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Connecting With YOUR Profession: The Representative Assembly Needs YOUR voice. Objectives. After having attended this session the participant will be able to: Discuss the role of the representative assembly (RA) within the AOTA.
Connecting With YOUR Profession:The Representative Assembly Needs YOUR voice
Objectives After having attended this session the participant will be able to: • Discuss the role of the representative assembly (RA) within the AOTA. • Discuss the 6 Motions to be voted on at by the RA at the 2011 AOTA conference in Philadelphia. • Discuss several action items that will be voted on at the 2011 AOTA conference. • Describe two methods for casting votes on RA motions and action items. • Vote on all motions and action items proposed for the 2011 RA at the 2011 AOTA conference.
AOTA Centennial Vision2017 We envision that occupational therapy is a powerful, widely recognized, science-driven, and evidence-based profession with a globally connected and diverse workforce meeting society’s occupational needs.
AOTA Membership • 41,469 (as of August 2010) • up 1,125 from July • up 1,560 from August 2009. • OT membership is steady, 23,000+ for the past eight months. • Expect to surpass 42,000 for the first time since 1999, • Students membership expected to hit an all-time high. • AOTA continues work national partnership agreements hoping to have a positive response in the very near future.
ACOTE • Initial accreditation to 3 OTA programs • Granted Developing Program Status to 8 new applicant OTA programs. • As of August 24, 2010, there are 333 academic programs in the accreditation system offered at 374 locations. • The most dramatic recent growth has been seen in OTA programs.
What Happens in the Assembly… Representative Assembly of AOTA Policy setting body for AOTA Approximately 75 voting members from organizations within AOTA and representatives from all states.
2010 RA Highlights • Motion 1, requesting that the CCCPD consider recommendation and evidence of need and demand for a Specialty Certification in School System practice, DEFEATED. • Motion 2, supporting Level II Fieldwork Supervision of Occupational Therapy Assistant Students by Occupational Therapy Assistants in Skilled Nursing Facilities, DEFEATED. • Motions 3 and 4 ADOPTED, which approved the revised AOTA Occupational Therapy Code of Ethics and Ethics Standards (2010) and rescinded Occupational Therapy Code of Ethics (2005), Core Values and Attitudes of Occupational Therapy Practice and Guidelines to the Occupational Therapy Code of Ethics
2010 RA Highlights • Motions 5 and 6 ADOPTED, which approved the official documents, Occupational Therapy Services in the Promotion of Psychological and Social Aspects of Mental Health (Revised 2010) and Specialized Knowledge and Skills in Mental Health Promotion, Prevention and Intervention in Occupational Therapy Practice (2010). • Motion 7 to approve the Guidelines for Re-Entry into the Field of Occupational Therapy was amended and ADOPTED • Motion 8ADOPTED, approving the revised AOTA Standards for Continuing Competency • Motion 9 to accept the recommendations of the Ad Hoc Committee on Member Participation and a substitute motion were each DEFEATED • Eight policy revisions recommended by the BPPC were APPROVED
Activity of the RA • The last online meeting was Nov. 8-19, 2010 • The RA will meet again in Philadelphia at the AOTA conference from April 12 -17, 2011 • There are currently 6 motions and several action items on the agenda for the spring meeting. • Many of the motions are directly related to motions and actions that were defeated at the 2010 meeting.
To Review RA motions • RA motions are located under the • “get involved tab”, • “Representative Assembly tab” • “RA Spring Meeting tab” • Note: you will need to login with your user name and password
Motion 1:Membership Momentum • Treasurer to establish a membership opportunity for occupational therapy practitioners who have never been members of the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) priced at $10 for the first year for any practitioner who has never been a member of AOTA, to be offered until the year 2017. • Financial Impact: Increased expenses would exceed revenue generated by a minimum of $2,900,000 per year. This excludes any recruitment campaign costs
Motion 2:Revision to AOTA Code of Ethics and Standards (2010) • Proposed revisions include: • Remove Principle 4, Social Justice • Revise subsection A to “uphold the profession’s concept of altruism through actions and attitudes of commitment, caring, dedication, responsiveness and understanding” • Revise Principle 3 to “To provide client centered occupational therapy services that reflect consideration of an understanding of the multiple differences that each unique individual is and the circumstances that they have” • Eliminate subsection G • Revise Principle 2, subsection B to “make every effort to ensure continuity of services and/or options for transition to appropriate services to avoid abandoning the service recipient if the current provider is unavailable due t0 medical, other absence, loss of employment, or funding of service is an issue. • Eliminate subsection D • Financial Impact: $118,845
Motion 3:Expansion of level of education for the OTA • Amend AOTA Policy to include wording which expands the accepted level of education for the OTA from the associate degree to additionally include bachelor degree level • Financial Impact: None reported
Motion 4: ACOTE amend its OTA degree standards • Charge the President to recommend that ACOTE change its Standards to read: “Effective July 1, 2013, all OTA programs must be offered at the associate or bachelor degree levels to retain ACOTE accreditation. • Financial Impact: The approximate cost of developing new Standards is $40,000.
