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Pornograf a La Droga del Nuevo Milenio

Jesus paid it all, All to Him I owe; Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow..

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Pornograf a La Droga del Nuevo Milenio

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    1. Pornografía La Droga del Nuevo Milenio Advertencia Contenido Sexual Explícito Through much of our nation’s history, Americans have intuitively understood the danger to family and community posed by pornographic and obscene material. But things have changed. Starting in the early twentieth century, increased automation, communication, and entertainment options brought about a more materialistic view of the world. Movements promoting eugenics became popular and influential. These developments set the foundations upon which our current fascination with pornography stands. Human beings began to be seen less as unique creations with inherent dignity and more as objects to be manipulated to further personal aims. These ideas of the mere utility of people blossomed during the sexual revolution and have steadily grown to reap their disastrous reward today. To win the battle against the consumption and disposal of human beings so common to pornography, we must rediscover what it means to be human—and live with the purpose of treating others—and ourselves—as such.Through much of our nation’s history, Americans have intuitively understood the danger to family and community posed by pornographic and obscene material. But things have changed. Starting in the early twentieth century, increased automation, communication, and entertainment options brought about a more materialistic view of the world. Movements promoting eugenics became popular and influential. These developments set the foundations upon which our current fascination with pornography stands. Human beings began to be seen less as unique creations with inherent dignity and more as objects to be manipulated to further personal aims. These ideas of the mere utility of people blossomed during the sexual revolution and have steadily grown to reap their disastrous reward today. To win the battle against the consumption and disposal of human beings so common to pornography, we must rediscover what it means to be human—and live with the purpose of treating others—and ourselves—as such.

    4. La pornografía ultraja (“rapes”) la mente

    5. Sexo: Origen

    10. 28 Y los bendijo Dios, y les dijo: Fructificad y multiplicaos; llenad la tierra, … 31 Y vio Dios todo lo que había hecho, y he aquí que era bueno en gran manera. Y fue la tarde y la mañana el día sexto. Génesis 1

    11. Los instintos sexuales son parte de la naturaleza humana y constituyen una poderosa fuente de unidad entre dos seres vivientes El Sexo se debe practicar en el lugar adecuado y al tiempo adecuado, de acuerdo al plan de Dios Fuera de los confines del plan de Dios, el sexo rápidamente se torna en un objeto de división, una fuente de crueldad, de perversión, y de muerte Walter Trobisch I Loved a Girl NY:Harper and Row, 1965, p.3

    12. Plan de Dios vs. Plan de Satanás Plan de Dios “Dúo” Hombre y mujer Disfrutar el uno del otro No deprivar a su pareja de sexo No adulterar, no fornicar, no homosexualidad, no incesto, no violación Pureza sexual en cuerpo y mente Cuidado con tu ojo Yugo igual Plan de Satanás Homosexualidad-Lesbianismo Múltiples compañeros sexuales Promiscuidad Egocentrismo (self centered) Manipulación sexual Adulterio, fornicación, incesto, violación Inmoralidad cuerpo y mente Yugo desigual

    13. Parafilias Derivada de las palabras griegas para “fuera de” y filia “amor”, describe la conducta sexual catalogada como perversión, desviación o aberración. this is key homosexuality was considered a mental disorder up until 1980 when the DSM-III came out there was no empirical reason to take it out of the DSM, but political pressure lead to the change only ego-dystonic homosexuality met the criteria as an example of how the definition does not work is NAMBLA ? this is true for the law what about a paedophilic teacher that has fantasies about children, no record of molestation, claims that sexual attraction enhances his ability to work with children? reactions of others have to be irrational for it not to qualify does law parallel this? this is key homosexuality was considered a mental disorder up until 1980 when the DSM-III came out there was no empirical reason to take it out of the DSM, but political pressure lead to the change only ego-dystonic homosexuality met the criteria as an example of how the definition does not work is NAMBLA ? this is true for the law what about a paedophilic teacher that has fantasies about children, no record of molestation, claims that sexual attraction enhances his ability to work with children? reactions of others have to be irrational for it not to qualify does law parallel this?

    14. Parafilias - DSM-IV Exhibistionism Exposición de los genitales a un extraño

    16. Parafilias - DSM-IV Fetichismo Conducta sexual que envuelve objetos inanimados

    18. Parafilias - DSM-IV Froteurismo Búsqueda de la excitación sexual a través del contacto físico subrepticio con extraños en lugares públicos

    20. Parafilias - DSM-IV Pedofilia Búsqueda del placer sexual, por medio de las relaciones sexuales con niños.

    22. Parafilias - DSM-IV Voyerismo Placer sexual en mirar a otras personas desnudas o teniendo relaciones sexuales

    24. Parafilias - DSM-IV Transvestismo Placer en vestirse como el sexo opuesto

    26. Parafilias - DSM-IV Masoquismo Sadismo

    27. Otras Parafilias Foco de Erotismo Zoofilia Animales Formicofilia Creaturas pequeñas (hormigas) Klismafilia Enemas Misofilia Sucio Urofilia Orine Coprofilia Heces fecales Vampirismo Sangre Vomerofilia Vómito Necrofilia Cadáveres Simfonorofilia Stage-managed disaster Abasiofilia Lamed or crippled partner Acrotomofilia Amputación (pareja) Apotemnofilia Amputación (mismo individuo) Infantilismo Pretende ser un infante

    28. Otros Disturbios Sexuales Promiscuidad Masturbación compulsiva Sexo telefónico “Cyber-sex” Pornografía Compulsive masturbation: primary sexual outlet during a stable intimate relationship, most commonly at least once/day Protracted promiscuity: repeated and persistent pattern of sexual conquests that can include one night stands, prostitutes, cruising, brief or protracted sexual affairs, serial polygamy, etc. Pornography dependence: persistent, repetitive patter of dependence on pornographic material Telephone sex dependence: persistent, repetitive time consuming dependence on telephone sex lines associated with significant debt and problems Cyber-sex dependence: repetitive, time consuming use of the internet associated chat rooms associated with enactment or planned enactment of sexual behaviour Sever sexual desire incompatibility: ongoing romantic relationship in which excessive sexual desire in one partner produces sexual demands on the other partner that markedly interfere with the capacity to sustain that relationship Paraphilia-related disorder NOS: might include – sex workers, attending strip clubs, sexual harassment, professional boundary violations, pathological crushes, “love addiction” Compulsive masturbation: primary sexual outlet during a stable intimate relationship, most commonly at least once/day Protracted promiscuity: repeated and persistent pattern of sexual conquests that can include one night stands, prostitutes, cruising, brief or protracted sexual affairs, serial polygamy, etc. Pornography dependence: persistent, repetitive patter of dependence on pornographic material Telephone sex dependence: persistent, repetitive time consuming dependence on telephone sex lines associated with significant debt and problems Cyber-sex dependence: repetitive, time consuming use of the internet associated chat rooms associated with enactment or planned enactment of sexual behaviour Sever sexual desire incompatibility: ongoing romantic relationship in which excessive sexual desire in one partner produces sexual demands on the other partner that markedly interfere with the capacity to sustain that relationship Paraphilia-related disorder NOS: might include – sex workers, attending strip clubs, sexual harassment, professional boundary violations, pathological crushes, “love addiction”

    29. Otros Disturbios Sexuales Promiscuidad Masturbación compulsiva Sexo telefónico “Cyber-sex” Pornografía Compulsive masturbation: primary sexual outlet during a stable intimate relationship, most commonly at least once/day Protracted promiscuity: repeated and persistent pattern of sexual conquests that can include one night stands, prostitutes, cruising, brief or protracted sexual affairs, serial polygamy, etc. Pornography dependence: persistent, repetitive patter of dependence on pornographic material Telephone sex dependence: persistent, repetitive time consuming dependence on telephone sex lines associated with significant debt and problems Cyber-sex dependence: repetitive, time consuming use of the internet associated chat rooms associated with enactment or planned enactment of sexual behaviour Sever sexual desire incompatibility: ongoing romantic relationship in which excessive sexual desire in one partner produces sexual demands on the other partner that markedly interfere with the capacity to sustain that relationship Paraphilia-related disorder NOS: might include – sex workers, attending strip clubs, sexual harassment, professional boundary violations, pathological crushes, “love addiction” Compulsive masturbation: primary sexual outlet during a stable intimate relationship, most commonly at least once/day Protracted promiscuity: repeated and persistent pattern of sexual conquests that can include one night stands, prostitutes, cruising, brief or protracted sexual affairs, serial polygamy, etc. Pornography dependence: persistent, repetitive patter of dependence on pornographic material Telephone sex dependence: persistent, repetitive time consuming dependence on telephone sex lines associated with significant debt and problems Cyber-sex dependence: repetitive, time consuming use of the internet associated chat rooms associated with enactment or planned enactment of sexual behaviour Sever sexual desire incompatibility: ongoing romantic relationship in which excessive sexual desire in one partner produces sexual demands on the other partner that markedly interfere with the capacity to sustain that relationship Paraphilia-related disorder NOS: might include – sex workers, attending strip clubs, sexual harassment, professional boundary violations, pathological crushes, “love addiction”

    31. El Sexo fuera de los confines del plan de Dios, el sexo rápidamente se torna en un objeto de división, una fuente de crueldad, de perversión, y de muerte In the 1950s a boy named Ted grew up in what he described as a normal, loving Christian home. When he was about 12, Ted started looking at so-called soft-core pornography found in a local grocery store. And like many boys do, while exploring the alleys and trash piles in his neighborhood, he encountered more explicit pornography, which had been carelessly discarded. Ted’s casual interest in pornography over time turned into a compulsive addiction. And like any type of addict, he needed stronger doses of his drug to provide the same levels of excitement and satisfaction. Ted moved gradually to harder and harder pornography until he was hooked on the worst, the most explicit printed and film images of raw sexual violence. To his family and friends Ted was just the all-American boy. He was intelligent, was an A student, became an Eagle Scout, went to college, and eventually studied law. The desire for pornography was a hidden part of his life. He reached the point where merely seeing violent pornography no longer gave Ted the rush that he craved. For about two years he stood on the edge between fantasy and actually performing the violent scenes flashing through his mind. One day he snapped—abducting, abusing, and murdering a young woman. Some months later he did it again. Then again…and again. By the time he was finally stopped, Ted Bundy admitted having killed more than two dozen women and girls. Just hours before he was executed at a Florida prison in 1987, in an interview with Dr. James Dobson, Ted explained the role that pornography—and alcohol—had played in fueling and enabling his twisted passions. “Pornography can reach out and snatch a kid out of any house today. It snatched me out of my house 30 years ago.…The most damaging kinds of pornography are those that involve violence and sexual violence. The wedding of those two forces brings about behavior too terrible to describe.”(2) In the 1950s a boy named Ted grew up in what he described as a normal, loving Christian home. When he was about 12, Ted started looking at so-called soft-core pornography found in a local grocery store. And like many boys do, while exploring the alleys and trash piles in his neighborhood, he encountered more explicit pornography, which had been carelessly discarded.

