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Figure 1.1. Gustave Caillebotte, On t he Europe Bridge, 1877, Oil on canvas, 105 cm x 130 cm, Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth, Texas.
By: Aarav Kumar & Reece Keller Biofuels
What are biofuels? • Biofuels are a renewable alternative energy source. • Recent studies on biofuels are focusing on new types of biofuels. • There are many types of biofuels some examples are ethanol and biodiesel.
Biofuel Basics • Biofuels are carbon neutral. This means that they do not add co2 (carbon dioxide) in to the atmosphere they actually take carbon dioxide out of the planets atmosphere. • This energy source is renewable because we can always grow more plants. • They are made of material derived from living organisms or biomass. • The most common used biofuel is ethanol the same stuff used in alcohol.
Where to find & who makes Biofuels • You can find that in engines, vehicles, & aircrafts all use a type of biofuel. People can make biofuels in lab or at home. Mostly they are found when a scientist is experimenting to make a new type of biofuel.
Comparing ethanol & biodiesel Differences Differences • Ethanol • Made from corn, waste, potatoes, & etc. • One blend of Ethanol = 10 percent and 85 percent other gases. • Ethanol is made from fermentation. • Biodiesel • Made from natural oils like soy bean oil. • Biodiesel is more friendly • Biodiesel makes 93 percent more energy than what is required during the production process.
Pros of Ethanol • Using ethanol is good because it is carbon-neutral. Carbon-neutral means that they reduce co2 from the atmosphere. • Ethanol will reduce the shipment of fossil fuels. • Ethanol is inexpensive. • Ethanol boosts the effectiveness if gasoline.
Cons of ethanol • Ethanol uses a lot of land which could be used for food production. Because of this food prices will go high & their will be food shortages. • Ethanol has less energy so vs. a car with gasoline in it you would go longer in the vehicle with gasoline. • Ethanol is not available for a world wide.
Pros of biodiesel • They are renewable. • If we use biodiesel than pollution will go down 78.5 percent. • Biodiesel can help stimulate the nations economy. • Its energy efficient.
Cons of Biodiesel • Lower energy content. • Energy operation problem. • Nitrous oxide (Nox) emissions will be higher if we use the energy source.
Why we should use this energy source? We should use this energy source because it’s carbon-neutral. It is a renewable energy source because we can always grow more plants. Countries can grow there own biofuels so they do not have to ship the alternative energy source. Biofuels are also much better for car engines. They are also good for the economy because they are cheaper than fossil fuels.
Bibliography • www.National geographic.com • www.Darvill.clara.net • www.eia.gove • www.treehugger.com • www.pellet-wood.com • www.lovetoknowit.com • http://www.ehow.com/facts_5098606_pros-cons-biodiesel-fuel.html • http://ezinearticles.com/?Biodiesel-Fuel---Pros-and-Cons&id=924808