'Creative content' diaporamas de présentation

Creative content - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Stanford Media Marketing | Why use Social Media | FREE TIPS

Stanford Media Marketing | Why use Social Media | FREE TIPS

Stanford Media Marketing is a digital media agency specializing in social media marketing, as well as web design & development. Its core mission being to help brands integrate their best assets into the online space. We've grown into a full-service digital agency servicing the San Francisco Bay Area, and provide an array of services including: social media management, website development, and additional marketing services. My mission is to bridge the gap between #nextgenerationmarketing, and the everyday business owner. I am interested in teaching businesses how to promote, and use social media to generate customers. Many of the techniques I've learned in the past 8 year's using social media to generate customers for the nightlife industry. Benefits of hiring us to manage your social media: * We provide the latest techniques on acquiring followings on Facebook Fan pages, Instagram, and Twitter, which in turn will help you gain more fans on Facebook. * Saves you time and energy to focus on other areas of your business * Allows your brand to leverage the social media buzz you always hear about * Ensures your brand's online communications are relevant, consistent and strategic * Optionally can send out advertisement to our 10,000 person database in the Silicon Valley * Invite my personal Facebook page 4,000 friends to like your fan page http://www.StanfordMediaMarketing.com/ please like the fan page: http://www.Facebook.com/StanfordMediaMarketing my linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/sorena-johnf-afrasiabi/63/680/37a?trk=shareFB

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