    38. Modestia Broaching the Subject of Masturbation With Your Child by Dennis and Barbara Rainey     If you found this item of interest, you might also appreciate these: Article: Give Your Children You Broadcast: FamilyLife Today: Baby Jesus: God's Chosen Son (12/01/05) Resource: Parenting Today's Adolescent Conference: Weekend to Remember®One of the biggest mistakes we can make on the subject of masturbation is to be silent and not discuss it. Most young men, especially, will deal with this issue, so the more information and understanding they have, the better. Obviously, masturbation can also be an issue with girls. As with boys, real relationships—not fantasy—are the goal. Self-stimulation may be increasing among women because of messages from the culture, some of them from extreme feminists like, “Do this yourself. You don’t need a man.” With boys this subject has to be broached by Dad and honestly discussed (Mom should discuss this subject with girls). It’s worth mentioning that some highly respected Christian leaders have varied beliefs concerning this subject. I would differ with some on this issue. Let me explain. Over the years, I have been reticent to take a strong stand on issues that are not clearly spelled out in Scripture. The Bible is silent about the subject of masturbation. However, it is not silent about sex. Nowhere in Scripture do we find God blessing sex done in solo. Four observations are worth noting and discussing with your child: Masturbation betrays the natural function of the sex act as God created it. Sex was not created for a solo, but a duet. God gave us sexual urges to move us to deeper intimacy and unity in marriage with the opposite sex. Masturbation is primarily focused on self, while sex in marriage is focused on the other (see 1 Corinthians 7:3-4). Why would God want us to spend our single years after puberty learning how to use this gift to satisfy ourselves when the nature of sex is to seek to find the way to satisfy your spouse? There’s already enough selfishness in this culture that needs to be eradicated. I believe the higher road is to teach our sons and daughters to learn the discipline and self-control that will have to be practiced as a single person, and later in marriage when refraining from sexual intercourse (due to illness, separation because of work, mutual agreement, etc.). Masturbation can and often does lead to other forms of behavior—lust, use of pornography, sexual addictions--that are destructive both now and later in the marriage relationship. Marriage isn’t a fantasy; it’s a real relationship with a real person who won’t always measure up to your dreams. Because the fantasy nature of masturbation and other sexual sins are so closely related, I would have grave concerns about telling my son (or daughter) that these forms of sexual behavior are okay, because I would have no way of knowing where that practice might lead him. The biblical prescription to singles who are struggling with sexual lust and temptation is to marry, not to masturbate (see 1 Corinthians 7:8-9). Paul here could have provided physical relief for those who lack self-control and burn with unmet sexual needs, but instead he points them to marriage. I can’t help but wonder if the huge problem of pornography that we have in the Christian community has occurred in part because we haven’t trained our sons to develop self-control in their thought lives and passions. Fathers need to strongly encourage their sons (and mothers need to encourage daughters) to abstain from masturbation. We also need to be ready to offer generous amounts of grace and forgiveness if our children fail.Broaching the Subject of Masturbation With Your Child by Dennis and Barbara Rainey

    39. ¿Qué es Pornografía? http://www.tranquileye.com/historyofporn/ Someone once asked me about "1960s porn films." There wasn't actually such a thing, strictly speaking, in North America until the late-1960s. Sexual speech can generally be considered to have been criminalized until then. So here are some notes on the history of porn that I am mirroring off Luke Ford's site. No copyright or anything else is implied; Luke has many many articles about various aspects of the adult business and I suggest you investigate his work as well as whatever academic sources you might find.Early Porn For as long as humans have been able to draw or write, they've crafted pornography. Danish criminologist Berl Kutchinsky traces the beginnings of of modern pornography to the 1650s, when three pornographic classics appeared.1966-74 Scandinavian porn, loops, stags, peep booths, the Mafia, Linda Lovelace, the Mitchell brothers, Alex deRenzy, San Francisco, George McDonald, Herbert Streicher, Last Tango in Paris, Kitten Natividad, Harry Reems, and Ernest van den Haag.1972: Deep Throat Director Gerard Damiano created two of porn's best known names, Linda Lovelace and Harry Reems, during the shooting of sex loops in Miami in January 1972 that became Deep Throat. 1975-79 Jim Holliday, best sex films of 1975, Debbie Does Dallas, Baby Love and 1979 porno, the end of explicit cinema out of San Francisco.1978: Debbie Does Dallas Debbie Does Dallas appeared in 1978 and became one of the five best selling pornos of all time, providing relief from the diet of violent X-rated material that dominated the '70s.1970s: A Lack of Empathy The spirit of the 1960s lasted into the first half of the next decade when its idealism ran thin and left people preoccupied with themselves. The 1970s was the "Me Decade" and this lack of empathy comes across in the vicious films of the time, overflowing with violence, rape, drugs, and sadism. Nasty flicks lasted until the start of the Reagan administration in 1981 which helped build a new national mood. Mafia Organized crime has long played a significant role in porn distribution. Numerous American law enforcement agencies during the 1970s and 1980s declared that the Mafia controlled porn.Child Porn Most of the child pornography traded in the late '60s to 1977 was photographed in Europe, Asia, and North Africa. Many photos depicted erotic nudity rather than sex, and about 10-20% of photos in child porn magazines were pirated from nudist magazines, showing children playing innocently. Emmanuelle The best softcore appeared during the 1970s, from European filmmakers such as Joe Sarno, Joe D'Amato and Just Jaeckin. The Emmanuelle series is the most successful of its kind, grossing about $600 million dollars worldwide. Snuff The nastiest of all nasty porn films is the snuff film, where the actress is murdered during orgasm. Not one has ever been shown to exist. Traci Lords Earning over one million dollars from porn, Traci raised her own financing, produced her own films, wrote her own scripts, and starred in her own projects. But she hadn't yet turned 18.Academic Porn New Yorker, on porn and academia, March 25th, 1999.Censorship Censorship literally means to remove or ban anything regarded as harmful. It is a dirty word among porn fans, and among most people. While America does not literally censor consensual sexual expression among adults, the implications of the Supreme Court's 1973 Miller ruling which left communities to determine their own obscenity guidelines, effectively means that the United States has some of the toughest standards in the Western World against porn. Boogie Nights Porn veterans agree that Paul Thomas Anderson's 1997 film Boogie Nights presents an unfairly negative view of the industry. Celebrity Porn While many celebrities appear naked in movies and magazines, no major celebrity has voluntarily performed sexual intercourse for public consumption. But many filmmakers have worked on the adult side.Japanese Porn Beginning in the early '60s and running through today, Japanese filmmakers combined sex with violence to make a product far nastier than that allowed by America and many European countries.Gay Porn The first gay porn films appeared near the beginning of the 20th Century, but they comprised only one percent of the sexually explicit genre.  http://www.tranquileye.com/historyofporn/ Someone once asked me about "1960s porn films." There wasn't actually such a thing, strictly speaking, in North America until the late-1960s. Sexual speech can generally be considered to have been criminalized until then. So here are some notes on the history of porn that I am mirroring off Luke Ford's site. No copyright or anything else is implied; Luke has many many articles about various aspects of the adult business and I suggest you investigate his work as well as whatever academic sources you might find.Early PornFor as long as humans have been able to draw or write, they've crafted pornography. Danish criminologist Berl Kutchinsky traces the beginnings of of modern pornography to the 1650s, when three pornographic classics appeared.1966-74Scandinavian porn, loops, stags, peep booths, the Mafia, Linda Lovelace, the Mitchell brothers, Alex deRenzy, San Francisco, George McDonald, Herbert Streicher, Last Tango in Paris, Kitten Natividad, Harry Reems, and Ernest van den Haag.1972: Deep ThroatDirector Gerard Damiano created two of porn's best known names, Linda Lovelace and Harry Reems, during the shooting of sex loops in Miami in January 1972 that became Deep Throat. 1975-79Jim Holliday, best sex films of 1975, Debbie Does Dallas, Baby Love and 1979 porno, the end of explicit cinema out of San Francisco.1978: Debbie Does DallasDebbie Does Dallas appeared in 1978 and became one of the five best selling pornos of all time, providing relief from the diet of violent X-rated material that dominated the '70s.1970s: A Lack of EmpathyThe spirit of the 1960s lasted into the first half of the next decade when its idealism ran thin and left people preoccupied with themselves. The 1970s was the "Me Decade" and this lack of empathy comes across in the vicious films of the time, overflowing with violence, rape, drugs, and sadism. Nasty flicks lasted until the start of the Reagan administration in 1981 which helped build a new national mood. MafiaOrganized crime has long played a significant role in porn distribution. Numerous American law enforcement agencies during the 1970s and 1980s declared that the Mafia controlled porn.Child PornMost of the child pornography traded in the late '60s to 1977 was photographed in Europe, Asia, and North Africa. Many photos depicted erotic nudity rather than sex, and about 10-20% of photos in child porn magazines were pirated from nudist magazines, showing children playing innocently. EmmanuelleThe best softcore appeared during the 1970s, from European filmmakers such as Joe Sarno, Joe D'Amato and Just Jaeckin. The Emmanuelle series is the most successful of its kind, grossing about $600 million dollars worldwide. SnuffThe nastiest of all nasty porn films is the snuff film, where the actress is murdered during orgasm. Not one has ever been shown to exist. Traci LordsEarning over one million dollars from porn, Traci raised her own financing, produced her own films, wrote her own scripts, and starred in her own projects. But she hadn't yet turned 18.Academic PornNew Yorker, on porn and academia, March 25th, 1999.CensorshipCensorship literally means to remove or ban anything regarded as harmful. It is a dirty word among porn fans, and among most people. While America does not literally censor consensual sexual expression among adults, the implications of the Supreme Court's 1973 Miller ruling which left communities to determine their own obscenity guidelines, effectively means that the United States has some of the toughest standards in the Western World against porn. Boogie NightsPorn veterans agree that Paul Thomas Anderson's 1997 film Boogie Nights presents an unfairly negative view of the industry. Celebrity PornWhile many celebrities appear naked in movies and magazines, no major celebrity has voluntarily performed sexual intercourse for public consumption. But many filmmakers have worked on the adult side.Japanese PornBeginning in the early '60s and running through today, Japanese filmmakers combined sex with violence to make a product far nastier than that allowed by America and many European countries.Gay PornThe first gay porn films appeared near the beginning of the 20th Century, but they comprised only one percent of the sexually explicit genre.  

