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Body Shaping & Figure Correction Treatment

Body Shaping or focusing on a particular concern area, that may be called as figure correction, basically one and same. The ideal candidate, for body shaping are those who are close to their ideal body weight and concern being only target for fat reduction of one or few selective areas of the body. Source URL - http://blogs.rediff.com/shahp6613/2020/08/17/body-shaping-figure-correction-treatment/

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Body Shaping & Figure Correction Treatment

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  1. Body Shaping & Figure Correction Treatment Body Shaping or focusing on a particular concern area, that may be called as figure correction, basically one and same. There are both invasive and non-invasive treatments available in the market, promising results to reduce or remove stubborn pockets of fats, contouring and reshaping different areas of the body. In the category of invasive procedure, Liposuction and Bariatric surgeries are found to be very common. In the non-invasive category, fat reduction treatments are based on one of the four technologies stated below. 1.Cryolipolysis, or controlled cooling, uses freezing temperatures to target and destroy fat cells, which eliminates using natural processes. 2.Laser lipolysis, uses controlled heating and laser energy to target fat cells. 3.Radio frequency lipolysis uses controlled heating, ultrasound technology to target fat cells and high-intensity focused electromagnetic energy. 4.Injection lipolysis uses injectable deoxycholic acid to target fat cells. Non-invasive procedure of body shaping aren’t intended to be a substitute for weight loss. It emphasis only in the reduction of unwanted fat, which are found to be resistant to diet and exercise. The ideal candidate, for body shaping are those who are close to their ideal body Page 1 of 2

  2. weight and concern being only target for fat reduction of one or few selective areas of the body. A person weighing 90+ kgs, Body Mass Index (BMI) ranging 40, needs to reduce weight first and may be later on proceed to body contouring procedures. In comparison to a person, weighing 64kgs with a BMI of 24, can straight away go to anybody shaping treatments. To decide, on which treatment suits, best for you is to consult with an experienced counsellor, that can guide you the best possibilities according to your body composition analysis, need and any underlying medical condition, if exist as each body is different. However, it’s a good idea to review your health history when you talk with your practitioner about which treatment is best for you. All types of body contouring devices work best for those who have a BMI, between 18.5 and 24.9. They have permanently destroyed fat cells, bringing the results as promised, if a person follows a healthy lifestyle, diet and regular active regime, in everyday living. The different area can one target for body shaping / figure correction. 1.Double chin 2.Arms 3.Abdomen (Lower and Upper) 4.Love handles (Sides) 5.Bra bulges and Back fat 6.Thigh (Outer and Inner) 7.Underneath the buttocks (banana roll) 8.Male Breast - Gynecomastia One treatment duration may take 30 to 60 minutes, depending on which one, you have chosen. It’s important to keep in mind that body contouring procedures, should be accompanied by a healthy lifestyle, including a balance diet and regular exercise. This will help to maximize and maintain sustainable results. Most importantly is selecting an experienced, well recognized service provider, who can assess your needs and accordingly suggest the best plan for you according to your pocket size too. Source url - http://blogs.rediff.com/shahp6613/2020/08/17/body-shaping-figure-correction- treatment/ Page 2 of 2

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