'Iv drip therapy' diaporamas de présentation

Iv drip therapy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Deathbed Relief by IV

Deathbed Relief by IV

DEATHBED RELIEF WITH REVIVE IV THERAPY IN NYC & MANHATTAN. A single treatment costs $249 while a five-treatment package costs $679. Being sick is no walk in the park and sometimes, you may feel like you are on your deathbed. When you feel like this, look to us. We offer revive IV therapy to help bring you back to life and get you on your feet. Our vitamins, IV medications, and fluids are the right mixture to give you that boost you need. Benefits of Revive IV Therapy. Revive IV drip therapy offers you many benefits and is a wonderful way for you to overcome feeling like you are on your deathbed. Gives You a Boost of Energy. If you feel like you are on your deathbed, you likely have no energy. Your body is depleted, and it makes it just that much harder for you to get over the illness or infection too. IV drip therapy delivers the minerals, nutrients, and IV medications you need directly to your bloodstream and as a result, you receive an immediate boost in energy. Works Better than Prescribed Medications. Prescriptions medications such as pain relievers and antibiotics are only so good. Over time, we develop immunity to them and sometimes, the wrong medications are prescribed, so they do not treat the actual symptoms or cause of the symptoms. This not only wastes your time, but leaves you stuck on your deathbed. Revive IV therapy will give you the boost you need and provide you with the fluids, medications, and vitamins you need.

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