    41. ¿Qué es Pornografía:Hombre? Pornografía se refiere al conjunto de materiales que muestran órganos genitales o actos sexuales y que se exhiben y/o contemplan con una determinada actitud que, normalmente, tiene por objeto la masturbación o, al menos, excitación de quien busca este tipo de materiales. http://www.tranquileye.com/historyofporn/ Someone once asked me about "1960s porn films." There wasn't actually such a thing, strictly speaking, in North America until the late-1960s. Sexual speech can generally be considered to have been criminalized until then. So here are some notes on the history of porn that I am mirroring off Luke Ford's site. No copyright or anything else is implied; Luke has many many articles about various aspects of the adult business and I suggest you investigate his work as well as whatever academic sources you might find.Early Porn For as long as humans have been able to draw or write, they've crafted pornography. Danish criminologist Berl Kutchinsky traces the beginnings of of modern pornography to the 1650s, when three pornographic classics appeared.1966-74 Scandinavian porn, loops, stags, peep booths, the Mafia, Linda Lovelace, the Mitchell brothers, Alex deRenzy, San Francisco, George McDonald, Herbert Streicher, Last Tango in Paris, Kitten Natividad, Harry Reems, and Ernest van den Haag.1972: Deep Throat Director Gerard Damiano created two of porn's best known names, Linda Lovelace and Harry Reems, during the shooting of sex loops in Miami in January 1972 that became Deep Throat. 1975-79 Jim Holliday, best sex films of 1975, Debbie Does Dallas, Baby Love and 1979 porno, the end of explicit cinema out of San Francisco.1978: Debbie Does Dallas Debbie Does Dallas appeared in 1978 and became one of the five best selling pornos of all time, providing relief from the diet of violent X-rated material that dominated the '70s.1970s: A Lack of Empathy The spirit of the 1960s lasted into the first half of the next decade when its idealism ran thin and left people preoccupied with themselves. The 1970s was the "Me Decade" and this lack of empathy comes across in the vicious films of the time, overflowing with violence, rape, drugs, and sadism. Nasty flicks lasted until the start of the Reagan administration in 1981 which helped build a new national mood. Mafia Organized crime has long played a significant role in porn distribution. Numerous American law enforcement agencies during the 1970s and 1980s declared that the Mafia controlled porn.Child Porn Most of the child pornography traded in the late '60s to 1977 was photographed in Europe, Asia, and North Africa. Many photos depicted erotic nudity rather than sex, and about 10-20% of photos in child porn magazines were pirated from nudist magazines, showing children playing innocently. Emmanuelle The best softcore appeared during the 1970s, from European filmmakers such as Joe Sarno, Joe D'Amato and Just Jaeckin. The Emmanuelle series is the most successful of its kind, grossing about $600 million dollars worldwide. Snuff The nastiest of all nasty porn films is the snuff film, where the actress is murdered during orgasm. Not one has ever been shown to exist. Traci Lords Earning over one million dollars from porn, Traci raised her own financing, produced her own films, wrote her own scripts, and starred in her own projects. But she hadn't yet turned 18.Academic Porn New Yorker, on porn and academia, March 25th, 1999.Censorship Censorship literally means to remove or ban anything regarded as harmful. It is a dirty word among porn fans, and among most people. While America does not literally censor consensual sexual expression among adults, the implications of the Supreme Court's 1973 Miller ruling which left communities to determine their own obscenity guidelines, effectively means that the United States has some of the toughest standards in the Western World against porn. Boogie Nights Porn veterans agree that Paul Thomas Anderson's 1997 film Boogie Nights presents an unfairly negative view of the industry. Celebrity Porn While many celebrities appear naked in movies and magazines, no major celebrity has voluntarily performed sexual intercourse for public consumption. But many filmmakers have worked on the adult side.Japanese Porn Beginning in the early '60s and running through today, Japanese filmmakers combined sex with violence to make a product far nastier than that allowed by America and many European countries.Gay Porn The first gay porn films appeared near the beginning of the 20th Century, but they comprised only one percent of the sexually explicit genre.  http://www.tranquileye.com/historyofporn/ Someone once asked me about "1960s porn films." There wasn't actually such a thing, strictly speaking, in North America until the late-1960s. Sexual speech can generally be considered to have been criminalized until then. So here are some notes on the history of porn that I am mirroring off Luke Ford's site. No copyright or anything else is implied; Luke has many many articles about various aspects of the adult business and I suggest you investigate his work as well as whatever academic sources you might find.Early PornFor as long as humans have been able to draw or write, they've crafted pornography. Danish criminologist Berl Kutchinsky traces the beginnings of of modern pornography to the 1650s, when three pornographic classics appeared.1966-74Scandinavian porn, loops, stags, peep booths, the Mafia, Linda Lovelace, the Mitchell brothers, Alex deRenzy, San Francisco, George McDonald, Herbert Streicher, Last Tango in Paris, Kitten Natividad, Harry Reems, and Ernest van den Haag.1972: Deep ThroatDirector Gerard Damiano created two of porn's best known names, Linda Lovelace and Harry Reems, during the shooting of sex loops in Miami in January 1972 that became Deep Throat. 1975-79Jim Holliday, best sex films of 1975, Debbie Does Dallas, Baby Love and 1979 porno, the end of explicit cinema out of San Francisco.1978: Debbie Does DallasDebbie Does Dallas appeared in 1978 and became one of the five best selling pornos of all time, providing relief from the diet of violent X-rated material that dominated the '70s.1970s: A Lack of EmpathyThe spirit of the 1960s lasted into the first half of the next decade when its idealism ran thin and left people preoccupied with themselves. The 1970s was the "Me Decade" and this lack of empathy comes across in the vicious films of the time, overflowing with violence, rape, drugs, and sadism. Nasty flicks lasted until the start of the Reagan administration in 1981 which helped build a new national mood. MafiaOrganized crime has long played a significant role in porn distribution. Numerous American law enforcement agencies during the 1970s and 1980s declared that the Mafia controlled porn.Child PornMost of the child pornography traded in the late '60s to 1977 was photographed in Europe, Asia, and North Africa. Many photos depicted erotic nudity rather than sex, and about 10-20% of photos in child porn magazines were pirated from nudist magazines, showing children playing innocently. EmmanuelleThe best softcore appeared during the 1970s, from European filmmakers such as Joe Sarno, Joe D'Amato and Just Jaeckin. The Emmanuelle series is the most successful of its kind, grossing about $600 million dollars worldwide. SnuffThe nastiest of all nasty porn films is the snuff film, where the actress is murdered during orgasm. Not one has ever been shown to exist. Traci LordsEarning over one million dollars from porn, Traci raised her own financing, produced her own films, wrote her own scripts, and starred in her own projects. But she hadn't yet turned 18.Academic PornNew Yorker, on porn and academia, March 25th, 1999.CensorshipCensorship literally means to remove or ban anything regarded as harmful. It is a dirty word among porn fans, and among most people. While America does not literally censor consensual sexual expression among adults, the implications of the Supreme Court's 1973 Miller ruling which left communities to determine their own obscenity guidelines, effectively means that the United States has some of the toughest standards in the Western World against porn. Boogie NightsPorn veterans agree that Paul Thomas Anderson's 1997 film Boogie Nights presents an unfairly negative view of the industry. Celebrity PornWhile many celebrities appear naked in movies and magazines, no major celebrity has voluntarily performed sexual intercourse for public consumption. But many filmmakers have worked on the adult side.Japanese PornBeginning in the early '60s and running through today, Japanese filmmakers combined sex with violence to make a product far nastier than that allowed by America and many European countries.Gay PornThe first gay porn films appeared near the beginning of the 20th Century, but they comprised only one percent of the sexually explicit genre.  

    42. ¿Qué es Pornografía: Mujer? Pornografía femenina esta centrada en el aspecto emocional y en el romanticismo

    43. La Historia de la Pornografía Los Griegos y Los Romanos

    44. La Historia de la Pornografía Mil y Una Noches Decameron http://www.tranquileye.com/historyofporn/ http://www.tranquileye.com/historyofporn/

