Why Environmental Safe Straws And Where To Find Them
http://www.EnviroSafeStraws.com Hello! I'm Melissa "Missy" Lapworth-Kuehl and have been an educator for 25 years (well maybe a few more but who's counting?)
I love teaching! I love the children, families, my awesome school and colleagues and feel lucky to be so fulfilled by my profession. So why the straws? Because I was taught at an early age (by my mom who was my scout leader) to leave nature better than I found it.
When I was little I thought that meant to pick up litter and make sure your trash was in the trash can. I never really thought about where that trash was going. How about making less trash all together?
What a novel idea! So I teach (not preach to) my students about it and you know what, they deeply care. And they want to help. And they love little straws.
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