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TP-Link Router Support Phone Number

TP-Link router user must definitely install the TP-Link router Support software as it keeps the router virus free. If the user is unable to install the TP-Link Router software, he can directly contact on our TP-Link Router install support phone number which is available 24*7 round the clock.

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TP-Link Router Support Phone Number

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Presentation Transcript

  1. TP-LINK ROUTER SUPPORT +1-877-999-7292 Toll Free Number

  2. TP-Link Router Support Number • +1-877-999-7292 • Toll Free Number

  3. We are providing you some key points to set up the TP-Link Router Helpline Number • Connect one end of the Ethernet cable into the Ethernet jack of your modem. Plug in the other end into the Ethernet jack labeled Internet on the back of the TP-Link router Support. • Switch the computer, router or modem, off and on again. Wait for them all to finish booting up. • Connect the two-pronged AC adapter for the Linksys router into a wall outlet. • Connect the other end into the power jack on the back of the router • Wait for the light in front of the router to blink and also the WLAN light is flashing.

  4. For more contact us at our TP-Linksys Router Helpline Number +1-877-999-7292 (Toll Free Number)

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