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Welcome to DEEPER LIFE BIBLE CHURCH SUNDAY SERVICE Year of Full Restoration 12 NOVEMBER , 2017. HYMN. HAVE YOU COUNTED THE COST? (GHS 205). HAVE YOU COUNTED THE COST ? ( GHS 205). 1. There’s a line that is drawn by rejecting our Lord, Where the call of His Spirit is lost, …
HAVE YOU COUNTED THE COST? (GHS 205) 1. There’s a line that is drawn by rejecting our Lord, Where the call of His Spirit is lost, … And you hurry along with the pleasure-mad throng Have you counted, have you counted the cost? Have you counted the cost, if your soul should be lost. Tho’ you gained the whole world for your own? . . . Even now it may be that the line you have crossed, Have you counted, have you counted the cost?
HAVE YOU COUNTED THE COST? (GHS 205) 2. You may barter your hope of eternity’s morn, For a moment of joy at the most, … For the glitter of sin and the things it will win – Have you counted, have you counted the cost? Have you counted the cost, if your soul should be lost. Tho’ you gained the whole world for your own? . . . Even now it may be that the line you have crossed, Have you counted, have you counted the cost?
HAVE YOU COUNTED THE COST? (GHS 205) 3. While the door of His mercy is open to you, Ere the depth of His love you exhaust, … Won’t you come and be healed, won’t you whisper, I yield I have counted, I have counted, the cost. END OF HYMN Have you counted the cost, if your soul should be lost. Tho’ you gained the whole world for your own? . . . Even now it may be that the line you have crossed, Have you counted, have you counted the cost?
LESSON 668: CONFLICT BETWEEN ISRAEL AND BENJAMIN • MEMORY VERSE: “And the men of Israel went out to battle against Benjamin; and the men of Israel put themselves in array to fight against them at Gibeah’’ (Judges 20:20) • TEXT: Judges 20:18-48
SUMMARY (1) Our previous study focused on Israel’s demand of justice from Gibeah: • In matters of differences, believers must listen to all parties involved. • We must be prompt and orderly in the administration of justice. • We must not defend sin or sinners; rather expose them. • Whenever rebuked or challenged over wrong deed, we should humble ourselves and repent to avoid destruction. The study of today touches on three points: • Danger of presumption and over confidence in battle. • Divine favour through genuine repentance and humility. • Defeat of Benjamin and vindication of Israel’s cause.
SUMMARY (2) • Danger of presumption and over confidence in battle (Judges 20:18-25): • Rather than wait on God, the Israelites were presumptuous and overconfident. • It is only when we put God first in all things that we can experience His faithfulness. • Running our lives, family, church or ministry on God’s permissive will not profit us. • Divine favour through genuine repentance and humility (Judges 20:26-28): • Genuine repentance of Israel attracted divine favour. • We must not wait until we experience some tragedies in life before turning to God. • Defeat of Benjamin and vindication of Israel’s cause (Judges 20:29-48): • Past failures must not hinder believers from making fresh attempts. • Believers must learn from their mistakes and re-position themselves for progress. • Sudden destruction awaits those who appear to prosper while living wicked lives.
QUESTION 1 From the account in our text, why is it important for believers to avoid beating the drum of war whenever there is conflict? • Judges 20:8-10 • Judges 20:20,21 • Judges 20:24,25
QUESTION 2 Why were the Israelites confident of victory over the children of Benjamin? • Judges 20:15-17 • Psalm 19:13 • Psalm 33:16
QUESTION 3 What can we learn from the defeat of Israel despite the fact that they had a just cause? • Proverbs 3:5,6 • Psalm 68:27 • Psalm 33:16
QUESTION 4 How did Israel prove that they were truly repentant and ready to depend on God in their campaign against Benjamin? • Judges 20:26-28 • James 4:8-10 • Isaiah 55:6,7
QUESTION 5 What can we learn from the eventual defeat of Benjamin by Israel? • Proverbs 11:21 • Ecclesiastes 8:11-13 • Proverbs 16:5
QUESTION 6 Point out some sundry lessons you learn from this study • Job 20: 5 • Psalm 37:35-37
CONCLUSION • Sin attracts God’s judgement. • War is no alternative to resolving conflicts in a peaceful manner. • We must avoid presumption and overconfidence in our walk with God. • We should avoid running our lives, family, church or ministry on God’s permissive will. • God is ever merciful and faithful to forgive the repentant people. • We must learn to develop and use appropriate strategies in carrying out God’s assignment.
JUST OBEY (GHS 47) Just as God who reigns on high, Spake to men in days gone by; So the Lord is calling men today; And, my brother, this is true, Whatso’er He says to you, There is but one thing to do – Just obey. 1.
Just obey . . . , Just obey . . . , Is the way . . . , God’s way . . . , When His message comes to you, There is but one thing to do: Just obey . . . , Just obey .
JUST OBEY (GHS 47) If you’re in the Saviour’s hands, You must do as He commands, For there is no other gospel way; Never put the message by, Never stop to reason “why”, When the Saviour speaks to you – Just obey. 2.
Just obey . . . , Just obey . . . , Is the way . . . , God’s way . . . , When His message comes to you, There is but one thing to do: Just obey . . . , Just obey .
JUST OBEY (GHS 47) If for mansions fair you sigh, In that land beyond the sky, After time with you has passed away; Tho’ the way no may not see, Christ is calling, “follow me,” Faith and duty both will cry – Just obey. 3.
Just obey . . . , Just obey . . . , Is the way . . . , God’s way . . . , When His message comes to you, There is but one thing to do: Just obey . . . , Just obey . END OF HYMN
DEEPER LIFE: A CHURCH ON THE MOVE… We are a family, God’s family. We come together to connect with God and with one another. We have a common Father: God; a common Saviour: Jesus; a common Comforter: The Holy Spirit, and a common destination: Heaven.
DEEPER LIFE: A CHURCH ON THE MOVE… We want you to be part of us – a growing and glowing family. Join us and you will soon discover what makes our identity unique. Come and feast with us around God’s pure Word: we read it, study it, believe it and apply it. For your time and eternal profit, this is a place to be!
“Come thou with us and we will do thee good: for the Lord hath spoken good concerning [us]”–Numbers 10:29
MEETINGS / SERVICES • Worship Service: Sunday @ 10:00-12:30 • Bible Study: Tuesday @ 19:00-20:30 • Revival Service: Friday @ 19:30-21:00 • Night Vigil: Last Friday monthly @ 19:30-23:30 • Counselling: On request