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CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE AT YEREVAN STATE LINGUISTIC UNIVERSITY ANNUAL REPORT 2013. Chairman of the board Professor Gayane Gasparyan. ABOUT US. Learning the Chinese language is the key to opening doors to the Chinese culture, art, history and economy.
ABOUT US Learning the Chinese language is the key to opening doors to the Chinese culture, art, history and economy. Confucius Institute at YSLU is the place where you can get this key in Armenia. Due to advertisement and various types of cultural activities, which were broadcasted by mass media, information about our 5-year old CI was spread in Armenia and the number of students increased. Nowadays we have 11 groups of the Chinese language, 1 group of taijiquan and 1 group of qigong. In 2013 we had 3 language teachers, 1 taijiquan and 1 qigong teacher. Report 2013
Statistics about CI students Report 2013 year 2013 February 12 groups (2 wushu groups), 120 students March 12 groups, 120 students April 12groups, 120 students May 12 groups, 120 students June 11 groups (2 wushu groups), 53 students September 12 groups (2 wushu groups), 98 students October 12 language groups (2 wushu groups), 98 students November 12 language groups (2 wushu groups),96 students December 13 language groups (2 wushu groups), 110 students
Statistics about CI students 2013 Total number of groups: 13 - 2 CI language groups at Ayb experimental school - 1 CI language group at Gyumri school # 1 - 8 CI language groups - 1 qigong group - 1 taiji quan group
Statistics about the number of the students Throughout the 5 years of its functioning there has been a steady increase in the number of students. Year 2009 - 1st year of functioning - only 2 language groups. The total number of students was 15. 2010 – 70 students 2011- 150 students 2012 – 180 students Year 2013 – 5th year of functioning – 11 language groups, 2 wushu groups. The total number of students is 280. The average number of students for the 5 years is 139.
CI teachers CI teachers of the Chinese language and taiji quan. Report 2013
CI AT YSLU WORKING STAFF Report 2013 Director of CI–Grigoryan Naira (September 2009 till now) Director of CI on behalf of the Chinese side – Wang Liming (23.12.2012 – 17.10.2013) Assistant to CI director – Hakobyan Lilit (September 2011 till now) CI academic coordinator– Knyazyan Mary (September 2011- September 2013); Aghamalyan Rozita (September 2013 – till now)
CI AT YSLU WORKING PLAN Report 2013 Teachers of CI at YSLU present their teaching plans. We use textbook of Robert Sem Chen “New practical Chinese reader”, which consists of 6 parts, with CD’s. During classes additional teaching materials and an interactive blackboard are used to make the process of learning more efficient and productive.
CI SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMS • CI provides annual scholarship programs • In 2013 8 scholarships were provided: - 3 scholarships for Dalian University of Foreign Languages • 2 scholarships for Xiamen University • 1 scholarship for Shandong University • 1 scholarship for Shanxi University • 1 scholarship for Beijing Foreign Languages University Report 2013
TEXTBOOKS CI provides its students with all the necessary books, as well as audio and video materials. Report 2013
CI at YSLU cultural corner (library) Cultural lessons, traditional tea ceremonies and movie screenings are held in the corner. Report 2013
Contest of Chinese Compositions On February 8 CI organized a contest of compositions dedicated to the Chinese Spring Festival. This was also the first tour for the Chinese Bridge Contest in Armenia. 10 students of Confucius Institute, who presented their compositions, took part in the contest. The contest was accompanied by Chinese songs, poems, as well as magic trick.All the participants were awarded with valuable prizes by YSLU CI. 19 Report 2013
Report 2013 Wushu Festival On February 10 – 12, Confucius Institute at YSLU organized an Wushu Festival in Tsakhkadzor, dedicated to the Chinese Spring Festival. Confucius Institute staff and students, headed by CI specialist Mao Mingchun, performed beautiful extracts from Chinese wushu styles: taiji quan, qigong and chang quan. The event was attended by around 300 participants.