    45. Actualidad - Internet Quick Facts The Real Price of Porn by David Sanford One of the most common Internet search terms is "porn free." If it’s free, it can’t be all that bad, right? Don't be deceived. The true price of pornography includes: Developing a distorted view of sexuality Decreased capacity for intellectual reasoning Sharply increased risk of ruining your marriage Increased risk of engaging in dangerous promiscuous behaviors Increased risk of committing a violent crime against a woman or child Increased risk of engaging in pedophilia Increased risk of supporting the commercial sexual exploitation of children and youth Increased risk of destroying everything that’s of lasting value in your life Thankfully, you can triumph over temptation. Best-selling Christian author Randy Alcorn is convinced that individuals can effectively avoid giving into temptation if they count the exorbitant price. He advocates compiling a personalized list of the anticipated consequences of immorality. His personal list includes more than two dozen negative consequences. Alcorn adds: Realize the clarity and importance of the call to purity. Realize you’ve been targeted for immorality. Call on your resources in Christ. Guard your heart and mind. Take radical steps to avoid temptation. Remember God is always watching. Remember you and your family will live with the rewards of pure choices and the consequences of impure ones. Quick Facts Effects of Viewing Pornography by David Sanford When it comes to pornography, one look isn’t enough. Pornography’s appeal may seem innocent at first. ("What’s wrong with looking at the beauty of the human body?") Like cocaine, however, pornography is quickly addictive. Pornography creates a strong physiological response in men and women. The immediate "rush" of a first exposure to pornography is often followed by intensely negative feelings. In subsequent viewings, the same types of pornographic stimuli produce increasingly weaker physiological responses. This law of diminishing returns often prompts individuals to seek edgier and darker forms of pornography, which may include depictions of sexual foreplay, sexual intercourse, violence, murder, child sexual abuse, homosexuality, orgies, or bestiality. The intense pull of pornography can eventually drag viewers into a shocking underworld of "adult entertainment," which includes visits to "adult" stores, strip joints, topless bars, massage parlors, and other areas frequented by male and female prostitutes. Even if one doesn’t act out sexually, the costs of pornography are staggering. David Sanford is president of Sanford Communications, Inc., and author of the Living Faith Bible. http://www.drjudithreisman.com/archives/brain.pdf#search=%22pornography%20and%20the%20brain%22  http://www.wired.com/news/technology/0,1282,65772,00.html Internet Porn: Worse Than Crack?       Page 1 of 1  Breaking News from AP: Ky. Plane Crash Kills 49 of 50 on Board Hezbollah Head Didn't Foresee Such a War Bombs in Iraq Kill 31, Injure Dozens Hurricane Ernesto Bears Down on Haiti Dressed-Down Actors Rehearse Emmys Lines Fox News Crew Freed After Gaza Ordeal NASA Weighs Shuttle Launch Delay Again Another Body Tissue Scandal Rocks Field Wall Street Preps for More Economic Data Massa Wins His First Formula One Race Special Partner Promotion Learn more about USPS sweepstakes winners! Special Partner Promotion Find local technology jobs. Special Partner Promotion Now Offering HP Servers with Fanatical Support Special Partner Promotion Get connected to your life See Also Phone Sex Is Better Than Porn Porn Is Going Mobile It's Time for Reality Porn Progress Report for Net Censors Read more Technology news By Ryan Singel | Also by this reporter 11:00 AM Nov, 19, 2004 Internet pornography is the new crack cocaine, leading to addiction, misogyny, pedophilia, boob jobs and erectile dysfunction, according to clinicians and researchers testifying before a Senate committee Thursday. Witnesses before the Senate Commerce Committee's Science, Technology and Space Subcommittee spared no superlative in their description of the negative effects of pornography. Mary Anne Layden, co-director of the Sexual Trauma and Psychopathology Program at the University of Pennsylvania's Center for Cognitive Therapy, called porn the "most concerning thing to psychological health that I know of existing today." "The internet is a perfect drug delivery system because you are anonymous, aroused and have role models for these behaviors," Layden said. "To have drug pumped into your house 24/7, free, and children know how to use it better than grown-ups know how to use it -- it's a perfect delivery system if we want to have a whole generation of young addicts who will never have the drug out of their mind." Pornography addicts have a more difficult time recovering from their addiction than cocaine addicts, since coke users can get the drug out of their system, but pornographic images stay in the brain forever, Layden said. Jeffrey Satinover, a psychiatrist and advisor to the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality echoed Layden's concern about the internet and the somatic effects of pornography. "Pornography really does, unlike other addictions, biologically cause direct release of the most perfect addictive substance," Satinover said. "That is, it causes masturbation, which causes release of the naturally occurring opioids. It does what heroin can't do, in effect." The internet is dangerous because it removes the inefficiency in the delivery of pornography, making porn much more ubiquitous than in the days when guys in trench coats would sell nudie postcards, Satinover said. Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kansas), the subcommittee's chairman, called the hearing the most disturbing one he'd ever seen in the Senate. Brownback said porn was ubiquitous now, compared to when he was growing up and "some guy would sneak a magazine in somewhere and show some of us, but you had to find him at the right time." The hearing came just days after a controversy over a sexually suggestive Monday Night Football ad that has many foreseeing a crackdown on indecency by the Federal Communications Commission. It is unclear what the consequences of Thursday's hearing will be since it was not connected to any pending or proposed legislation. Brownback, a conservative Christian, is also scheduled to be rotated off the sub-committee in the next session. When Brownback asked the panelists for suggestions about what should be done, the responses were mild, considering their earlier indictment of pornography. Several suggested that federal money be allocated to fund brain-mapping studies into the physical effects of pornography. Judith Reisman of the California Protective Parents Association suggested that more study of "erototoxins" could show how pornography is not speech-protected under the First Amendment. The panelists all agreed that the government should fund health campaigns to educate the public about the dangers of pornography. The campaign should combat the messages of pornography by putting signs on buses saying sex with children is not OK, said Layden. However, as the panelists themselves acknowledged, there is no consensus among mental health professionals about the dangers of porn or the use of the term "pornography addiction." Many psychologists and most sexologists find the concepts of sex and pornography addiction problematic, said Carol Queen, staff sexologist for the San Francisco-based, woman-owned Good Vibrations. Queen questioned the validity of the panel for not including anyone who thinks "pornography is not particularly problematic in most people's lives." Queen acknowledges she can name people who have compulsive and destructive behavior centered on pornography, but argues that can happen with other activities, such as gambling and shopping. Queen also criticized the methodology behind research showing that pornography stimulates the brain like drugs do, saying the research needs to take into account how sex itself stimulates the brain. "There's no doubt the brain lights up when sexually aroused," Queen said. Queen too would like to see more money devoted to research on sex, but thinks it is unlikely that researchers on either side of the divide are likely to receive large grants any time soon. Studies intended to show the harmful effects of pornography must contend with ethical rules prohibiting harm to human subjects, while sex researchers have a hard time getting any funding, unless their study is specifically HIV-related, according to Queen. Quick FactsThe Real Price of Pornby David Sanford One of the most common Internet search terms is "porn free." If it’s free, it can’t be all that bad, right? Don't be deceived. The true price of pornography includes: Developing a distorted view of sexuality Decreased capacity for intellectual reasoning Sharply increased risk of ruining your marriage Increased risk of engaging in dangerous promiscuous behaviors Increased risk of committing a violent crime against a woman or child Increased risk of engaging in pedophilia Increased risk of supporting the commercial sexual exploitation of children and youth Increased risk of destroying everything that’s of lasting value in your life Thankfully, you can triumph over temptation. Best-selling Christian author Randy Alcorn is convinced that individuals can effectively avoid giving into temptation if they count the exorbitant price. He advocates compiling a personalized list of the anticipated consequences of immorality. His personal list includes more than two dozen negative consequences. Alcorn adds: Realize the clarity and importance of the call to purity. Realize you’ve been targeted for immorality. Call on your resources in Christ. Guard your heart and mind. Take radical steps to avoid temptation. Remember God is always watching. Remember you and your family will live with the rewards of pure choices and the consequences of impure ones. Quick FactsEffects of Viewing Pornographyby David Sanford When it comes to pornography, one look isn’t enough. Pornography’s appeal may seem innocent at first. ("What’s wrong with looking at the beauty of the human body?") Like cocaine, however, pornography is quickly addictive. Pornography creates a strong physiological response in men and women. The immediate "rush" of a first exposure to pornography is often followed by intensely negative feelings. In subsequent viewings, the same types of pornographic stimuli produce increasingly weaker physiological responses. This law of diminishing returns often prompts individuals to seek edgier and darker forms of pornography, which may include depictions of sexual foreplay, sexual intercourse, violence, murder, child sexual abuse, homosexuality, orgies, or bestiality. The intense pull of pornography can eventually drag viewers into a shocking underworld of "adult entertainment," which includes visits to "adult" stores, strip joints, topless bars, massage parlors, and other areas frequented by male and female prostitutes. Even if one doesn’t act out sexually, the costs of pornography are staggering. David Sanford is president of Sanford Communications, Inc., and author of the Living Faith Bible.

    46. Distorción de la Sexualidad Quick Facts The Real Price of Porn by David Sanford One of the most common Internet search terms is "porn free." If it’s free, it can’t be all that bad, right? Don't be deceived. The true price of pornography includes: Developing a distorted view of sexuality Decreased capacity for intellectual reasoning Sharply increased risk of ruining your marriage Increased risk of engaging in dangerous promiscuous behaviors Increased risk of committing a violent crime against a woman or child Increased risk of engaging in pedophilia Increased risk of supporting the commercial sexual exploitation of children and youth Increased risk of destroying everything that’s of lasting value in your life Thankfully, you can triumph over temptation. Best-selling Christian author Randy Alcorn is convinced that individuals can effectively avoid giving into temptation if they count the exorbitant price. He advocates compiling a personalized list of the anticipated consequences of immorality. His personal list includes more than two dozen negative consequences. Alcorn adds: Realize the clarity and importance of the call to purity. Realize you’ve been targeted for immorality. Call on your resources in Christ. Guard your heart and mind. Take radical steps to avoid temptation. Remember God is always watching. Remember you and your family will live with the rewards of pure choices and the consequences of impure ones. Quick Facts Effects of Viewing Pornography by David Sanford When it comes to pornography, one look isn’t enough. Pornography’s appeal may seem innocent at first. ("What’s wrong with looking at the beauty of the human body?") Like cocaine, however, pornography is quickly addictive. Pornography creates a strong physiological response in men and women. The immediate "rush" of a first exposure to pornography is often followed by intensely negative feelings. In subsequent viewings, the same types of pornographic stimuli produce increasingly weaker physiological responses. This law of diminishing returns often prompts individuals to seek edgier and darker forms of pornography, which may include depictions of sexual foreplay, sexual intercourse, violence, murder, child sexual abuse, homosexuality, orgies, or bestiality. The intense pull of pornography can eventually drag viewers into a shocking underworld of "adult entertainment," which includes visits to "adult" stores, strip joints, topless bars, massage parlors, and other areas frequented by male and female prostitutes. Even if one doesn’t act out sexually, the costs of pornography are staggering. David Sanford is president of Sanford Communications, Inc., and author of the Living Faith Bible. http://www.drjudithreisman.com/archives/brain.pdf#search=%22pornography%20and%20the%20brain%22  http://www.wired.com/news/technology/0,1282,65772,00.html Internet Porn: Worse Than Crack?       Page 1 of 1  Breaking News from AP: Ky. Plane Crash Kills 49 of 50 on Board Hezbollah Head Didn't Foresee Such a War Bombs in Iraq Kill 31, Injure Dozens Hurricane Ernesto Bears Down on Haiti Dressed-Down Actors Rehearse Emmys Lines Fox News Crew Freed After Gaza Ordeal NASA Weighs Shuttle Launch Delay Again Another Body Tissue Scandal Rocks Field Wall Street Preps for More Economic Data Massa Wins His First Formula One Race Special Partner Promotion Learn more about USPS sweepstakes winners! Special Partner Promotion Find local technology jobs. Special Partner Promotion Now Offering HP Servers with Fanatical Support Special Partner Promotion Get connected to your life See Also Phone Sex Is Better Than Porn Porn Is Going Mobile It's Time for Reality Porn Progress Report for Net Censors Read more Technology news By Ryan Singel | Also by this reporter 11:00 AM Nov, 19, 2004 Internet pornography is the new crack cocaine, leading to addiction, misogyny, pedophilia, boob jobs and erectile dysfunction, according to clinicians and researchers testifying before a Senate committee Thursday. Witnesses before the Senate Commerce Committee's Science, Technology and Space Subcommittee spared no superlative in their description of the negative effects of pornography. Mary Anne Layden, co-director of the Sexual Trauma and Psychopathology Program at the University of Pennsylvania's Center for Cognitive Therapy, called porn the "most concerning thing to psychological health that I know of existing today." "The internet is a perfect drug delivery system because you are anonymous, aroused and have role models for these behaviors," Layden said. "To have drug pumped into your house 24/7, free, and children know how to use it better than grown-ups know how to use it -- it's a perfect delivery system if we want to have a whole generation of young addicts who will never have the drug out of their mind." Pornography addicts have a more difficult time recovering from their addiction than cocaine addicts, since coke users can get the drug out of their system, but pornographic images stay in the brain forever, Layden said. Jeffrey Satinover, a psychiatrist and advisor to the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality echoed Layden's concern about the internet and the somatic effects of pornography. "Pornography really does, unlike other addictions, biologically cause direct release of the most perfect addictive substance," Satinover said. "That is, it causes masturbation, which causes release of the naturally occurring opioids. It does what heroin can't do, in effect." The internet is dangerous because it removes the inefficiency in the delivery of pornography, making porn much more ubiquitous than in the days when guys in trench coats would sell nudie postcards, Satinover said. Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kansas), the subcommittee's chairman, called the hearing the most disturbing one he'd ever seen in the Senate. Brownback said porn was ubiquitous now, compared to when he was growing up and "some guy would sneak a magazine in somewhere and show some of us, but you had to find him at the right time." The hearing came just days after a controversy over a sexually suggestive Monday Night Football ad that has many foreseeing a crackdown on indecency by the Federal Communications Commission. It is unclear what the consequences of Thursday's hearing will be since it was not connected to any pending or proposed legislation. Brownback, a conservative Christian, is also scheduled to be rotated off the sub-committee in the next session. When Brownback asked the panelists for suggestions about what should be done, the responses were mild, considering their earlier indictment of pornography. Several suggested that federal money be allocated to fund brain-mapping studies into the physical effects of pornography. Judith Reisman of the California Protective Parents Association suggested that more study of "erototoxins" could show how pornography is not speech-protected under the First Amendment. The panelists all agreed that the government should fund health campaigns to educate the public about the dangers of pornography. The campaign should combat the messages of pornography by putting signs on buses saying sex with children is not OK, said Layden. However, as the panelists themselves acknowledged, there is no consensus among mental health professionals about the dangers of porn or the use of the term "pornography addiction." Many psychologists and most sexologists find the concepts of sex and pornography addiction problematic, said Carol Queen, staff sexologist for the San Francisco-based, woman-owned Good Vibrations. Queen questioned the validity of the panel for not including anyone who thinks "pornography is not particularly problematic in most people's lives." Queen acknowledges she can name people who have compulsive and destructive behavior centered on pornography, but argues that can happen with other activities, such as gambling and shopping. Queen also criticized the methodology behind research showing that pornography stimulates the brain like drugs do, saying the research needs to take into account how sex itself stimulates the brain. "There's no doubt the brain lights up when sexually aroused," Queen said. Queen too would like to see more money devoted to research on sex, but thinks it is unlikely that researchers on either side of the divide are likely to receive large grants any time soon. Studies intended to show the harmful effects of pornography must contend with ethical rules prohibiting harm to human subjects, while sex researchers have a hard time getting any funding, unless their study is specifically HIV-related, according to Queen. Quick FactsThe Real Price of Pornby David Sanford One of the most common Internet search terms is "porn free." If it’s free, it can’t be all that bad, right? Don't be deceived. The true price of pornography includes: Developing a distorted view of sexuality Decreased capacity for intellectual reasoning Sharply increased risk of ruining your marriage Increased risk of engaging in dangerous promiscuous behaviors Increased risk of committing a violent crime against a woman or child Increased risk of engaging in pedophilia Increased risk of supporting the commercial sexual exploitation of children and youth Increased risk of destroying everything that’s of lasting value in your life Thankfully, you can triumph over temptation. Best-selling Christian author Randy Alcorn is convinced that individuals can effectively avoid giving into temptation if they count the exorbitant price. He advocates compiling a personalized list of the anticipated consequences of immorality. His personal list includes more than two dozen negative consequences. Alcorn adds: Realize the clarity and importance of the call to purity. Realize you’ve been targeted for immorality. Call on your resources in Christ. Guard your heart and mind. Take radical steps to avoid temptation. Remember God is always watching. Remember you and your family will live with the rewards of pure choices and the consequences of impure ones. Quick FactsEffects of Viewing Pornographyby David Sanford When it comes to pornography, one look isn’t enough. Pornography’s appeal may seem innocent at first. ("What’s wrong with looking at the beauty of the human body?") Like cocaine, however, pornography is quickly addictive. Pornography creates a strong physiological response in men and women. The immediate "rush" of a first exposure to pornography is often followed by intensely negative feelings. In subsequent viewings, the same types of pornographic stimuli produce increasingly weaker physiological responses. This law of diminishing returns often prompts individuals to seek edgier and darker forms of pornography, which may include depictions of sexual foreplay, sexual intercourse, violence, murder, child sexual abuse, homosexuality, orgies, or bestiality. The intense pull of pornography can eventually drag viewers into a shocking underworld of "adult entertainment," which includes visits to "adult" stores, strip joints, topless bars, massage parlors, and other areas frequented by male and female prostitutes. Even if one doesn’t act out sexually, the costs of pornography are staggering. David Sanford is president of Sanford Communications, Inc., and author of the Living Faith Bible.

