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How to Promote your Multicultural Group Simple and Free Tools

How to Promote your Multicultural Group Simple and Free Tools. Agenda. Part 1: Self Promotion Facebook Twitter Free websites/blogs Part 2: Promotion Through Community Resources How to do a Media Release Community Calendars Other Tools. Part 1: Self Promotion. Facebook.

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How to Promote your Multicultural Group Simple and Free Tools

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How to Promote your Multicultural Group Simple and Free Tools

  2. Agenda Part 1: Self Promotion Facebook Twitter Free websites/blogs Part 2: Promotion Through Community Resources How to do a Media Release Community Calendars Other Tools
  3. Part 1: Self Promotion
  4. Facebook

  5. Create a Facebook account facebook.com homepage Enter personal information Fill out profile information and add a picture Go to your e-mail to complete process *Remember this is your PERSONAL account, NOT your business/group page
  6. How to create a business or group page Login into your personal FB account Pages  Create a page Choose classification and enter basic info Description, contact info, location, meetings *Remember this is group information Tutorial
  7. Likes Like your own page Shows how popular your page is Is feedback for your group Liking posts builds a relationshipand shows the user you are interested
  8. Tagging Used: Method of interacting with other users To give credit to a user Maintain connection @___ creates a link to that user’s profile AND will show up on their newsfeed
  9. Tagging a Picture Click on face or object Type user or group name and select from list
  10. Facebook Tips Add photos, posts and finish filling out profile before inviting friends Keep your page active and updated Active vs. inactive FB page
  11. Facebook Tips Like your own page Like other group pages with related interests Focus on building local connections, as those connections will be the most useful 1 event= (minimum) 1 post/1 photo 1 group meeting= (minimum)1 post
  12. Twitter

  13. How to create a Twitter account Sign-up on twitter.com homepage Choose username (short and relevant) @NCC_Ptbo Choose people to follow Fill out profile (Building a brand) Tutorial
  14. What is a Tweet? Tweet: 140-character message Example: Get your #NCCgalatix by Tuesday bit.ly/Yj684t One Night in Mexico here we come! @LaHaciendaPTB Retweet: Re-sharing someone else’s tweet Example: RT@ArtSchoolofPtbo Art-a-thon tomorrow bit.ly/1lGgv1F#keepitlocal#lovelocalptbo
  15. Twitter Symbols: @ (at symbol) @___ = username A way to reference/mention another user in a tweet Example: Thank you @NCC_Ptbofor the fun trip @peterboroughlib
  16. Twitter Symbols: @ (at symbol) @NCC_Ptbolooking forward to seeing you at the presentation Tuesday Tuesday May 1 @NCC_Ptbowill be giving a presentation at our monthly meeting . @NCC_Ptbowill be giving a presentation at our monthly meeting Tuesday
  17. Twitter Symbols: # (hashtag) Used to find conversations on a certain topic Example: #immigration #keepitlocal#christmas Used for other users to follow the topics you regularly post in your tweets Example: #DiversityAdvantage
  18. Your Feed All of the tweets on your homepage Include: Your tweets Tweets that you are mentioned in Tweets from the people that you follow
  19. Twitter Tips Keep active even if you do not have upcoming events Retweet tweets related to your cause or tweet relevant news to keep followers interested Example: CAR #refugees needs are growing and @UN is seeking ₤163m in aid to support http://ow.ly/vTgkc Follow users with related causes, supporters and users your group interacts with
  20. Don’t know what to tweet? Let’s try together:
  21. Free Blogs www.tumblr.com Beginner, visual, fewer options www.blogger.com Intermediate – Need Google/Gmail account www.wordpress.com Advanced – Many options and more control
  22. Free Websites http://www.webs.com/ http://www.wix.com/ http://www.weebly.com/start/ www.jimdo.com
  23. Part 2: Promotion through Community Resources

  24. How to do a Media Release

  25. Tips for writing your media release Catchy headline that describes what is exciting about your story Write in the third person First paragraph that contains the who, what, where, why, when and how Subsequent paragraphs Upbeat Short Catchy The human factor - Quotes
  26. Tips for writing your media release Subsequent paragraphs (continued) Vital details Statistics Sponsors Goals Don’t be too promotional (e.g., “Buy Tickets Now!”) Your group’s contact information End with -30- (end of story)
  27. Community Calendars

  28. Community Calendars
  29. Other Tools

  30. Other Tools Public Library bulletin board Trent University bulletin boards across campus Bulletins at related restaurants or stores Postering downtown NCC Newsletter Radio stations TV news The Arthur (Trent University newspaper) Word of mouth Zoo Bulletin Other non-profit organizations
  31. Thank you Now make use of all of your tools! Questions?
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