Chinese lantern festival On February 27, YSLU CI held the 4th Lantern festival . An exhibition of Chinese lanterns was organized. The program of the event was very rich. CI students recited a number of poems of famous Chinese poets, performed an extract from Chinese opera, sang Chinese songs, as well as a performance of Chinese wushu was staged. At the end of the event tens of Chinese lanterns were set off, on which wishes and dreams of the participants and guests were fixed. Hundreds of students attended this event at YSLU. Report 2013 21
Chinese Tea Ceremony On March 22 Chinese teachers of Confucius Institute at YSLU held a Chinese tea ceremony at “Chinese Cultural Experience Centre”. They prepared 6 sorts of Chinese tea, representing the technique of making each in detail. All the guests tasted Chinese green, black and wulong teas. Report 2013
Chinese as One of UN Official Langauges On April 26, “Chinese as One of UN Official Langauges” event took place at UN Armenian Office, which was organized by UN Armenian Office with the support of Confucius Institute at YSLU and Embassy of PRC to Armenia. Confucius Institute showed what Chinese calligraphy is, CI and CI classroom students at AYB school recited the Chinese version of famous Armenian poet Avetik Isahakyan’s poems, sang Chinese songs, etc. CI Chinese specialist Liu Hong performed a Taiji dance with fans, which greatly impressed the guests.The event was an excellent chance for guests to be more informed about the Chinese culture, language and China. More than 100 students and guests took part and watched the event. Report 2013
Chinese Culture Exhibition in Dilijan On May 3 and 4,Confucius Institute at YSLU held a Chinese culture exhibition for the population of Tavush region, particularly pupils and students, in the «For Knowledge» Development Centre. Chinese books, textbooks, interactive materials, Chinese traditional and wushu costumes, as well as Chinese calligraphy were displayed. The exhibition was held in 3 halls of the library. Professor Mao Mingchun demonstrateda master-class of taiji quan ,calligraphy and gifted quotations of great philosopher Confucius, written in different calligraphy styles. Around 8.000 people attended the event. Television of Dilijan and Mass Media were present at the exhibition. Report 2012
Chinese tea ceremony in the museum On May 18, in the frames of ‘’Night of Museums’’ CI at YSLU was invited to the house-museum of Avetik Isahakyan. The visitors were given an exceptional chance to observe Chinese tea traditional ceremony in the yard and to taste Chinese puer, oolong and jasmine teas. The event was accompanied by verses of Avetik Isahakyan in Chinese, which were recited by CI students. There were around 3000 visitors in the museum, who were fascinated by the Chinese art and poets. TV and other media were also present at the event. 25 Report 2013
Moon Festival at YSLU On September 20, 2013, YSLU CI celebrated Chinese Moon Festival. This day is also considered a harvest festival as fruits,vegetables and grain are collected before this day. Arevik Sargsyan, who previously studied in China, made a presentation about Moon Festival. She presented poems by famous Chinese poet Libo. CI teachers made presentations about the origin and the essence of the Festival and about the way Chinese people celebrate it as it is one of the most important holidays in PRC. After the presentations the participants and the guests ate Chinese moon cakes which are an integral part of Moon Festival. 26 Report 2013
Visit to RA Constitutional Court On September 21, CI staff, teachers and students visited RA Constitutional Court to take part in the official meeting between the Court and the Legal Commission of the newly formed government of PRC. At the meeting the parties presented their functions, and CI students asked questions. This was a great opportunity for our students. Report 2013
CI Celebrated Confucius’ Birthday On September 28, YSLU CI celebrated the birthday of Chinese great philosopher Confucius. First, CI director Mrs. Naira Grigoryan congratulated everybody on this event. Then CI teacher Peng Ying made a presentation about Confucius introducing some interesting facts about his name and activities. After the presentation CI students, teachers and staff put flowers at the Confucius bust. Hundreds of students attended the event. 28 Report 2013
CI participated in the celebration of the 64th anniversary of PRC
