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This briefing highlights the impact of disasters on development and discusses current trends, objectives, and priorities of the Inter-Agency Task Force on Disaster Reduction. The paper emphasizes the need for increased advocacy, coordination, and information management to reduce disaster risks globally.
Inter-Agency Task Force On Disaster Reduction 7th meeting 10-11 April 2003 ISDR Secretariat briefing
“Disasters remain an obstacle for development” Trends in impact of disasters vs. conflict More than 90% of disaster related deaths in developing countries
Current trends in impact of disasters Less people dead by disasters, but increased number of disasters, economic losses and affected population. Source: OFDA/CRED International Disaster Database
International Strategy for Disaster Reduction • Key Objectives: • Raise awareness –disaster risk reduction part of sustainable development • Increase commitment from public authorities -national and local • Stimulating interdisciplinary and intersectoral partnerships and networking among various sectors and levels • Improve scientific and technical knowledge “ISDR aims at building resilient communities with the goal of reducing human, social, economic and environmental losses due todisasters from natural hazards and related environmental and technological disasters”
UN/ISDR functions- “core and non-core” or…less and more outreach? Advocacy, Coordination, Information management Support international cooperation for enhanced early warning capacity and to educe impact of El Niño Need to prioritize according to GA mandates; however, dependency on voluntary contributions follow other priorities Review of our workplan vs. availability of resources- and distribution of responsibilities Basic priorities: inter-agency support, public awareness, policy support to national platforms, clearinghouse, GA reporting Other priorities:support to IATF WG, publications & dissemination in more languages, regional outreach, special policy or technical networking support
Increased and enhanced advocacy: globally, transferable to regional and national needs Policy and inter-agency coordination and integration: Platform to develop coherence and guidance to a wide range of approaches and methodologies available- and those emerging in the field of disaster risk reduction; integration among sectors: agriculture, education, health, etc. Information clearinghouse: Hub in an international network for disaster risk reduction expertise at all levels (international, regional, national, local) Added value of ISDR and of the Secretariat:a global and regional platform for exchange and inter-agency collaboration
Examples: UN policy (starting with tripartite OCHA/UNDP/ISDR) National platforms-(guidance, support, info. exchange) WSSD follow-up, including sectoral (water….) and partnerships (early warning….), climate change adaptation, urban management Yokohama review and “road-map” for the future (‘Living with Risk’, Programme of Action) Information services (guidance-coherence, monitoring, reporting, information products) Increasing expectations on UN/ISDR Increasing requests from UN GA, global community/partners, governments, educational institutions, development agents….to provide guidance and coherence on disaster risk reduction
Campaign 2003 Living with risk – Turning the tide on disasters towards sustainable development Theme Turning the tide – water related disasters, 90% of losses… increasing vulnerability and extreme climatic events Ongoing until next year- Water Day 22 March 2004 UN-Sasakawa Award on Disaster Reduction- an important promotional tool- for best practices Advocacy: Public awareness Achievements:Improved ISDR Highlights plus wider dissemination, info material, articles, media contacts, regional magazines (LAC and Africa…) Challenges:Wider outreach and committing national authorities and other agencies to buy into the campaigns
Promote public commitment- at national and regional level Achievements: Some new national platforms (mostly developed countries yet) – and increasing request for support Planned activities to support specific developing countries with UNDP (ex: Djibouti, Algeria, Central America) Challenges: Increase policy & advocacy support for multisectoral national platforms (also with UNDP) Involve national committees/ platforms to perform self-assessments and reports, and increase recording of disaster events (with CRED, EM-DAT) Advocacy: public commitment
Educational tools: Riskland game and booklet, Sp, Eng, Port. Programmatic approach Training (fellowship from OCHA)… future potential, to support officials from developing countries Achievements: Collaboration with UNICEF in LAC, dissemination of Riskland game Soap opera- wide dissemination and demand to produce in English and on other hazards Revitalized the fellowship programme (OCHA, former DHA) Challenges: Increase the outreach to educational community Advocacy: education and training
