Multispeciality hospital Kamothe | Maternity & Vaccination center in Panvel
Matoshree is a well known Multispeciality hospital, Maternity & Vaccination center in Panvel. Book your appointment online or call us 073879 95800 Matoshree Multispeciality Hospital is leading Maternity Hospital and Infertility Clinic in Kamothe, khandeshwar area. In our Multispeciality hospital people come for treatment every day from various parts of Navi Mumbai such as Kamothe, khanda Colony, Jui Gaon, Khandeshwar, Kalamboli & Panvel. Our specialized health care services include Complete comprehensive women & child care, Maternity Services, Abortion Center, Gynaecologist, Laproscopic Surgery, Paediatrician, Normal & Seizure Delivery, Vaccination, Infertility Clinics & Minimal Access Surgery, etc. Matoshree Hospital Kamothe also known as Family Planning Centre in Kamothe.
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