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Becoming a Great High School: 6 Strategies and an attitude that make a difference

Becoming a Great High School: 6 Strategies and an attitude that make a difference. Presented by Tim Westerfield. The Plan?. Integrate research-based strategies into a UNIFIED program that gives the School’s improvement plan coherence. Promote a “We Expect Success” Attitude.

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Becoming a Great High School: 6 Strategies and an attitude that make a difference

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Becoming a Great High School: 6 Strategies and an attitude that make a difference Presented by Tim Westerfield

  2. The Plan? • Integrate research-based strategies into a UNIFIED program that gives the School’s improvement plan coherence.

  3. Promote a “We Expect Success” Attitude • Communicate clear goals • Effective instruction • Frequent assessment • Progress monitoring • Immediate intervention • Celebrate success

  4. 3 Critical Messages to all students • What we’re doing here is important • You CAN do it • I will NOT give up on you—even if you give up on yourself

  5. Value Effort-based Learning Effort-based Learning People are born smart • We work hard to gain success

  6. Effort-based Learning • Say it • What messages are we sending students? • Model it • How are we prepared? • How do we use our time? • Organize for it • Tracking • Grading policies • Homework policies • Protect it • How do we handle interruptions? • Reward it • What awards or recognitions are we using?

  7. Be a nagger AND a nurturer

  8. To be a great school… • Every adult, policy, practice, and procedure must communicate a “we expect success” attitude • Every student must be encouraged to “go for the gold” • Do our intensive classes reflect the make-up of the student body? Do we “fix” the kids? • Is EVERY student in our school pursuing a course of study that will prepare him/her for life in the 21st Century?

  9. Factors that influence achievement • Guaranteed and viable curriculum • Coherent expectations • “I speak here of the well researched finding that variations in student achievement are greater across classrooms within a school than across schools.” Michael Fullan. Turnaround Leadership. Jossey-Bass, 2006,p. 55.

  10. Factors that influence achievement • Guaranteed and viable curriculum • Coherent expectations • Coherent curriculum (Vertical Articulation) • Clear instructional goals • Unpack the state standard • Do not mistake instructional goals for activities

  11. 4 Simple Questions • What are you trying to accomplish? • How are your kids doing? • How do you know? • What are you doing about it (for those who aren't succeeding)?

  12. “We have a choice. We can simply defend what we have…or create what we need.” --Gary Marx

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