    47. Mitos de la Pornografía La pornografía es inofensiva …eso no afecta a nadie La pornografía solo me afecta a mi Yo tengo el control sobre la pornografía La responsabilidad de sacarme de la pornografía es de Dios Nunca podre ser lo suficientemente limpio como para que Dios pueda usarme Five Myths About Pornography It's just harmless fun. ("I'm not hurting anyone.") It only affects me. I can control it. Prayer will rid me of it. ("Breaking free is God's responsibility, not mine.") I will never again be clean enough to be used by God. Five Myths About Pornography It's just harmless fun. ("I'm not hurting anyone.") It only affects me. I can control it. Prayer will rid me of it. ("Breaking free is God's responsibility, not mine.") I will never again be clean enough to be used by God.

    48. ¿Qué tan Serio es el Problema? Internet Pornography Statistics Click here for a complete side-by-side comparison of Internet Filter Review By Jerry Ropelato Pornography Industry Revenue Statistics Size of the industry $57.0 billion world-wide - $12.0 billion US Adult videos $20 billion Escort services $11 billion Magazines $7.5 billion Sex clubs $5 billion Phone sex $4.5 billion Cable/Pay per view $2.5 billion Internet $2.5 billion CD-Rom $1.5 billion Novelties $1.0 billion Other $1.5 billion Porn revenue is larger than all combined revenues of all professional football, baseball and basketball franchises. US porn revenue exceeds the combined revenues of ABC, CBS, and NBC (6.2 billion) Child pornography generates $3 billion annually Internet Pornography Statistics Pornographic websites 4.2 million (12% of total websites) Pornographic pages 372 million Daily pornographic search engine requests 68 million (25% of total search engine requests) Daily pornographic emails 2.5 billion (8% of total emails) Average daily pornographic emails/user 4.5 per Internet user Monthly Pornographic downloads (Peer-to-peer) 1.5 billion (35% of all downloads) Daily Gnutella "child pornography" requests 116 thousand Websites offering illegal child pornography 100 thousand Sexual solicitations of youth made in chat rooms 89% Youths who received sexual solicitation 20% Worldwide visitors to pornographic web sites 72 million annually Children Internet Pornography Statistics Average age of first Internet exposure to pornography 11 years old Largest consumer of Internet pornography 12 - 17 age group 15-17 year olds having multiple hard-core exposures 80% 8-16 year olds having viewed porn online 90% (most while doing homework) 7-17 year olds who would freely give out home address 29% 7-17 year olds who would freely give out email address 14% Childrens' character names linked to thousands of porn links 26 (Including Pokeman and Action Man) http://internet-filter-review.toptenreviews.com/internet-pornography-statistics.html Adult Internet Pornography Statistics Men admitting to accessing pornography at work 20% US adults who regularly visit Internet pornography websites 40 million Promise Keeper men who viewed pornography in last week 53% Christians who said pornography is a major problem in the home 47% Adults admitting to Internet sexual addiction 10% Breakdown of male/female visitors to pornography sites 72% male - 28% female Women and Pornography 70% of women keep their cyber activities secret. 17% of all women struggle with pornography addiction. Women, far more than men, are likely to act out their behaviors in real life, such as having multiple partners, casual sex, or affairs. Women favor chat rooms 2X more than men. 1 of 3 visitors to all adult web sites are women. 9.4 million women access adult web sites each month. Women admitting to accessing pornography at work 13% Internet Pornography Statistics

