'Healthy fit' diaporamas de présentation

Healthy fit - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Why Should We Prefer Safe and Clean Drinking Water!

Why Should We Prefer Safe and Clean Drinking Water!

According the Handbook of Water Use and Conservation survey the average water used in a household was 10.9 Gallons. So the total water consumption used in a single day for showers, washing machine, toilets and leaks is 69.3 Gallons of water. Kitchen sink is the only thing we are using many times in a single date to cook, dishes, grape water etc. But if anyone has ever taken the time to check what might coming from the faucet along with water. In 2014, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) established the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) to prohibit the use of more than 25% lead containing pipes. Cheap is really cheap.. its making our health as cheap! Many models of faucets are now in market, in this competitive market most of them are giving a huge discount for faucet, it may look as nice, but they will often break quickly, leak harmful leads and chemicals and other nasty things which will make the drinking water as unhealthy. According to the EPA Young children, infants and fetuses are vulnerable to lead, because the lead will bring lower exposure level to children than adults. This exposure will make damage to central and peripheral nervous system. Which lead to many disabilities like learning, shorter stature, impaired hearing and impaired formation and function of blood cells Drinking clean water with toxic free is really important. Though many brands with large selection at low prices are available but we need to select the best fit which makes our healthy fit.

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