Inter-Agency Task Force support and follow-up Institutional agreements- and collaboration enhanced with other organizations within and outside the UN (new: UN/HABITAT, CEPREDENAC, Norway, Canada, …) Coordination Support and facilitate the work of governments, relevant organizations, experts and practitioners of disaster reduction around the world on various subjects, in various sectors, and at various levels to achieve the objectives of the ISDR. • Achievements: • UNDP (several ongoing efforts) and ProVention in particular • Tripartite self-assessment ongoing OCHA/UNDP/ISDR • UNESCO: collaboration for Living with Risk and a pilot project to enhance the experiences from RADIUS in a context of Safer Cities, also with UNCRD • Challenges: • Ensure a UN system wide coherence and engagement
Yokohama review and framework for guidance and monitoring of disaster risk reduction • Current achievements - fragmented action and understanding • ISDR Living with Risk, UNDP WVR and Index, IFRC WDR – conclude: need for coherence, lack common understanding and structured approach to guide disaster risk reduction efforts and assess progress • Opportunity: SG Mandate to undertake review of achievements since Yokohama Strategy and charter “road map” for the future • Why a global review since the adoption of the Yokohama Strategy 1994? • To increase political commitment for implementation and financial allocation for disaster reduction, in response to the UN MDGs and WSSD • To serve as guidance for policy makers and practitioners in disaster risk reduction and related areas, foster knowledge development • To develop a monitoring and review system for assessing progress & support local, national, regional and global disaster reduction efforts-
Yokohama review : Next steps • Request to governments for preparation of national reports, self-assessments, and regional and thematic reviews/reports (2nd edition of LwR) – national commitment • Regional and thematic consultations based on a calendar of relevant events • Elements for a programme of action for disaster risk reduction 2005-2015 • Second International Conference on Disaster Reduction (consolidating event/conference) Kobe, third week of January 2005, to chart future action and increased commitment.
The process in 2003 – 2005: IATF to guide and advice on the process and outcome
Framework for guidance and monitoring of disaster risk reduction • Aim: Encourage, promote & guide disaster risk reduction practices • OBJECTIVES of the proposed process • Develop a conceptual framework for increased common understanding/coherence and effectiveness of DRR practices • Guide & compare policies & activities over time • Progressively define benchmarks and indicators to assess progress • KEY BENEFICIARIES • Primary focus: Governments and UN/international organizations, & decision-makers in public and private sectors • Also useful for project managers and field practitioners (agencies and development banks), NGOs, educators, students & researchers
Framework development.... • Process and Implementation • First draft: UN/ISDR and UNDP- comments from ProVention members and IATF WG3 and drought ad-hoc group • Continued extensive iterative and interactive discussion, based in reality of practice • Technical development of the framework, involving key actors from IATF, UN, regional and national levels • Take into account a wide range of relevant activities/processes (climate change adaptation, sustainable development) • Feed back from IATF, WGs and other regional consultations and thematic meetings (Yokohama review, EWCII) • Use as backbone for reporting during review of Yokohama & and benchmarking for future programme of action and to help govenrmentst and agencies inm planning and self-assessment
Current categories and components Political/governance Commitment Policy and planning Legislation Resources Institutional Organizational Normative framework Monitoring Risk identification Risk assessment Knowledge Information management and communication development Education and training Public awareness Research Risk management Environmental management applications Social protection and safety nets (Social, financial, Financial instruments environmental, Land use planning technical aspects) Physical/structural measures Early warning systems Preparedness and emergency management (the matrix also include characteristics and criteria for benchmarks)
AWARENESS for change in behaviour • Societal CONTEXT • SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT • Social-cultural • Political • Economic • Ecosystems • KNOWLEDGE DEVELOPMENT • Education, training • Research • Information • Networking • RISK FACTORS • - Vulnerability • Social • Economic • Physical • Environmental • - Hazards • Geological • Hydrometeorological • Biological • Environmental • Technological • PUBLIC COMMITMENT • Global, regional, national, local • Institutional framework • Policy development • Legislation and codes • Community actions Vulnerability/ capabilities analysis RISK ASSESSMENT Hazard analysis • APPLICATION OF • RISK REDUCTION MEASURES • Environmental management aspects • Financial aspects • Social aspects and safety nets • Land use planning • Protection of critical facilities • - Structural Measures • Networks and partnerships RECOVERY RESPONSE DISASTER IMPACTS PREPAREDNESS • EARLY WARNING Draft FRAMEWORK FOR DISASTER RISK REDUCTION (LwR) From “Living with Risk: A global review of disaster reduction initiatives”, Preliminary version 2002