    49. El Impacto de la Pornografía en el Cerebro Quick Facts The Real Price of Porn by David Sanford One of the most common Internet search terms is "porn free." If it’s free, it can’t be all that bad, right? Don't be deceived. The true price of pornography includes: Developing a distorted view of sexuality Decreased capacity for intellectual reasoning Sharply increased risk of ruining your marriage Increased risk of engaging in dangerous promiscuous behaviors Increased risk of committing a violent crime against a woman or child Increased risk of engaging in pedophilia Increased risk of supporting the commercial sexual exploitation of children and youth Increased risk of destroying everything that’s of lasting value in your life Thankfully, you can triumph over temptation. Best-selling Christian author Randy Alcorn is convinced that individuals can effectively avoid giving into temptation if they count the exorbitant price. He advocates compiling a personalized list of the anticipated consequences of immorality. His personal list includes more than two dozen negative consequences. Alcorn adds: Realize the clarity and importance of the call to purity. Realize you’ve been targeted for immorality. Call on your resources in Christ. Guard your heart and mind. Take radical steps to avoid temptation. Remember God is always watching. Remember you and your family will live with the rewards of pure choices and the consequences of impure ones. Quick Facts Effects of Viewing Pornography by David Sanford When it comes to pornography, one look isn’t enough. Pornography’s appeal may seem innocent at first. ("What’s wrong with looking at the beauty of the human body?") Like cocaine, however, pornography is quickly addictive. Pornography creates a strong physiological response in men and women. The immediate "rush" of a first exposure to pornography is often followed by intensely negative feelings. In subsequent viewings, the same types of pornographic stimuli produce increasingly weaker physiological responses. This law of diminishing returns often prompts individuals to seek edgier and darker forms of pornography, which may include depictions of sexual foreplay, sexual intercourse, violence, murder, child sexual abuse, homosexuality, orgies, or bestiality. The intense pull of pornography can eventually drag viewers into a shocking underworld of "adult entertainment," which includes visits to "adult" stores, strip joints, topless bars, massage parlors, and other areas frequented by male and female prostitutes. Even if one doesn’t act out sexually, the costs of pornography are staggering. David Sanford is president of Sanford Communications, Inc., and author of the Living Faith Bible. http://www.drjudithreisman.com/archives/brain.pdf#search=%22pornography%20and%20the%20brain%22  http://www.wired.com/news/technology/0,1282,65772,00.html Internet Porn: Worse Than Crack?       Page 1 of 1  By Ryan Singel | Also by this reporter 11:00 AM Nov, 19, 2004 Internet pornography is the new crack cocaine, leading to addiction, misogyny, pedophilia, boob jobs and erectile dysfunction, according to clinicians and researchers testifying before a Senate committee Thursday. Witnesses before the Senate Commerce Committee's Science, Technology and Space Subcommittee spared no superlative in their description of the negative effects of pornography. Mary Anne Layden, co-director of the Sexual Trauma and Psychopathology Program at the University of Pennsylvania's Center for Cognitive Therapy, called porn the "most concerning thing to psychological health that I know of existing today." "The internet is a perfect drug delivery system because you are anonymous, aroused and have role models for these behaviors," Layden said. "To have drug pumped into your house 24/7, free, and children know how to use it better than grown-ups know how to use it -- it's a perfect delivery system if we want to have a whole generation of young addicts who will never have the drug out of their mind." Pornography addicts have a more difficult time recovering from their addiction than cocaine addicts, since coke users can get the drug out of their system, but pornographic images stay in the brain forever, Layden said. Jeffrey Satinover, a psychiatrist and advisor to the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality echoed Layden's concern about the internet and the somatic effects of pornography. "Pornography really does, unlike other addictions, biologically cause direct release of the most perfect addictive substance," Satinover said. "That is, it causes masturbation, which causes release of the naturally occurring opioids. It does what heroin can't do, in effect." The internet is dangerous because it removes the inefficiency in the delivery of pornography, making porn much more ubiquitous than in the days when guys in trench coats would sell nudie postcards, Satinover said. Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kansas), the subcommittee's chairman, called the hearing the most disturbing one he'd ever seen in the Senate. Brownback said porn was ubiquitous now, compared to when he was growing up and "some guy would sneak a magazine in somewhere and show some of us, but you had to find him at the right time." The hearing came just days after a controversy over a sexually suggestive Monday Night Football ad that has many foreseeing a crackdown on indecency by the Federal Communications Commission. It is unclear what the consequences of Thursday's hearing will be since it was not connected to any pending or proposed legislation. Brownback, a conservative Christian, is also scheduled to be rotated off the sub-committee in the next session. When Brownback asked the panelists for suggestions about what should be done, the responses were mild, considering their earlier indictment of pornography. Several suggested that federal money be allocated to fund brain-mapping studies into the physical effects of pornography. Judith Reisman of the California Protective Parents Association suggested that more study of "erototoxins" could show how pornography is not speech-protected under the First Amendment. The panelists all agreed that the government should fund health campaigns to educate the public about the dangers of pornography. The campaign should combat the messages of pornography by putting signs on buses saying sex with children is not OK, said Layden. However, as the panelists themselves acknowledged, there is no consensus among mental health professionals about the dangers of porn or the use of the term "pornography addiction." Many psychologists and most sexologists find the concepts of sex and pornography addiction problematic, said Carol Queen, staff sexologist for the San Francisco-based, woman-owned Good Vibrations. Queen questioned the validity of the panel for not including anyone who thinks "pornography is not particularly problematic in most people's lives." Queen acknowledges she can name people who have compulsive and destructive behavior centered on pornography, but argues that can happen with other activities, such as gambling and shopping. Queen also criticized the methodology behind research showing that pornography stimulates the brain like drugs do, saying the research needs to take into account how sex itself stimulates the brain. "There's no doubt the brain lights up when sexually aroused," Queen said. Queen too would like to see more money devoted to research on sex, but thinks it is unlikely that researchers on either side of the divide are likely to receive large grants any time soon. Studies intended to show the harmful effects of pornography must contend with ethical rules prohibiting harm to human subjects, while sex researchers have a hard time getting any funding, unless their study is specifically HIV-related, according to Queen. Quick FactsThe Real Price of Pornby David Sanford One of the most common Internet search terms is "porn free." If it’s free, it can’t be all that bad, right? Don't be deceived. The true price of pornography includes: Developing a distorted view of sexuality Decreased capacity for intellectual reasoning Sharply increased risk of ruining your marriage Increased risk of engaging in dangerous promiscuous behaviors Increased risk of committing a violent crime against a woman or child Increased risk of engaging in pedophilia Increased risk of supporting the commercial sexual exploitation of children and youth Increased risk of destroying everything that’s of lasting value in your life Thankfully, you can triumph over temptation. Best-selling Christian author Randy Alcorn is convinced that individuals can effectively avoid giving into temptation if they count the exorbitant price. He advocates compiling a personalized list of the anticipated consequences of immorality. His personal list includes more than two dozen negative consequences. Alcorn adds: Realize the clarity and importance of the call to purity. Realize you’ve been targeted for immorality. Call on your resources in Christ. Guard your heart and mind. Take radical steps to avoid temptation. Remember God is always watching. Remember you and your family will live with the rewards of pure choices and the consequences of impure ones. Quick FactsEffects of Viewing Pornographyby David Sanford When it comes to pornography, one look isn’t enough. Pornography’s appeal may seem innocent at first. ("What’s wrong with looking at the beauty of the human body?") Like cocaine, however, pornography is quickly addictive. Pornography creates a strong physiological response in men and women. The immediate "rush" of a first exposure to pornography is often followed by intensely negative feelings. In subsequent viewings, the same types of pornographic stimuli produce increasingly weaker physiological responses. This law of diminishing returns often prompts individuals to seek edgier and darker forms of pornography, which may include depictions of sexual foreplay, sexual intercourse, violence, murder, child sexual abuse, homosexuality, orgies, or bestiality. The intense pull of pornography can eventually drag viewers into a shocking underworld of "adult entertainment," which includes visits to "adult" stores, strip joints, topless bars, massage parlors, and other areas frequented by male and female prostitutes. Even if one doesn’t act out sexually, the costs of pornography are staggering. David Sanford is president of Sanford Communications, Inc., and author of the Living Faith Bible.

    50. El Impacto de la Pornografía en el Cerebro Quick Facts The Real Price of Porn by David Sanford One of the most common Internet search terms is "porn free." If it’s free, it can’t be all that bad, right? Don't be deceived. The true price of pornography includes: Developing a distorted view of sexuality Decreased capacity for intellectual reasoning Sharply increased risk of ruining your marriage Increased risk of engaging in dangerous promiscuous behaviors Increased risk of committing a violent crime against a woman or child Increased risk of engaging in pedophilia Increased risk of supporting the commercial sexual exploitation of children and youth Increased risk of destroying everything that’s of lasting value in your life Thankfully, you can triumph over temptation. Best-selling Christian author Randy Alcorn is convinced that individuals can effectively avoid giving into temptation if they count the exorbitant price. He advocates compiling a personalized list of the anticipated consequences of immorality. His personal list includes more than two dozen negative consequences. Alcorn adds: Realize the clarity and importance of the call to purity. Realize you’ve been targeted for immorality. Call on your resources in Christ. Guard your heart and mind. Take radical steps to avoid temptation. Remember God is always watching. Remember you and your family will live with the rewards of pure choices and the consequences of impure ones. Quick Facts Effects of Viewing Pornography by David Sanford When it comes to pornography, one look isn’t enough. Pornography’s appeal may seem innocent at first. ("What’s wrong with looking at the beauty of the human body?") Like cocaine, however, pornography is quickly addictive. Pornography creates a strong physiological response in men and women. The immediate "rush" of a first exposure to pornography is often followed by intensely negative feelings. In subsequent viewings, the same types of pornographic stimuli produce increasingly weaker physiological responses. This law of diminishing returns often prompts individuals to seek edgier and darker forms of pornography, which may include depictions of sexual foreplay, sexual intercourse, violence, murder, child sexual abuse, homosexuality, orgies, or bestiality. The intense pull of pornography can eventually drag viewers into a shocking underworld of "adult entertainment," which includes visits to "adult" stores, strip joints, topless bars, massage parlors, and other areas frequented by male and female prostitutes. Even if one doesn’t act out sexually, the costs of pornography are staggering. David Sanford is president of Sanford Communications, Inc., and author of the Living Faith Bible. http://www.drjudithreisman.com/archives/brain.pdf#search=%22pornography%20and%20the%20brain%22  http://www.wired.com/news/technology/0,1282,65772,00.html Internet Porn: Worse Than Crack?       Page 1 of 1  Breaking News from AP: Ky. Plane Crash Kills 49 of 50 on Board Hezbollah Head Didn't Foresee Such a War Bombs in Iraq Kill 31, Injure Dozens Hurricane Ernesto Bears Down on Haiti Dressed-Down Actors Rehearse Emmys Lines Fox News Crew Freed After Gaza Ordeal NASA Weighs Shuttle Launch Delay Again Another Body Tissue Scandal Rocks Field Wall Street Preps for More Economic Data Massa Wins His First Formula One Race Special Partner Promotion Learn more about USPS sweepstakes winners! Special Partner Promotion Find local technology jobs. Special Partner Promotion Now Offering HP Servers with Fanatical Support Special Partner Promotion Get connected to your life See Also Phone Sex Is Better Than Porn Porn Is Going Mobile It's Time for Reality Porn Progress Report for Net Censors Read more Technology news By Ryan Singel | Also by this reporter 11:00 AM Nov, 19, 2004 Internet pornography is the new crack cocaine, leading to addiction, misogyny, pedophilia, boob jobs and erectile dysfunction, according to clinicians and researchers testifying before a Senate committee Thursday. Witnesses before the Senate Commerce Committee's Science, Technology and Space Subcommittee spared no superlative in their description of the negative effects of pornography. Mary Anne Layden, co-director of the Sexual Trauma and Psychopathology Program at the University of Pennsylvania's Center for Cognitive Therapy, called porn the "most concerning thing to psychological health that I know of existing today." "The internet is a perfect drug delivery system because you are anonymous, aroused and have role models for these behaviors," Layden said. "To have drug pumped into your house 24/7, free, and children know how to use it better than grown-ups know how to use it -- it's a perfect delivery system if we want to have a whole generation of young addicts who will never have the drug out of their mind." Pornography addicts have a more difficult time recovering from their addiction than cocaine addicts, since coke users can get the drug out of their system, but pornographic images stay in the brain forever, Layden said. Jeffrey Satinover, a psychiatrist and advisor to the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality echoed Layden's concern about the internet and the somatic effects of pornography. "Pornography really does, unlike other addictions, biologically cause direct release of the most perfect addictive substance," Satinover said. "That is, it causes masturbation, which causes release of the naturally occurring opioids. It does what heroin can't do, in effect." The internet is dangerous because it removes the inefficiency in the delivery of pornography, making porn much more ubiquitous than in the days when guys in trench coats would sell nudie postcards, Satinover said. Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kansas), the subcommittee's chairman, called the hearing the most disturbing one he'd ever seen in the Senate. Brownback said porn was ubiquitous now, compared to when he was growing up and "some guy would sneak a magazine in somewhere and show some of us, but you had to find him at the right time." The hearing came just days after a controversy over a sexually suggestive Monday Night Football ad that has many foreseeing a crackdown on indecency by the Federal Communications Commission. It is unclear what the consequences of Thursday's hearing will be since it was not connected to any pending or proposed legislation. Brownback, a conservative Christian, is also scheduled to be rotated off the sub-committee in the next session. When Brownback asked the panelists for suggestions about what should be done, the responses were mild, considering their earlier indictment of pornography. Several suggested that federal money be allocated to fund brain-mapping studies into the physical effects of pornography. Judith Reisman of the California Protective Parents Association suggested that more study of "erototoxins" could show how pornography is not speech-protected under the First Amendment. The panelists all agreed that the government should fund health campaigns to educate the public about the dangers of pornography. The campaign should combat the messages of pornography by putting signs on buses saying sex with children is not OK, said Layden. However, as the panelists themselves acknowledged, there is no consensus among mental health professionals about the dangers of porn or the use of the term "pornography addiction." Many psychologists and most sexologists find the concepts of sex and pornography addiction problematic, said Carol Queen, staff sexologist for the San Francisco-based, woman-owned Good Vibrations. Queen questioned the validity of the panel for not including anyone who thinks "pornography is not particularly problematic in most people's lives." Queen acknowledges she can name people who have compulsive and destructive behavior centered on pornography, but argues that can happen with other activities, such as gambling and shopping. Queen also criticized the methodology behind research showing that pornography stimulates the brain like drugs do, saying the research needs to take into account how sex itself stimulates the brain. "There's no doubt the brain lights up when sexually aroused," Queen said. Queen too would like to see more money devoted to research on sex, but thinks it is unlikely that researchers on either side of the divide are likely to receive large grants any time soon. Studies intended to show the harmful effects of pornography must contend with ethical rules prohibiting harm to human subjects, while sex researchers have a hard time getting any funding, unless their study is specifically HIV-related, according to Queen. Quick FactsThe Real Price of Pornby David Sanford One of the most common Internet search terms is "porn free." If it’s free, it can’t be all that bad, right? Don't be deceived. The true price of pornography includes: Developing a distorted view of sexuality Decreased capacity for intellectual reasoning Sharply increased risk of ruining your marriage Increased risk of engaging in dangerous promiscuous behaviors Increased risk of committing a violent crime against a woman or child Increased risk of engaging in pedophilia Increased risk of supporting the commercial sexual exploitation of children and youth Increased risk of destroying everything that’s of lasting value in your life Thankfully, you can triumph over temptation. Best-selling Christian author Randy Alcorn is convinced that individuals can effectively avoid giving into temptation if they count the exorbitant price. He advocates compiling a personalized list of the anticipated consequences of immorality. His personal list includes more than two dozen negative consequences. Alcorn adds: Realize the clarity and importance of the call to purity. Realize you’ve been targeted for immorality. Call on your resources in Christ. Guard your heart and mind. Take radical steps to avoid temptation. Remember God is always watching. Remember you and your family will live with the rewards of pure choices and the consequences of impure ones. Quick FactsEffects of Viewing Pornographyby David Sanford When it comes to pornography, one look isn’t enough. Pornography’s appeal may seem innocent at first. ("What’s wrong with looking at the beauty of the human body?") Like cocaine, however, pornography is quickly addictive. Pornography creates a strong physiological response in men and women. The immediate "rush" of a first exposure to pornography is often followed by intensely negative feelings. In subsequent viewings, the same types of pornographic stimuli produce increasingly weaker physiological responses. This law of diminishing returns often prompts individuals to seek edgier and darker forms of pornography, which may include depictions of sexual foreplay, sexual intercourse, violence, murder, child sexual abuse, homosexuality, orgies, or bestiality. The intense pull of pornography can eventually drag viewers into a shocking underworld of "adult entertainment," which includes visits to "adult" stores, strip joints, topless bars, massage parlors, and other areas frequented by male and female prostitutes. Even if one doesn’t act out sexually, the costs of pornography are staggering. David Sanford is president of Sanford Communications, Inc., and author of the Living Faith Bible.

