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WELCOME to Chemistry! Follow the directions below. Find your assigned seat and sit down. Take out your summer Science homework and place it in the upper , left-hand corner of your table. Copy down tonight’s homework (look @ the whiteboard to your right) into your agenda.
WELCOME to Chemistry! Follow the directions below. Find your assigned seat and sit down. Take out your summer Science homework and place it in the upper, left-hand corner of your table. Copy down tonight’s homework (look @ the whiteboard to your right) into your agenda. Begin and complete the Do Now. While you complete your Do Now, I will be checking your uniform and your summer homework.
SMART and Volume • S = • M= • A= • R= • T= • Voice Level 0 • Voice Level 1 • Voice Level 2 • Voice Level 3
Notes: Chemistry Class Procedures 10th Grade Chemistry MR. REIMER, Ms. Townsend, & Ms. Zander
Start of Class • When you enter this classroom, your volume should be at a level 1. Once the bell rings, you are at a level 0 and should stay there until your teacher tells you otherwise. • Pick up the day’s handouts and that day’s homework from the computer cart at the door. • That day’s homework should be put away immediately. If your teacher sees the homework out during class, you will receive a 0 on the assignment, a LaSalle, AND 1 demerit for being off task.
Start of Class • Sit in your assigned seat, take outthe previous night’s homework and pass to the left, write your HW assignment in your agenda, and begin your Do Now. • If your bottom is not in your seatwhen the bell rings, you will be marked tardy.
Do Now • Put forth your best effort on your Do Now. It may be collected and/or graded. • You may not work with a partner, but you are welcome to use any notes or handouts from class.
Handing in Homework • Your teacher will checkyour homework during the Do Now. • Homework that is late, missing, or <100% complete will earn a LaSalle. You may make up the assignment in LaSalle that day and turn it in to my mailbox after LaSalle for 50% credit. • The HW assignment must be in my mailbox by 7 am the next morning or it will not be accepted.
Coming to Attention & Hand Raising • I will ding the bell 3 times. • If you are still talking after the third “ding”, you will automatically receive 1D (NO warning). • You are always expected to raise your hand and wait to be called on before speaking. • If you choose to call out, you will receive 1 warning and then 1 demerit.
Passing papers: • Pass papers quicklyand calmly. Pass them to your left only. Put your paper at the bottom of the stack and make sure all of the papers in your pile are facing the same direction.
During Class Procedures • Remain in your seat at all times. • Do not get up to sharpen a pencil—there is no pencil sharpener. • Raise your hand and cover your nose to indicate that you need a tissue. • Throw your tissues/papers in the trash as you leave class. • Take all personal items with you when you leave class. Do not leave ANYTHINGin the lab drawers. • 2D if I find it to everyone nearby! NO exceptions.
Consequences • Classroom consequences: warning demerit escort. NO exceptions. • If you are removed from the classroom due to a disciplinary infraction, you will also receive a LaSalle to make up the work you missed in class.
Personal Needs • If you need to use the bathroom during class, raise your hand and cross your fingers. • Do not request a bathroom escort during instructional time except unless it is an emergency; wait for independent work time. • If you go to the restroom in my class, you will receive 1D.
Greeters • It is your responsibility to check the greeter board daily.
How should my binder be organized? • EVERY handout from Chemistry will have a category and a number • Example: CW15 • ALL of your Chemistry handouts should be in numerical order. • Highest number should be the 1stthing you see when you open your binder. • Syllabus should be the last thing you see.
Dismissal • Your teacher dismisses you, not the bell. • You will receive demerits for being off-task if you pack up early. • Clean up after yourself: take ALL of your belongings. • Push in your stool. • Check those drawers!
Make-up work • Classwork & Homework: • Check the WIKI. • You are responsible for picking up CW and/or HW from the appropriate bin at the door when you are absent. • If you would like to talk with me about make-up work, see me after school. • Tests &Quizzes • Speak to your teacher after school about making up tests & quizzes if you are going to be absent. • Best way to reach us is by E-MAIL
Classroom Rules • Pause and think. • Respect your surroundings. • Respect your peers. • Respect your own ideas. • Be proactive. • Be curious.
Group Discussion • Raise your hand • Respond Respectfully • Track the speaker • What have you heard about chemistry from students who have taken chemistry? • What sorts of things do you thing we will study? • What is chemistry?