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Emotioner. Thomas Krabben Helle Hald. Hvad er ”emotions”. Inspiret by Darwin and Ekman

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Emotioner Thomas Krabben Helle Hald

  2. Hvad er ”emotions” • Inspiret by Darwin and Ekman • ”Emotions are evolutionary adaptations, as they enhance an organism's ability to experience and evaluate its environment and thus increase its likelihood to survive and reproduce, by providing the simplest plans (fortsættes næste slide )

  3. Hvad er ”emotions” (2) for evolutionary most common actions needed, such as approaching or avoiding (in)digestible objects, fighting for it with other organisms or running away if the other organism is too powerful (anger vs. fear), and forming or loosing cooperative ties based on reciprocal altruism (gladness vs. sadness) with other organisms. (forsættes næste slide)

  4. Hvad er ”emotions” (3) In addition, emotions serve important functions in animal communication (between or within species).” Wikipedia (2008)

  5. Historien om ”emotions” • 1890: The James Lange Theory: Emotions are aspects of what a person does: In fear, we run. In greef, we weep. It is the action that sparkles the emotion. • 1927: Cannon_ Emotions are associated with bodily responses (autonomic responses)

  6. Historien om ”emotions” (2) • 1962: Schacter and Singer: Elements of cognitive apraisal and interpretation of the context are involved in the emotional experience (attribution-of-arousel theory)

  7. Det limbiske system - centrum for emotioner, regulering af søvn, appetit og seksualfunktion

  8. Hjernens opdeling i grove træk- iflg. MacLean (1970) Hjernestammen Det limbiske system Storhjernen

  9. Model: Hjernens opdeling

  10. Amygdala- den centrale struktur for betinget frygt Model: Le Doux (canadisk hjerneforsker), 1995

  11. Amygdala Hvad sker der: Betinget og ubetinget stimulus (Pavloviansk eller klassisk betingning Signal til Amygdala Aktivering af det autonome nervesystem Organismen udrustes optimalt (flygte/kæmpe imod Visuel konstatering af farens omfang Storhjernen sender signal til Amygdala Langsom, gradvis aftagen af frygten

  12. Amygdala Kun særlige sanseindtryk fører til en sådan øjeblikkelig aktivering af amygdala. De urgamle angstsignaler er: -Farlige dyr-Højder-Små lukkede rum-Mødet med ukendte mennesker

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