    51. Quick Facts The Real Price of Porn by David Sanford One of the most common Internet search terms is "porn free." If it’s free, it can’t be all that bad, right? Don't be deceived. The true price of pornography includes: Developing a distorted view of sexuality Decreased capacity for intellectual reasoning Sharply increased risk of ruining your marriage Increased risk of engaging in dangerous promiscuous behaviors Increased risk of committing a violent crime against a woman or child Increased risk of engaging in pedophilia Increased risk of supporting the commercial sexual exploitation of children and youth Increased risk of destroying everything that’s of lasting value in your life Thankfully, you can triumph over temptation. Best-selling Christian author Randy Alcorn is convinced that individuals can effectively avoid giving into temptation if they count the exorbitant price. He advocates compiling a personalized list of the anticipated consequences of immorality. His personal list includes more than two dozen negative consequences. Alcorn adds: Realize the clarity and importance of the call to purity. Realize you’ve been targeted for immorality. Call on your resources in Christ. Guard your heart and mind. Take radical steps to avoid temptation. Remember God is always watching. Remember you and your family will live with the rewards of pure choices and the consequences of impure ones. Quick Facts Effects of Viewing Pornography by David Sanford When it comes to pornography, one look isn’t enough. Pornography’s appeal may seem innocent at first. ("What’s wrong with looking at the beauty of the human body?") Like cocaine, however, pornography is quickly addictive. Pornography creates a strong physiological response in men and women. The immediate "rush" of a first exposure to pornography is often followed by intensely negative feelings. In subsequent viewings, the same types of pornographic stimuli produce increasingly weaker physiological responses. This law of diminishing returns often prompts individuals to seek edgier and darker forms of pornography, which may include depictions of sexual foreplay, sexual intercourse, violence, murder, child sexual abuse, homosexuality, orgies, or bestiality. The intense pull of pornography can eventually drag viewers into a shocking underworld of "adult entertainment," which includes visits to "adult" stores, strip joints, topless bars, massage parlors, and other areas frequented by male and female prostitutes. Even if one doesn’t act out sexually, the costs of pornography are staggering. David Sanford is president of Sanford Communications, Inc., and author of the Living Faith Bible. http://www.drjudithreisman.com/archives/brain.pdf#search=%22pornography%20and%20the%20brain%22  http://www.wired.com/news/technology/0,1282,65772,00.html Internet Porn: Worse Than Crack?       Page 1 of 1  Breaking News from AP: Ky. Plane Crash Kills 49 of 50 on Board Hezbollah Head Didn't Foresee Such a War Bombs in Iraq Kill 31, Injure Dozens Hurricane Ernesto Bears Down on Haiti Dressed-Down Actors Rehearse Emmys Lines Fox News Crew Freed After Gaza Ordeal NASA Weighs Shuttle Launch Delay Again Another Body Tissue Scandal Rocks Field Wall Street Preps for More Economic Data Massa Wins His First Formula One Race Special Partner Promotion Learn more about USPS sweepstakes winners! Special Partner Promotion Find local technology jobs. Special Partner Promotion Now Offering HP Servers with Fanatical Support Special Partner Promotion Get connected to your life See Also Phone Sex Is Better Than Porn Porn Is Going Mobile It's Time for Reality Porn Progress Report for Net Censors Read more Technology news By Ryan Singel | Also by this reporter 11:00 AM Nov, 19, 2004 Internet pornography is the new crack cocaine, leading to addiction, misogyny, pedophilia, boob jobs and erectile dysfunction, according to clinicians and researchers testifying before a Senate committee Thursday. Witnesses before the Senate Commerce Committee's Science, Technology and Space Subcommittee spared no superlative in their description of the negative effects of pornography. Mary Anne Layden, co-director of the Sexual Trauma and Psychopathology Program at the University of Pennsylvania's Center for Cognitive Therapy, called porn the "most concerning thing to psychological health that I know of existing today." "The internet is a perfect drug delivery system because you are anonymous, aroused and have role models for these behaviors," Layden said. "To have drug pumped into your house 24/7, free, and children know how to use it better than grown-ups know how to use it -- it's a perfect delivery system if we want to have a whole generation of young addicts who will never have the drug out of their mind." Pornography addicts have a more difficult time recovering from their addiction than cocaine addicts, since coke users can get the drug out of their system, but pornographic images stay in the brain forever, Layden said. Jeffrey Satinover, a psychiatrist and advisor to the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality echoed Layden's concern about the internet and the somatic effects of pornography. "Pornography really does, unlike other addictions, biologically cause direct release of the most perfect addictive substance," Satinover said. "That is, it causes masturbation, which causes release of the naturally occurring opioids. It does what heroin can't do, in effect." The internet is dangerous because it removes the inefficiency in the delivery of pornography, making porn much more ubiquitous than in the days when guys in trench coats would sell nudie postcards, Satinover said. Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kansas), the subcommittee's chairman, called the hearing the most disturbing one he'd ever seen in the Senate. Brownback said porn was ubiquitous now, compared to when he was growing up and "some guy would sneak a magazine in somewhere and show some of us, but you had to find him at the right time." The hearing came just days after a controversy over a sexually suggestive Monday Night Football ad that has many foreseeing a crackdown on indecency by the Federal Communications Commission. It is unclear what the consequences of Thursday's hearing will be since it was not connected to any pending or proposed legislation. Brownback, a conservative Christian, is also scheduled to be rotated off the sub-committee in the next session. When Brownback asked the panelists for suggestions about what should be done, the responses were mild, considering their earlier indictment of pornography. Several suggested that federal money be allocated to fund brain-mapping studies into the physical effects of pornography. Judith Reisman of the California Protective Parents Association suggested that more study of "erototoxins" could show how pornography is not speech-protected under the First Amendment. The panelists all agreed that the government should fund health campaigns to educate the public about the dangers of pornography. The campaign should combat the messages of pornography by putting signs on buses saying sex with children is not OK, said Layden. However, as the panelists themselves acknowledged, there is no consensus among mental health professionals about the dangers of porn or the use of the term "pornography addiction." Many psychologists and most sexologists find the concepts of sex and pornography addiction problematic, said Carol Queen, staff sexologist for the San Francisco-based, woman-owned Good Vibrations. Queen questioned the validity of the panel for not including anyone who thinks "pornography is not particularly problematic in most people's lives." Queen acknowledges she can name people who have compulsive and destructive behavior centered on pornography, but argues that can happen with other activities, such as gambling and shopping. Queen also criticized the methodology behind research showing that pornography stimulates the brain like drugs do, saying the research needs to take into account how sex itself stimulates the brain. "There's no doubt the brain lights up when sexually aroused," Queen said. Queen too would like to see more money devoted to research on sex, but thinks it is unlikely that researchers on either side of the divide are likely to receive large grants any time soon. Studies intended to show the harmful effects of pornography must contend with ethical rules prohibiting harm to human subjects, while sex researchers have a hard time getting any funding, unless their study is specifically HIV-related, according to Queen. Quick FactsThe Real Price of Pornby David Sanford One of the most common Internet search terms is "porn free." If it’s free, it can’t be all that bad, right? Don't be deceived. The true price of pornography includes: Developing a distorted view of sexuality Decreased capacity for intellectual reasoning Sharply increased risk of ruining your marriage Increased risk of engaging in dangerous promiscuous behaviors Increased risk of committing a violent crime against a woman or child Increased risk of engaging in pedophilia Increased risk of supporting the commercial sexual exploitation of children and youth Increased risk of destroying everything that’s of lasting value in your life Thankfully, you can triumph over temptation. Best-selling Christian author Randy Alcorn is convinced that individuals can effectively avoid giving into temptation if they count the exorbitant price. He advocates compiling a personalized list of the anticipated consequences of immorality. His personal list includes more than two dozen negative consequences. Alcorn adds: Realize the clarity and importance of the call to purity. Realize you’ve been targeted for immorality. Call on your resources in Christ. Guard your heart and mind. Take radical steps to avoid temptation. Remember God is always watching. Remember you and your family will live with the rewards of pure choices and the consequences of impure ones. Quick FactsEffects of Viewing Pornographyby David Sanford When it comes to pornography, one look isn’t enough. Pornography’s appeal may seem innocent at first. ("What’s wrong with looking at the beauty of the human body?") Like cocaine, however, pornography is quickly addictive. Pornography creates a strong physiological response in men and women. The immediate "rush" of a first exposure to pornography is often followed by intensely negative feelings. In subsequent viewings, the same types of pornographic stimuli produce increasingly weaker physiological responses. This law of diminishing returns often prompts individuals to seek edgier and darker forms of pornography, which may include depictions of sexual foreplay, sexual intercourse, violence, murder, child sexual abuse, homosexuality, orgies, or bestiality. The intense pull of pornography can eventually drag viewers into a shocking underworld of "adult entertainment," which includes visits to "adult" stores, strip joints, topless bars, massage parlors, and other areas frequented by male and female prostitutes. Even if one doesn’t act out sexually, the costs of pornography are staggering. David Sanford is president of Sanford Communications, Inc., and author of the Living Faith Bible.

