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Engage and empower teens spiritually to navigate today's challenges. Join our youth service connecting faith and daily life.
LACCYouth Service Why?
Why Not? Teenage Christianity According to a poll by the Barna Group, teenagers rank as the most spiritually active demographic in America. They are hungry for truth during these formidable years.Teenagers are more likely than their parents to attend church, but less likely to pray or read their Bibles. One third of teens said their biggest reason for attending church is spending time with friends. When asked, only 45% of church-going teens said that making a spiritual connection with God at church was very important to them.A majority (3 to 1) of teenagers prefer churches with teachings relevant to their daily lives rather than those that teach the background of their faith.Who is truly ministering to the youth at our church? http://www.ministertoyouth.com
Why Not? The College Years 60% of twenty-somethings say that they were involved in church as a teenager but no longer are.Only 20% of kids maintain the same level of spiritual activity during their twenties that they did during their teenage years.It is most often not until they have kids that twenty-somethings return to church – driven by an interest in providing spiritual guidance to their children. (The Cycle)Most young adults’ spiritual activity occurs outside of a church body. People in their twenties are less likely to feel committed to a congregation.Despite these numbers, a whopping 78% of young adults claim to be Christians. http://www.ministertoyouth.com
It's important… • We don't need the latest surveys or statistics to show us that the world is different today than it was 5or 10 years ago. • Our Youth are growing up faster but are less equipped to deal with those life changes. • They're both saturated by, and vulnerable to, culture. • More and more of their parents are divorcing. • They live in a post-9/11 world that has chipped away at their sense of security. Youth Ministry/Service
Our Mission and Vision are very simple. Vision: is for all youth to have a firm relationship with Christ. Mission: is to do all we can to educate and nurture them on the path to a strong relationship with Christ. The Vision & Mission
The Goal • Determine a day during the week when we have the most participation and maximize the time spent with the youth. • This will include: Christian Education, Prayer & Devotions, Choir Practice, & Dance Practice if applicable. The Solution • Create a LACC Youth Church/Service that will take place during regular worship service located on the lower level of the Church. During this time the youth will be exposed to scripture, prayer, devotion, hot topics, practice, and other various activitiesis relatable to them and directly connected to Christ. • There is no time for fooling around…Real Church is happening. The Plan
Committee Members • Vernie Bolden - Will provide direction regarding scripture and youth service. • Rob Sparrow - Will provide direction regarding the music ministry and songs during this time. • Delania Lee - Will provide direction regarding the YPD ministry and dance during this time. • Harold Thomas - Will provide support to all areas and will assist in working with community partners and guest speakers to join the youth service. • Peggy Fleming – Will provide support by leading the Youth Ushers and supporting all activities that take place during this time. • Pastor Lee – All decisions made that will impact our youth are communicated and discussed with Pastor Lee. • Parents –All decisions made will be communicated to the parents. • Youth – All youth will organize and assist in the planning of each service. They are the leaders. The Plan
Youth will participate in the morning praise and worship. • Affirmation of Faith • Announcements After announcements: • All youth will report downstairs to continue their service designed especially for them. • Prayer/Praise Report/Prayer Request/Devotions • Offering • Youth Service • Practice • Other Activities • Communion *Youth will continue to participate on the Sundays they usher and minster through dance and miming. The PlanOrder of Service
Youth Service - Each Sunday 5th Sunday – Youth Service will take place as normal. 1st & 3rd Sunday – Junior Ushers will serve the congregation. The PlanFrequency
Straight from the youth’s mouth… • Sex • Drugs/Alcohol • Peer Pressure • How do you know the bible is true? • Music • Personal Appearance • Body Modifications • and others… *The above list were topics given by our youth. These are topics they struggle with and would like to know how scripture and bible stories help to support their struggle. The PlanTopics
The Future A year from now… Increase the number of youth participating in church activities. Increase the number of youth that accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior.Increase the number of youth in the community that are open about their relationship with Christ.Opportunities are endless!
The Future It will not be easy…We are willing to try and make a difference in the lives of LACC’s youth.
A few things to consider Always have your child’s best interest at heart. Ultimately, its your decision. This is an optional opportunity for the youth.This is not only about your child. There are so many youth that can be impacted by a youth program.We have an opportunity to save more than ever before. If your child is not talking to you about tough topics that impacts their walk, who are they talking to?What are the other options for giving the youth what they need and an outlet to express themselves in Christ?If not now, than When?
Questions Thank you…Youth Praise Committee