENT KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT SCIENCE MISSIONS SCIENCE AWARENESS PLATFORM SCIENCE COMMUNICATION EDUCATION Science and the media School science support Science materials Communicationofresearch to public audiences SET Careers
THE PHD PIPELINE in SA Average conversion efficiency (BSc – Hons; Hons – Masters; Master – PHD) 43% to 57% ~ 3000 SET PHD’s /year Existing National graduation pipeline (2005) Senior certificate with endorsement ~ 86 500/yr Total all undergraduate rates ~ 49 753/yr Masters ~ 8 000/yr Hons ~ 23 000/yr PHD’s ~ 1 200/yr Existing National SET pipeline (2005) Total SET undergraduate rates ~ 15 991/yr Hons ~ 3 200/yr HG Maths and Science ~ 26 000/yr Masters ~ 2 900/yr (incl. coursework) PHD’s ~ 561/yr
PHD PRODUCTION RATESFOR SELECTED COUNTRIES B-league (US, Japan, Spain, South Korea, Australia, Netherlands, Norway etc.) A-league (Germany, UK, Switzerland, Sweden, Portugal, Austria, Finland) C-league (Mexico, Turkey, Iceland, China, India, Brazil, South Africa)
ANNUAL PHD FAIR END MAY- FLAGSHIP OF PHDPROJECT -EOC IIE SAEP -USAID/NSF(US) -European Partners -SA HEIs -International HEIs -Science Councils -Government -Corporate -NGOs -Employed -Current students -Interns -General Public - Motivational Keynote - Government - Research DVCs/Deans - Successful PHD Grads - Concurrent Subject Panels • Most successful program in the 80s & 90s. • Produced over 1,600 graduates from US HEIs • Return rate › 95% • Senior Positions in NSI SPONSORS HIGHER ED. RECRUITERS INVITED STUDENTS Tables/Stalls PHD FAIR OVERSEAS PARTNERS SPEAKERS Service
DISCIPLINESvs. GRAND CHALLENGES Energy Security Space Science Global Change Material & Nanotech CHALLENGES/THEMES Bio-Economy Econ/Mgt Sc i Life Sci Engin/Tech Nat.Sci/Math Human/Law Soc. Sci Human/Social Dynamics Other DISCIPLINES
INNOVATION FUND: HIGH RISK INVESTMENTS ICT VC SweetSpot 40 New Materials(steel) 30 RETURNS 20 Biotech 10 R & D COMMERCIALISATION 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5 TIME 10 INVESTMENT 15 IF SWEET POT 20
KEY CHALLENGES: 2008-2009 (CONT) • In real terms, declining MTEF core allocation (e.g. RISA core grant – 97.4% of MTEF committed to grant making)