Connecting Financial Performance of Firms with Merger and Acquisitions through Review of Literature A Global Perspective
This paper tries to examine and combine literature of MandA and its effect on financial performance of firms. It also tries to identify those factors that affect the financial performance of acquirer or target firms. A comprehensive review of literature is carried out to determine factors used to evaluate pre and post MandA performance. The review has been carried out on accounting measures based studies and market measures based studies done at both national as well as in ternational level. The main aim of the review is to analyze the link between MandA and financial performance of the firms. This paper concludes that the effect of merger and acquisition varies from sector to sector. This paper also shows inconclusive results regarding effect of cross border MandA and domestic MandA on the financial performance of the firms. Asif Amin Kuchey | Dr. Anisa Jan "Connecting Financial Performance of Firms with Merger and Acquisitions through Review of Literature: A Global Perspective" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-1 | Issue-5 , August 2017, URL: Paper URL:
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