'Simple java' diaporamas de présentation

Simple java - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

PRG 420 Week 1 Individual Analyzing a Simple Java Program//tutorfortune.com

PRG 420 Week 1 Individual Analyzing a Simple Java Program//tutorfortune.com

PRG 420 Week 1 Individual Analyzing a Simple Java Program//tutorfortune.com Click on below link to buy https://tutorfortune.com/products/prg-420-week-1-individual-analyzing-a-simple-java-program-1 PRG 420 Week 1 Individual Analyzing a Simple Java Program Resource: Week One Analyze Assignment Zip File Analyzing Javau2122 codeu2013that is, reading and predicting the outcome of Javau2122 code, given one or more inputsu2013is an essential skill. The ability to analyze code allows you to learn from example code and tutorials. It also allows you to write and debug your own Javau2122 code. For this assignment, you will be analyzing the Javau2122 code in the linked zip file. Carefully read through the code line by line, then answer the following questions in a Microsoftu00ae Word document: What syntax signals a Javau2122 comment? (In other words, what symbol(s) tell the Javau2122 compiler not to process certain text?) Type the line(s) of code that accept user input. Type the line(s) of code that process user input. Type the line(s) of code that produce output. Type the result this program would produce if a user, when prompted, responded by typing u201ceveryoneu201d and then hit Enter. Type the result this program would produce if a user, when prompted, responded by typing in u201cMickey Mouseu201d and hit Enter. Type the result this program would produce if a user, when prompted, responded by typing u201cBenjamin Franklinu201d and hit Enter. Submit your completed Word document using the Assignment Files tab. PRG 420 Week 1 Individual Analyzing a Simple Java Program Click on below link to buy https://tutorfortune.com/products/prg-420-week-1-individual-analyzing-a-simple-java-program-1

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