Mobile shevling in UAE,Slotted angle shelving in UAE provides Mobile shevling in UAE,Slotted angle shelving in UAE,Shelving units in UAE,Storage solutions in UAE,material storage system storage solutions. It provides mezzanine flooring and different mobile shelving systems with storage racks and heavy duty pallet racks in UAE.Mobile Shelving : Mobile aisle shelving is typically used for academic or commercial applications where a significant volume of physical archive material, filing or books are to be stored.These include medical or government records, file-intensive offices such as the legal or accountancy professions, and public and academic libraries and similar archives. Slotted Angle Shelving : is a system of reusable metal strips used to construct shelving, frames, work benches, equipment stands and other structures.The name derives, first, from the use of elongated slots punched into the metal at uniform intervals to enable assembly of structures fixed with nuts and bolts, and second, from the longitudinal folding of the metal strips to form a right angle.We Specialize in Mobile shelvingMezzanine FlooringHeavy duty Pallet RackingSlotted Angle ShelvingAdjustable Bolt free ShelvingMedium Duty Long span shelvingPlastic PalletsDrive in RackingBinsLockersFor More details please contact at:Al Ramaqiyah Gen. TradingP.O.Box: 22370, Dubai,UAE.Tel.:- 971 4 2655101Fax:- 971 4 2655102Email:-
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