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Quixtec is a data-driven SEO company based in Seattle, Washington. Our SEO strategy is designed to strengthen your website's organic rankings and get you to the top of the results for the search terms that matter most.<br>
WELCOME TO QUIXTEC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS Delivering creative, cost-saving software solutions to perfectly fit any size business In-House Marketing – Online Smart forms – Business Process Simplification and more.
ABOUTQUIXTEC We’re huge believers in listening intently to your ideas, clarifying your vision and delivering products that will pay dividends for decades to come.
OuRPhiLOSOPhy Our philosophy is simple: treat others the we want to be treated. way When it comes to the work environment, what is more rewarding than feeling good about a job well done that brings satisfaction from you, our customers much trust with us over the years? and smiles have placed so who The team at QuixTec understands that your project is critical to your business operations and is also a big investment. That’s why we want it to pay dividends far into the future and be one of your best business decisions. It all begins with selecting the right team: put every effort into reality and who have a history of past successes. technical experts who bringing your vision to
OnShoRe,OffShoRe,FuLL-time,PaRt-time Welovecomingtowork. If youhire us, great! We’dlovetoworkwith you onyour nextproject.AtQuixTecyou getthe perfectblendof team members for your project. Nomore, noless. Wekeepit simple:describe your visiontous and we’lloutlinethe project,costanddelivery schedule. Uponprojectkickoffyou’llhavea invigoratingteamof engineers, analysts andPM’s whocan accomplish amazing things nomatter whereintheworldthey arelocated.
DoItYouRSeLf AtQuixTec,we’rebigintohelpingyouhelp yourself.Today,saavybusinessesnotonly want tohaveexpertsdeliverabusiness solution,but alsowanttolearnhowto support it in-house. We love transfering our knowledgeandbuilding amoretechnical relationship withyouatlevels youare comfortablewith. We’lleventrainoneofyourownexperts duringprojectdeliveryandoffloadsomeof thedevelopmentto them(including allthe guidancetheywantorneed). Youbecomeself-sufficient, savemoneyandcanresteasyknowingthat QuixTecis justa phonecall awayforyournextbigvision.
Microsoft365 MigratetoMicrosoft365Today. Is ittimetomovefromlegacysystemstothecloud?MigratetoOffice365,nowcalled Microsoft 365, today. Our engineers will safely migrate you from other platforms like Webex and Skype for Business to Microsoft 365. Take a look at the enterprise migrationslistedbelow.Thesearejustafewoftheareaswherewecanhelpyou. Callnowandlet’sbeginour strategysessions. (425)367-9025 Microsoft &CiscoWebexIntegrationforTeams Email toMicrosoft365Cutover Migration Slack toTeams Migration Skype forBusinesstoTeams Migration Migrate MultipleEmail Accounts toMicrosoft 365 Microsoft365Licensing Discounts
ProductsandSoLutions Don’t seewhatyouneed?Call us.Welistedonlythemost popularMicrosoftproductsbelow.
Don’tseewhatyouneed? CONTACTUS (425) 367-9025
Name: QUIXTEC Address: Seattle, Washington, USA Email: contactus@quixtec.com Phone: (425) 367-9025 Website: https://www.quixtec.com/