Motion 5: Development of a Document on for Complex Seatingand Wheeled Mobility • Consider the development of a Specialized Knowledge and Skills in Complex Seating and Wheeled Mobility document that will include a plan for workforce capacity building in this practice area, with report back to the 2012 Representative Assembly spring meeting • Financial Impact: None reported
Motion 6:Educate OTs and Policy Makers Regarding Access to and Funding of Complex Rehabilitation Technology (CRT) • The President direct the Executive Director and Affairs Division of AOTA to develop a Policy Fact Sheet on Complex Rehabilitation Technology and report back to the fall 2011 Representative Assembly online meeting. • Financial Impact: None reported
RA Vice Speaker: Adopt the document, Societal Statement on Health Literacy Financial Implications: None
Commission on Education (COE): • Revise the Statement paper: Philosophical Base of Occupational Therapy (2011) • Rationale: • The current statement was adopted in 1979 • The statement needed to be updated to better reflect current terminology and literature of the profession. • Document location: • http://www.aota.org/Governance/RA/SpringRA • Financial Impact: None reported
Commission on Practice (COP) • Adopt the position paper on the Role of Occupational Therapy in End of Life Care (revised 2011) • Document location • http://www.aota.org/Governance/RA/SpringRA • Financial Impact: None reported
Commission on Continued Competence and Professional Development (CCCPD) • Implement a Phase I Exploratory Panel to determine member interest and need for a specialty certification in school systems. • CCCPD School System Report Document • http://www.aota.org/Governance/RA/SpringRA • Financial Impact: $12,756
Bylaws, Policies, and Procedures Committee (BPPC) • Adopt the following revised policies • 1.8 Standards of Practice. • 1.12 Occupation as the Common Core of Occupational Therapy. • 1.17 Reduced Membership Fees for OTs and OTAs 65 or Older and No Longer Employed • 5.11 Proactive Positioning of Occupational Therapy Across the Life Course • 5.14 Diverse and Inclusive Membership. • BPPC Attachments • http://www.aota.org/MeetingsLibrary/SpringRA/BPPCAttach • Financial Impact: None reported
Nominating & Recognition Committee • The nominating committee and the recognition committee put forth a combined motion to: • Adopt the Nominating and Recognitions Committees Implementation Plan as presented to the Representative Assembly, dated January 14, 2011. • See next slide • Financial Impact: $2,654
Nominating and Recognition Committee Implementation Plan • The two Committees will be in constant communication with additional input from the Board/Association groups in order to populate ad hoc committees, identify/recruit potential leaders, and to cultivate/train leaders. • The two Committees will develop and a large database to match volunteer leaders with opportunities
AOTA President: Action Item One • Adopt the Definition of Occupational Therapy Practice for the AOTA • The Definition of Occupational Therapy Practice for the AOTA is used by legislators and regulators • The OTPF was revised in 2008 which facilitated the need to update the current AOTA Model Practice Act’s Definition of Occupational Therapy Practice (2004) • Document location • http://www.aota.org/Governance/RA/SpringRA.aspx • Financial Impact: None reported
AOTA President: Item Two • Transform the AOTA Representative Assembly into the AOTA Council on Professional Policy & Practice with a: • 20 member Council to include: • 1 Chairperson elected by the members of the Council who also serve on the AOTA Board of Directors • 5 Councilors elected by the AOTA membership by geographic regions • 7 Councilors elected by the AOTA membership based on seven practice areas: Rehabilitation, Disability, and Participation; Children and Youth; Productive Aging; Mental Health; Work and Industry; Health & Wellness; and Education • 4 Councilors elected based on their expertise four areas of AOTA: Professional Development, Research, Advocacy, & Ethics • 3 Councilors appointed by the AOTA Board of Directors to ensure diversity of knowledge and expertise • Financial Impact: $40,950
AOTA Vice President • Charge the Recognitions Committee of the RA to establish the Gary Kielhofner Emerging Leader Award to annually recognize an occupational therapy practitioner who has demonstrated outstanding leadership and /or extraordinary service early in his/her occupational therapy career • Financial Impact: $234
Affiliated State Association Presidents (ASAP) • Charge the COP to revise the recently approved Practice Advisory: Services Provided by Students in Fieldwork Level II Settings to be consistent with the format of an Official Document • And for the Representative Assembly to adopt the revised document as an Official Document • Financial Impact: None reported
How to Vote? • There are two methods for casting your vote with the RA • Complete and return the attached RA Feedback form • Timothy A Reistetter, OTR PhD • 5319 Bayou Drive • Dickinson Texas 77539 • tareiste@utmb.edu • Votes may also be cast using an online zoomerang survey which will automatically be sent to the AOTA and your TX RA representative • http://www.zoomerang.com/Survey/WEB22BR7PUQNRW • To vote your are required to submit your submit your name, AOTA number, and state designation
Comments & Questions? Timothy A Reistetter OTR, PhD Texas RA representative tareiste@utmb.edu 409-772-9441