Major thematic event in 2003 Conference hosted by Germany, 15-19 October in Bonn Prepared by Planning Committee with relevant expert institutions(UNEP, FAO, WMO, UNESCO, UNDP, WFP, UN/ECE, OOSA, OCHA, UNV, ICSU, UNCCD, GFZ, DKKV...) A very tangible result of IATF/WG 2: an international programme on EW to support integration of EW in public policy & implementation of EW world wide Second Early Warning Conference
Achievements:ISDR Information System proposal for ISDR international resource centre under formulation and discussed with key partners (UNDP, OCHA and ProVention Consortium..)- draft available. databases on disaster reduction expertise, websites and resource centre capacities are being substantively enhanced. Challenge: Ensure facilities (resources) in Geneva Information management
Office opened in Nairobi Oct. 2002- with support from UNEP & UNOPS, in close collaboration with UNDP, developing contacts with sub regional organizations (IGAD, SADC, ECOWAS…) and collaboration with OCHA & UN/HABITAT Focusing on enhancing capacities in sub-regions and fostering partnerships Advocacy and awareness-raising material Achievements: Workshops: with IGAD, in Djibouti (+ national platform) Sub-regional agreements and reviews: ECOWAS Initiative with African Development Bank to promote disaster risk management into development planning and programmes in particular, for NEPAD Website and information material in production Launch: African outreach programme
Useful as model (for Africa and other) Focusing on advocacy, educational and awareness tools- coordination for development of content and production- outreach and dissemination Early warning and El Niño (CIIFEN in Guayaquil)- advocacy and institutional support Partnership building – UNDP, PAHO/WHO, UNICEF, ECLAC, IOM, regional and sub-regional organizations ACS, CDERA, CAN, CEPREDENAC… Achievements: Radio soap operaTiempos de Huracanes (an inter-agency initiative of UN/ISDR with PAHO, IOM, CEPREDENAC) was broadcast by 46 radio stations throughout Central America, and many other LAC countries- new themes and languages planned Riskland game- translations, dissemination- with UNICEF Consolidation: LAC outreach programme
Achievements: Asia: Consultations and coordination with UNDP/BCPR, ESCAP and ADPC in Bangkok (November 2002), ADRC, UNCRD, UNU, OCHA in Kobe, Japan, for joint activity planning. Expected shared staff resource with OCHA placed in Kobe (later in 2003) South Pacific: Partnership with SOPAC and Pacific Island Countries: renewed interest in the establishment of a UN/ISDR outpost for the Pacific with possible support from Australia and New Zealand Asia & Pacific coordination
Formulation of regional outreach programme for Europe (including Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean basin, possibly CIS & other neighbouring regions). Facilitation of an integrated European strategy for disaster reduction (currently a goal for the European Commission and a requirement advocated by several EU countries). Coordination with Council of Europe (Ministerial meeting in Bandol, October 2002) Strengthening of European ISDR network (Bonn meeting with EC + Switzerland national platforms, Jan 2003) Achievements: Agreement with EC/Joint Research Centre (study on the interrelation between natural and technological disasters –NATECHs-, and other joint undertakings) Organization of a Euro-Mediterranean conference on disaster reduction in Madrid in October 2003 Formulation: Europe outreach programme
Staff retreat: planning and teambuilding, optimize and integrate activities Staffing: new Japanese JPO (half time WMO) senior advisor on Climate from IRI/Columbia University short-term interns new public awareness officer & info support joint consultant with UNESCO UN OIOS management audit: report will be available soon Internal management
Finance-resourcing 2003 • Challenges: • cash-flow problems • 2002: 85% budget covered; • 2003: 57% received/pledged, 14% April • 2004: 20% pledged only …..
Develop a programme of work for the IATF 2004-2005: identify gaps to address & recommendations: WSSD follow-up, linking to climate change adaptation/extreme climatic events, urban risk… Guidance to the ISDR Secretariat and major processes: global reporting jointly with partners, preparation & follow-up of major Conferences (Bonn, Kobe…); guidance & monitoring framework (benchmarks &indicators, development planning, capacity building…) Develop a sustainable institutional and financial basisfor implementation of the ISDR and its mechanisms: IATF/DR, UN/ISDR, national platforms and networks… financial challenges include: UN regular budget, funding from development and environment programmes… institutional challenges: solid base within the United Nations with active participation of technical/specialized networks and civil society ENHANCE & SUPPORT COHERENCE FOR POLICY DEVELOPMENT WITHIN UN & BEYOND TO ENSURE EFFECTIVE DISASTER RISK REDUCTION WORLD WIDE Challenges for the IATF/DR 2003 & beyond: