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Research and Ethics: Who needs REB approval?. St. Lawrence College Faculty performing applied research projects or teaching through research assignments or other researchers using college resources and involving human subjects. St. Lawrence College
St. Lawrence College Faculty performing applied research projects or teaching through research assignments or other researchers using college resources and involving human subjects.
St. Lawrence College sees applied research enriching college programs while it strengthens the performance of regional industries.
College researchactivities… • support the college’s mission and strategic plan • build upon college strengths • respond to industry needs • professionally develop faculty, staff and students
Research projects pursue… • ideal pedagogy • curriculum innovation projects • program delivery pilot projects • student success • technology • commercialization (products) • commercialization (processes)
1. Idea 6. Commercialization 2. Proposal Innovation 5. Mold project Into viable solution to a problem 3. Funding 4. REB Approval * Components of a Research Project * REB approval only applies to research involving humans.
The REB; • develops policies regarding ethical issues relating to the use of human participants in research and teaching projects • reviews for ethical approval all projects requiring the use of human participants
reviews annually all policies regarding ethical issues relating to the use of human participants in research projects to ensure that policies remain current; • deals with matters concerning with human-based research referred by the Vice-President Academic of SLC;
participates in continuing education organized by SLC research administrators for the College community in matters relating to research ethics and the use of human participants in research.
St. Lawrence College (SLC) endorses the principles set out in the Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans 1998 (with 2000, 2002 updates) http://www.pre.ethics.gc.ca/english/policystatement/policystatement.cfm Jackie S. Pierre esear Services Officer , Academic and Research Services Extension Email: jstpierre@sl.on.ca
Any project (research or other studies) involving human subjects carried out by a person connected with the college must be reviewed and approved by the SLC REB before work is started.
Clinical projects are those involving: surgery, the administration of drugs, medical imaging or other diagnostic techniques, biopsies, the taking of blood or other specimens, the review of medical records, where the risks to the subject could include physical harm, confidentiality must be reviewed and approved.
Behavioural research includes: questionnaires, interviews, observations, testing, video and audio taping, (and other activities) need review and approval before work is started.
Getting started • review the SLC REB Application; • develop a protocol or research plan; • review the Tri-Council Policy Section 1.A :Research Ethics for Human Subjects; • and, meet with your Dean, Assoc. Dean to review and approve your protocol.
Research and Planning can assist you with: • guidelines for writing a consent form (and samples!) • guidelines for developing telephone surveys • guidelines for developing questionnaires • and, information on the expedited review process and the SLC Research Integrity Policy
Filing your REB Application • The REB meets regularly. • The deadline for an application submission to appear on the REB Agenda is seven days, prior to the meeting date. • Email the Secretary to the REB at xxx@sl.on.ca or the • Chair at jsouka-marleau@sl.on.ca for meeting dates.
Research and Planning can help you … • research and assist in preparing external grant applications; • secure partners for collaboration; • provide project management services; • and, assist you through Research Ethics Board (REB) process. Let’s explore your research interests! Cam McEachern, Director, Research and Planning X 1586 cmceachern@sl.on.ca XXX, Applied Research Services Officer X 1621 XXX@sl.on.ca
Your Applied Research can…
enhance academic programs and the professional development of college personnel; • support community and economic development in Eastern Ontario through applied research projects which offer solutions to problems and improvements to technologies or processes; • and, support economic development in Eastern Ontario through the graduation and supply to the labour market of highly qualified personnel.
Cam McEachern Director of Research and Planning X 1586 Jody Souka-Marleau Chair SLC Research Ethics Board x 2119