'Spa party' diaporamas de présentation

Spa party - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Join Beauty & the SPA - A GirlPower Spa Party at Norcross, GA 30092 on July 21, 2018

Join Beauty & the SPA - A GirlPower Spa Party at Norcross, GA 30092 on July 21, 2018

ELLEMIRED PRESENTS : Beauty & the SPA - A GirlPower Spa Party by AJ SENG. DATE AND TIME Sat, July 21, 2018 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM EDT LOCATION Canvas Showroom 6889 Peachtree Industrial Boulevard Norcross, GA 30092 United States Price: $15 – $40 DESCRIPTION Hear Ye! Hear Ye! A Spa Party is not Complete without the Beauty! Some facts about Girls with Low Self-Esteem! Girls that have low self-esteem have engaged in destructing behaviors that include cutting, bullying, drugs, disorderly eating. This has grown to 75%. In, High School only 29% of girls are happy with the way that they are. So, 71% of them are unhappy with the way they are!!!! WHAT CAN WE DO???? If you have a daughter, niece, or Mentee…It is time we set the foundation so that when they start the school year they know who they are and are confident with it! Come join Ellemired to help us celebrate our GIRLS as we celebrate and empower them to discover… Hey Atlanta! Have a daughter between the ages of 10-14? We have a Girl Power Spa Party to encourage and uplift you both before school starts! FREE Facial, FREE Nail Service, FREE Robe, FREE Empowerment Bullett Journal, & More! You ONLY pay for food! Allow us to serve you on July 21, 2018 for Brunch 11:00am-2:00pm! Must purchase tickets in advance! Special Guest Speakers Tammy – A expert Mom raising Daughters in the Millenial World & MORE We are calling ALL girls between the ages of 10-14 to come to our Spa Party empowerment event and Preview our Fall/Winter Tshirt line for girls just in time for Back-To-School! Food Fashion Free Giveaways ...and more TICKETS MUST BE PURCHASED IN ADVANCE FOR CHEF'S HEADCOUNT Cost per Girl (Age 10-14) $30.00* until 07/06/18 ( Free Giveaways!). Early Bird gets the worm! 7/07/18 - 7/13/18 $35.00* eventbrite service fees 07/14/18-07/18/18 $40.00 eventbrite service fees *includes Special Gifts (Robe, Facial, Bullet Journal, Nail Service & etc.). Food. One Adult. **More than one child 50% discount after 1st child – One Adult per family Join this event https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ellemired-presents-beauty-the-spa-a-girlpower-spa-party-tickets-47593014989

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