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2013 S.A.C Multisport Targeted Events.
2013 S.A.C Multisport Targeted Events The following presentation has been put together by the Triathlon section of SAC.The idea is to give a better insight and recommendations for fellow club members on some good quality multi sport events.If you do enter any of these events, can you please inform Jon Brook(jonathanbrook.home@gmail.com), and then he will update his internal participant SAC list. This will help for anyone who wants to car-share or train together for a specific event. (Plus it will help bond club members). Go on, enter a race or two, maybe you will surprise yourself and really enjoy it?
KEY Events (details on the following slides);24/03/2013 Goodwood Duathlon09/04/2013 5mile Cycling TT05/05/2013 Steyning Triathlon09/06/2013 Mid Sussex Tri30/06/2013 Christ's Hospital Triathlon21/07/2013 Vachery Triathlon24/08/2013 Club Sprint Relays SAC “Summer” Series only races;10/03/2013 Duathlon 2k run 12k bike 2k run (Moyra Amess)27/04/2013 Mini-tri Leisure Centre 400m swim, 12k bike, 3k run (Jon Brook)28/06/2013 Hillclimb/Pub Washington steady climb (Gary Brind)22/07/2013 Swim/Run Shoreham Beach (Graham Parsons)12/08/2013 Mini-tri Southwater Lake 500m swim, 12k/tba bike & 3k/tba run (Joan Lennon)28/09/2013 Mini-tri Club CHAMPIONSHIPS !! = Steyning 400m swim, 20k bike 5k run (Sue Ford Dunn) Marked in brackets is who will run the event
Event; Goodwood Duathlon - just checked and it is sold out, so well done to those that entered earlier as per the previous noticed :o)Date; 24th March 2013Distance; 4km run / 24km bike / 4km run or 4km run / 40km bike / 8km runCost; £19 (BTF) £23 (non BTF)Description; Where else can you race on the same circuit as Sterling Moss and many other famous race drivers? Both run & bike sections are carried out on the Famous Goodwood Motor Racetrack (closed circuit), therefore no cars! As the course is very flat PB’s can be achieved and it is safe.NOTE; This event is limited to 160 racers, therefore early entry is requiredWeblink; www.portsmouthtriathletes.co.uk/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=26&Itemid=28
Event; Time Trial – 5mile, SteyningDate; 9th April 2013 at 6:30pmDistance; 5 mile bikeCost; £3.50Description; A local weekly event held by Brighton Excelsior Cycling club. You don’t need the latest cycling equipment, just turn up at the car park near the Steyning Health Center off Tanyard Lane 45min -1hr beforehand and register, get your number and ride on the Horsham Road off the A283 heading towards Partridge Green as fast as you can for 5 miles. Roads are safer than the A283, its good practice for your bike related events later on in the year. Remember its about YOU vs the clock…http://www.brightonexcelsior.co.uk/index.php/club-tt-events
Event; Steyning TriathlonDate; 5th May 2013Distance; Sprint = 400m swim / 20km bike / 5km run Standard = 800m swim / 36km bike / 8km runCost; Sprint £40 (BTF) £44 (non BTF) Standard £44 (BTF) £48 (non BTFDescription; Our local Tri event! The swim will be at the leisure centre, the rolling bike course will be on the A283 and A24, which is regularly used for local & national time trials then finally the run is down to Bramber round about and back (but the Standard distance also heads to Wiston House before). OR why not do a team relay race ???Weblink; http://www.rawenergypursuits.co.uk/events/triathlon-duathlon-aquathlon/bloc-steyning-triathlon/
Event; Chichester TriathlonDate; 19th May 2013Distance; Standard = 1500m lake swim / 45km bike / 10km run £36 (BTF) £39 (non BTF) Sprint = 750m lake swim / 23k bike / 5k run (£25 BTF or £28 non BTF) Tri it = 250m lake swim / 9k bike / 2.5k run (£15)Description; Westhampnet lake is the base for our first series of complete triathlons for 2013. The flat waters of one of Chichester's largest lakes should produce some swim PB's. The South downs national park will give competitors a small taster of some of the most exciting biking in the home counties. The flatish rural trails/paths/roads that make up the run should give potential for another PB split. Weblink; http://triitsports.co.uk/event/chichester-standard-triathlon-may/
Event; Mid Sussex Triathlon, Burgess HillDate; 9th June 2013Distance; Standard = 400m swim / 25.5km bike / 5km run or Aqua Bike (for those that don’t like a run) = 400m swim / 25.K bike Cost; £33 (BTF) £36 (Relay) Description; A nice local event, which is VERY well run and it has an easy going friendly atmosphere. Run is flat and the bike a few rolling hills but nothing to worry about.Weblink; http://www.midsussextriclub.com/the-mid-sussex-triathlon.aspx
Event; Christs Hospital Triathlon, SouthwaterDate; 30th June 2013Distance; Sprint = 500m pool swim / 27k bike / 5k run £25 (BTF) £28 (non BTF) Super Sprnt= 300m swim / 18k bike / 3k run £20 (BTF) £23 (Non BTF) Tri It = 100m swim / 9k bike / 1.5k run (£15) Description; Another local event which was new in 2012. We loved it as the in particular the run was amazing in the grounds of Christs Hospital – very “Harry Potter ish”.Weblink; http://triitsports.co.uk/event/christs-hospital-splash-and-dash/
Event; Vachery Triathlon, Date; 21st July 2013Distance; Standard = 1500m swim / 40k bike / 10k run £75 Middle = 1900m swim / 80k bike / 21k run £145 Description; Race like a Pro on traffic free, closed roads in the Surrey Hills. Standard and middle distance races. Plus fun activities for all the family, great camping and a festival experience with music, food and more.Weblink; http://www.vacherytriathlon.co.uk/
Event; Club Relay Sprint Triathlon, NottinghamDate; 24/25th August 2013Distance; Relay Sprint = 4 x500m lake swim / 15k bike / 5k run £160/ team (£40ea) Description; A huge successful event by the club in 2012 (i.e enjoyment by all). We plan to go back in 2013!!! It is a team event of 4 people where each person does all disciplines. Everyone camps on Saturday, has a few drinks etc, then race on Sunday.Weblink; http://www.onestepbeyond.org.uk/national-club-relay-champs.php
A few members have expressed a level of “interest” to do a full Ironman distance (2.4mile swim, 112mile bike and 26.2 mile run) in 2014. The event location has not been decided yet, other than it will be a flat fast one and it will be in Europe. You have 17 hrs to complete it in, so easy right ???? :o/ So far the names are; Sue Ford Dunn Joan Lennon Mark Tyler Simon Turk Gary Brind If you have seen Ironman on TV, there are people aged 80 or have missing limbs, so no excuses for you budding Please contact Gary Brind gb@owolff.com should you be interested as it would be good to have a big crew training together / motivating each other ? (need some training hence why we are aiming at 2014 and not 2013…)