'Amber yellow light warns' diaporamas de présentation

Amber yellow light warns - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Red Signal Prohibits Any Traffic From Proceeding.

The Red Signal Prohibits Any Traffic From Proceeding.

When was the last time you took time to notice the traffic signals? Though people understand that traffic lights are an important device which is needed to signal the passengers and drivers for a safe transport, we seem to undermine its design. This color-coded system is universally the same. Hence the traffic light in India is the same as the traffic light elsewhere. It has three colors: red, green and yellow. But there are color blind people who can't differentiate between red and green! This is the reason why it is agreed to have a red color with an orange hue. Green too has a combination that contains blue hue. It is essential to know the traffic light images with names. Traffic light pictures are displayed in every RTO offices. Traffic light images with names of red, yellow and green. The traffic light photo color meaning is described below. 1. Red: Red is the color that is displayed on the top. It is a signal that says the passing vehicle to stop before the signal. It warns not to cross the signal until indicated. It is used to stop crowding the point where the road intersects the signal. One should always be careful when the red signal is traffic light images with names, traffic lights in India, traffic light in Hindi, traffic light photo, red traffic light, traffic light rhymes, yellow traffic light, traffic light meaning, traffic light colors, picture of traffic light, traffic light games, traffic light drawing, traffic light images, traffic light https://www.shantbharat.com/traffic-lights-the-things-you-must-remember/

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