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Offers business loans - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

10 Funding Options to Raise Startup Capital for Your Business

10 Funding Options to Raise Startup Capital for Your Business

A recent research suggests that over 94% of new businesses fail in the early stages. One of the key reasons is the lack of the ability to raise money. Let us read on what are the methods which start-ups can use to raise money. 1- Bootstrapping your startup business You can invest from your own savings or can get your family and friends to contribute. 2- Crowd funding As a Funding Option This is like taking a loan, pre-order, contribution or investments from more than one person at the same time. 3- Get Angel Investment in Your Startup Angel investors are individuals with surplus cash and a keen interest to invest in upcoming startups. 4- Get Venture Capital for Your Business Venture capitals are professionally managed funds who invest in companies that have huge potential. 5- Get Funding From Business Incubators & Accelerators Found in almost every major city, these programs assist hundreds of startup businesses every year. 6- Raise Funds by Winning Contests You need to make your project stand out in order to improve your success in these contests. 7- Raise Money Through Bank Loans Almost every bank in India offers SME finance through various programs. 8- Get Business Loans from Microfinance Providers or NBFCs Go for this option, if you don't qualify for a bank loan. 9- Govt Programs That Offer Startup Capital Government grants as a funding option could be one of the best to encourage small businesses. 10- Quick Ways to Raise Money for Your Business Product Pre-sale, Selling Assets, Credit Cards are few more ways to raise funds for your business.

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