'Creepy roaches' diaporamas de présentation

Creepy roaches - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Reasons Behind Cockroach Infestation In Your Home

Reasons Behind Cockroach Infestation In Your Home

Sometimes we get calls from panicked house owners who find cockroaches in their houses. These creepy roaches are not only unattractive but also they become the main source of health hazards. Cockroaches are the carriers of deadly diseases and cause allergic reactions in the human body, especially in kids and elderly people. So, it is extremely crucial to know why and how cockroaches are getting attracted towards your home and making it their permanent home. Cockroaches are strong and flexible pests. Once they invade your home, it becomes very tough to get rid of them. Once you know why they are staying in your house is vital to keeping them out. The biggest attractant for cockroaches is food. Food can be various types like human food, birdu2019s food, pet food, and even cardboard. We should ensure all the food containers are tightly sealed and there would be no room for cockroaches to entry. A clean home indicates your home is pests and cockroach free. Keeping the kitchen clean is the most essential part to keep the roaches away. Wipe down the gas counter top, sweep and mop regularly so that pests are not attracted to your house. Always ensure the trash can is sealed well and the wastes are thrown out on a regular basis so that its strong odors donu2019t attract unwanted guests. Look for standing water or water storage bowls or leaky pipes and throw it out immediately. Are you ready to find out the reasons behind cockroach infestation in your home? Food u2013 As mentioned earlier, food is the most common cause of roaches keeping the residence in your home. Cockroach love to eat every type of food such as exposed foods lying out on your kitchen counters or even fruits. Thus, it is imperative that all foodstuffs and perishables should be sealed and locked. Some species of roaches like to eat cardboard, books, paper, and some woods. So, you may also have to clean up the mess. The best way to deal with a cockroach infestation is to call TechSquadTeam cockroach control in Bangalore. Damp, Dark, Private Spaces u2013 The first task is done. Now the second task is to clean up all the dark, moist, and dingy places around your house. Those places are garbage areas, garages, basements and bathroom, and some places in your kitchen. However, some house owners complain to us about cockroaches living in storage containers, cluttered shelves, unused backpacks; basically the places which is private and rarely been used by us. Water u2013 Water is one of the main causes of attraction for roaches in your home. It can be anything from leaking pipes or drains to ignorant things like pet water bowls or even some puddles of water collecting around kitchen sinks or in the bathroom. Cockroaches need water to survive, and they can hardly survive one or two weeks without it. So a house which has no readily accessible water supply is a place where roaches hate to settle down in. From the above -mentioned reasons, you must have found out that you should not let a single roach to set up in your house in the first place. TechSquadTeam is an Indiau2019s leading pest exterminating Solution Company which provides solutions to eliminate pests in your home while maintaining the lowest possible environmental impacts. If you want to hire a professional cockroach control in Bangalore nearby your locality, contact us on 080-46535800 or visit our website www.techsquadteam.com.

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