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Taking Control of Premature Ejaculation for Better Sexual Pleasure Presentation

Dr. Arora's clinic offers effective solutions for premature ejaculation, ensuring enhanced sexual pleasure. Take control of your intimacy with their expert guidance. Experience the joy of longer-lasting experiences. Visit Dr. Arora's clinic today!

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Taking Control of Premature Ejaculation for Better Sexual Pleasure Presentation

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  1. Taking Control of Premature Ejaculation for Better Sexual Pleasure wwww.draroras.com

  2. Premature ejaculation is earlier ejaculation than you would like during a sexual encounter. It can be an issue that could give rise to a lot many difficulties and needs timely intervention. Premature ejaculation treatment is a reality, and you should seek help to get your life back on track. wwww.draroras.com

  3. Premature Ejaculation - What does that imply? Premature ejaculation is known to affect almost 30-40% of men worldwide, which proves its common occurrence. Most men are embarrassed by the condition and start avoiding sexual intimacy with their partners. It makes them feel they have lost control, and they look down upon themselves. The feeling of powerlessness takes a toll on their mental health. Most studies consider the normal window of ejaculation to be around 2-7 minutes. According to this, even if you can hold ejaculation for up to 2 minutes, you are not suffering from premature ejaculation. The minimum time that you should be able to hold is about 1 minute, and under 1 minute can be labeled as premature ejaculation. However, you should stop counting minutes and pay attention to the quality instead. wwww.draroras.com

  4. Premature Ejaculation Treatment The premature ejaculation treatment strategy would depend on the type and cause of the sexual dysfunction. The dysfunction could be either life long or acquired. The lifelong one is present from day one of the beginnings of the sexual activity. wwww.draroras.com

  5. The treatment strategies implemented for premature ejaculation treatment include: Medicines - A doctor will alter the dose or composition of certain medications if they are responsible for the loss of control over ejaculation. Topical Treatment - There are numbing gels and sprays available that can reduce the sensitivity of your penis, which will help in delaying the time for ejaculation. Exercise - In case you have weak pelvic musculature, Kegel's exercise can effectively change it for good. wwww.draroras.com

  6. Masturbation - Going solo before you jump into bed with your partner will put you in a refractory period. Behavior modification techniques - These techniques are quite effective in gaining control over ejaculation time. They include: Start-stop technique - During this technique, you stimulate yourself with or without a partner and stop just before the time of ejaculation. Squeeze technique - It is similar to start-stop techniques, except here you squeeze the penis at the time you feel you are about to ejaculate. Psychological aid - In case premature ejaculation is due to a psychological reason, the therapy can help you address the concern. wwww.draroras.com

  7. Bottom Line Back to Agenda Premature ejaculation treatment can help you lead a better sex life which can further elevate the happiness quotient and make you a more content person. Talk to a sexologist online today to find out the right treatment plan for you. wwww.draroras.com

  8. Connect with us. Email support@draroras.com Website www.draroras.com Call us +91 9781078210

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