Confucius classroom opened in Gyumri On October 7, a YSLU Confucius classroom was opened in Gyumri school #2. The opening ceremony started with cutting the red tape at the door of the classroom previously equipped with objects representing the Chinese culture and equipment donated by CI. The red tape was cut by school principal Mr. Hovhannes Harutyunyan and CI director Mrs. Naira Grigoryan. CI language instructor Mr. Li Changyong held a small workshop emphasizing the importance of the Chinese language in the promotion of trade and external relations. Then wushu instructor Mr. Mao Mingchun showed skills in Chinese calligraphy and presented some of his works to the school and to the guests. Journalists from Shant TV, Kentron TV and representatives of other mass-media were present at the event. 31 Report 2013
Confucius classroom opened in Gyumri 32 Report 2013
Confucius Institute Celebrates its 5th Anniversary In the framework of its 5th anniversary YSLU CI, in cooperation with Dalian University of foreign languages, held a 3-day exhibition of Chinese Guohua paintings in H. Tumanyan’s house-museum. During the opening ceremony of the exhibition many officials delivered welcoming speeches, among them were YSLU rector Gayane Gasparyan, Tian Chanchun, Ambassador of China in Armenia, Sergey Manasaryan, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affaires of RA, Maria Dotsenko, Represenative of the UN in Armenia and many others. Report 2013
Confucius Institute Celebrated its 5th Anniversary Report 2013
«The Chinese Culture»forum at YSLU On October 16, ‘The Chinese Culture’ forum was held in the conference hall of YSLU. The forum was dedicated to the 5th anniversary of Confucius Institute. In the framework of the forum the following participants addressed their welcome speech: YSLU vice-rector Lusine Fljyan, UN resident representative in Armenia Maria Dotsenko, representative of Dalian university of foreign languages Yang Meihua and head of master’s degree program at YSLU Nina Tatkalo. The forum was comprised of 2 sessions entitled ‘Teaching Chinese in CIS’ and ‘Sinology in the context of cultural and political dimensions’. Among the particpants of the forum were YSLU CI director Naira Grigoryan, CI director at Russian state university for the humanities Taras Ivchenko, CI director at free university of Tbilisi Marina Jibladze, CI Chinese language specialist Li Changyong and YSLU Chinese language instructor Zhao Xin, the head of East Asia and Pacific Ocean countries division at RA MFA Mnatsakan Safaryan, assistant to the head of RA President Staff Gor Sargsyan, and others. The forum was a great opportunity for the experience exchange in the field of the Chinese culture and language among the representatives of Armenia, Georgia, Russia and China. Repot 2013
«The Chinese Culture» forum at YSLU Report 2013
Chinese language exam HSK On December 1,CI at YSLU held a Chinese proficiency exam, HSK. 10 students took the exam.
Lectures Report 2013
Lecture on Xinjiang Province On April 18,YSLU Chinese teacher Ma Jianjiang made a PPT presentation on Xinjiang Province. Uygur «Ethnic Minority» topic. She told about Uygur men and women clothes, hats, cuisine, nature, etc. The lecture fully informed the students about that Chinese province. 40 Report 2013
A series of lectures on Chinese calligraphy Inwinter, 2013, Ani Grigoryan conducted 5 lectures on famous Chinese calligraphy at Confucius Institute at YSLU. CI students got a unique opportunity to get acquainted with that kind of art and tried to write characters by themselves. CI at YSLU regularly organizes this kind of cognitive lectures, which pass more knowledge about China to CI students. 41 Report 2013
A series of lectures by a famous sinologist On October 3, sinologist prof. Aleksandr Storozhook from St. Petesburg state university delivered a lecture in YSLU conference hall. First, YSLU rector Gayane Gasparyan greeted the guest and declared the series of the lectures open .The lecture series was entitled ‘Life after death in the Chinese culture’ and took place on October 3-8, 2013, in Confucius Institute at YSLU. Such events are a great opportunity for the Armenian society to gain new knowledge about the Chinese culture.
Certificates and Letters of Appreciation Report 2013
YSLU CONTRIBUTION TO CI YSLU provides place, special workers (room cleaners, guards, others), internet, heating, electricity, IT specialists, cars, new Armenian governmental official computer system of paper signing and sending (Mulberry), etc. Report 2013
FINANCING Report 2013