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South East European University Tetovo, 28.01.2011. Timetable of the activities foreseen for the III project year Elizabeta Bahtovska. 4.1.Establishing a NQF Agency. Starting date: M1-III End date: M5-III Description of the activity:
South East European UniversityTetovo, 28.01.2011 Timetable of the activities foreseen for the III project year Elizabeta Bahtovska
4.1.Establishing a NQF Agency Starting date:M1-III End date:M5-III Description of theactivity: • Establishing a national agency responsible for NQF to assure the quality of implementation ofthe NQF, to promote and apply the principles for quality assurance in education and training,consult policy decisions, contact with the faculties etc. The Agency will be located at MoES • Designing a Quality Evaluation Matrix (QEM) to control the criteria for accreditation and registrationof qualification in the NQF according to national standards, by the NQF agency The consortiummember/s or expertswho will carryout the activity: Management and administrative staff from MoES
4.2.Establishing Employability offices Starting date:M1-IIIEnd date :M5-III Description of theactivity: • Establishing national coordination points to support the process of implementing theNQF (tasks include guidance to stakeholders, graduates, employers, encouraging their participationin the process) • Training the administrative staff how to provide logistical support/advice for the studentsin relation to making progression routes easier and clearer/ improving learner and careermobility, obtaining an europass The consortiummember/s or expertswho will carryout the activity: 1 administrative staff from LiU, 1 administrative staff from GU 1 administrative staff from FO, 1 teacher and 1 administrative from UKLO
4.3. Preparing a set of europass documents • Starting date:M5-IIIEnd date:M6-III • Description of theactivity: • • A set of 5 europass documents should be prepared for a pilot group of 5 students. Studentswill be trained how to prepare 2 of them: Europass Curriculum Vitae and Languagepassport. • The consortiummember/s or expertswho will carryout the activity: • 1 administrative from UKLO, 1 administrative from UKIM • 1administrative from SEE, 1administrative from GDU • 1administrative from SUT
4.4. A pilot group of students on study visit to EU institutions Starting date:M9-III End date:M11-III. Description of theactivity: A group of 5 students will realise a short study stay of 3months at EU universities The partner/s orexperts who willcarry out the activity: 1 administrative from LU, 1 administrative from GU, 1 administrative from FO, administrative from UKLO, 1 administrative from UKIM, 1administrative from SEE, 1administrative from GDU 1administrative from SUT
5. Dissemination Designing and publishing of a web site about NQFas a main tool in promoting transparency Starting date: M7-III End date: M10-III Information package for NQF (posters, prospectus, brochures, leaflets) Starting date: M10-III End date: M12-III Dissemination Conference Starting date: M12-III End date: M12-III
6. Sustainability Activity title: Planning and commitment to maintain the project results. Starting date: M6-III End date : M12-III Related Assumptions and risks: R: Provide adequate funding for the NQF further development and sustainable process at both national and institutional level;