    52. Quick Facts The Real Price of Porn by David Sanford One of the most common Internet search terms is "porn free." If it’s free, it can’t be all that bad, right? Don't be deceived. The true price of pornography includes: Developing a distorted view of sexuality Decreased capacity for intellectual reasoning Sharply increased risk of ruining your marriage Increased risk of engaging in dangerous promiscuous behaviors Increased risk of committing a violent crime against a woman or child Increased risk of engaging in pedophilia Increased risk of supporting the commercial sexual exploitation of children and youth Increased risk of destroying everything that’s of lasting value in your life Thankfully, you can triumph over temptation. Best-selling Christian author Randy Alcorn is convinced that individuals can effectively avoid giving into temptation if they count the exorbitant price. He advocates compiling a personalized list of the anticipated consequences of immorality. His personal list includes more than two dozen negative consequences. Alcorn adds: Realize the clarity and importance of the call to purity. Realize you’ve been targeted for immorality. Call on your resources in Christ. Guard your heart and mind. Take radical steps to avoid temptation. Remember God is always watching. Remember you and your family will live with the rewards of pure choices and the consequences of impure ones. Quick Facts Effects of Viewing Pornography by David Sanford When it comes to pornography, one look isn’t enough. Pornography’s appeal may seem innocent at first. ("What’s wrong with looking at the beauty of the human body?") Like cocaine, however, pornography is quickly addictive. Pornography creates a strong physiological response in men and women. The immediate "rush" of a first exposure to pornography is often followed by intensely negative feelings. In subsequent viewings, the same types of pornographic stimuli produce increasingly weaker physiological responses. This law of diminishing returns often prompts individuals to seek edgier and darker forms of pornography, which may include depictions of sexual foreplay, sexual intercourse, violence, murder, child sexual abuse, homosexuality, orgies, or bestiality. The intense pull of pornography can eventually drag viewers into a shocking underworld of "adult entertainment," which includes visits to "adult" stores, strip joints, topless bars, massage parlors, and other areas frequented by male and female prostitutes. Even if one doesn’t act out sexually, the costs of pornography are staggering. David Sanford is president of Sanford Communications, Inc., and author of the Living Faith Bible. http://www.drjudithreisman.com/archives/brain.pdf#search=%22pornography%20and%20the%20brain%22  http://www.wired.com/news/technology/0,1282,65772,00.html Internet Porn: Worse Than Crack?       Page 1 of 1  Breaking News from AP: Ky. Plane Crash Kills 49 of 50 on Board Hezbollah Head Didn't Foresee Such a War Bombs in Iraq Kill 31, Injure Dozens Hurricane Ernesto Bears Down on Haiti Dressed-Down Actors Rehearse Emmys Lines Fox News Crew Freed After Gaza Ordeal NASA Weighs Shuttle Launch Delay Again Another Body Tissue Scandal Rocks Field Wall Street Preps for More Economic Data Massa Wins His First Formula One Race Special Partner Promotion Learn more about USPS sweepstakes winners! Special Partner Promotion Find local technology jobs. Special Partner Promotion Now Offering HP Servers with Fanatical Support Special Partner Promotion Get connected to your life See Also Phone Sex Is Better Than Porn Porn Is Going Mobile It's Time for Reality Porn Progress Report for Net Censors Read more Technology news By Ryan Singel | Also by this reporter 11:00 AM Nov, 19, 2004 Internet pornography is the new crack cocaine, leading to addiction, misogyny, pedophilia, boob jobs and erectile dysfunction, according to clinicians and researchers testifying before a Senate committee Thursday. Witnesses before the Senate Commerce Committee's Science, Technology and Space Subcommittee spared no superlative in their description of the negative effects of pornography. Mary Anne Layden, co-director of the Sexual Trauma and Psychopathology Program at the University of Pennsylvania's Center for Cognitive Therapy, called porn the "most concerning thing to psychological health that I know of existing today." "The internet is a perfect drug delivery system because you are anonymous, aroused and have role models for these behaviors," Layden said. "To have drug pumped into your house 24/7, free, and children know how to use it better than grown-ups know how to use it -- it's a perfect delivery system if we want to have a whole generation of young addicts who will never have the drug out of their mind." Pornography addicts have a more difficult time recovering from their addiction than cocaine addicts, since coke users can get the drug out of their system, but pornographic images stay in the brain forever, Layden said. Jeffrey Satinover, a psychiatrist and advisor to the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality echoed Layden's concern about the internet and the somatic effects of pornography. "Pornography really does, unlike other addictions, biologically cause direct release of the most perfect addictive substance," Satinover said. "That is, it causes masturbation, which causes release of the naturally occurring opioids. It does what heroin can't do, in effect." The internet is dangerous because it removes the inefficiency in the delivery of pornography, making porn much more ubiquitous than in the days when guys in trench coats would sell nudie postcards, Satinover said. Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kansas), the subcommittee's chairman, called the hearing the most disturbing one he'd ever seen in the Senate. Brownback said porn was ubiquitous now, compared to when he was growing up and "some guy would sneak a magazine in somewhere and show some of us, but you had to find him at the right time." The hearing came just days after a controversy over a sexually suggestive Monday Night Football ad that has many foreseeing a crackdown on indecency by the Federal Communications Commission. It is unclear what the consequences of Thursday's hearing will be since it was not connected to any pending or proposed legislation. Brownback, a conservative Christian, is also scheduled to be rotated off the sub-committee in the next session. When Brownback asked the panelists for suggestions about what should be done, the responses were mild, considering their earlier indictment of pornography. Several suggested that federal money be allocated to fund brain-mapping studies into the physical effects of pornography. Judith Reisman of the California Protective Parents Association suggested that more study of "erototoxins" could show how pornography is not speech-protected under the First Amendment. The panelists all agreed that the government should fund health campaigns to educate the public about the dangers of pornography. The campaign should combat the messages of pornography by putting signs on buses saying sex with children is not OK, said Layden. However, as the panelists themselves acknowledged, there is no consensus among mental health professionals about the dangers of porn or the use of the term "pornography addiction." Many psychologists and most sexologists find the concepts of sex and pornography addiction problematic, said Carol Queen, staff sexologist for the San Francisco-based, woman-owned Good Vibrations. Queen questioned the validity of the panel for not including anyone who thinks "pornography is not particularly problematic in most people's lives." Queen acknowledges she can name people who have compulsive and destructive behavior centered on pornography, but argues that can happen with other activities, such as gambling and shopping. Queen also criticized the methodology behind research showing that pornography stimulates the brain like drugs do, saying the research needs to take into account how sex itself stimulates the brain. "There's no doubt the brain lights up when sexually aroused," Queen said. Queen too would like to see more money devoted to research on sex, but thinks it is unlikely that researchers on either side of the divide are likely to receive large grants any time soon. Studies intended to show the harmful effects of pornography must contend with ethical rules prohibiting harm to human subjects, while sex researchers have a hard time getting any funding, unless their study is specifically HIV-related, according to Queen. Quick FactsThe Real Price of Pornby David Sanford One of the most common Internet search terms is "porn free." If it’s free, it can’t be all that bad, right? Don't be deceived. The true price of pornography includes: Developing a distorted view of sexuality Decreased capacity for intellectual reasoning Sharply increased risk of ruining your marriage Increased risk of engaging in dangerous promiscuous behaviors Increased risk of committing a violent crime against a woman or child Increased risk of engaging in pedophilia Increased risk of supporting the commercial sexual exploitation of children and youth Increased risk of destroying everything that’s of lasting value in your life Thankfully, you can triumph over temptation. Best-selling Christian author Randy Alcorn is convinced that individuals can effectively avoid giving into temptation if they count the exorbitant price. He advocates compiling a personalized list of the anticipated consequences of immorality. His personal list includes more than two dozen negative consequences. Alcorn adds: Realize the clarity and importance of the call to purity. Realize you’ve been targeted for immorality. Call on your resources in Christ. Guard your heart and mind. Take radical steps to avoid temptation. Remember God is always watching. Remember you and your family will live with the rewards of pure choices and the consequences of impure ones. Quick FactsEffects of Viewing Pornographyby David Sanford When it comes to pornography, one look isn’t enough. Pornography’s appeal may seem innocent at first. ("What’s wrong with looking at the beauty of the human body?") Like cocaine, however, pornography is quickly addictive. Pornography creates a strong physiological response in men and women. The immediate "rush" of a first exposure to pornography is often followed by intensely negative feelings. In subsequent viewings, the same types of pornographic stimuli produce increasingly weaker physiological responses. This law of diminishing returns often prompts individuals to seek edgier and darker forms of pornography, which may include depictions of sexual foreplay, sexual intercourse, violence, murder, child sexual abuse, homosexuality, orgies, or bestiality. The intense pull of pornography can eventually drag viewers into a shocking underworld of "adult entertainment," which includes visits to "adult" stores, strip joints, topless bars, massage parlors, and other areas frequented by male and female prostitutes. Even if one doesn’t act out sexually, the costs of pornography are staggering. David Sanford is president of Sanford Communications, Inc., and author of the Living Faith Bible.

    54. Etapas del Proceso de Adicción a la Pornografía Efecto adictivo (“hooked”) consumido por el apetito sexual Escalamiento – necesidad de material más explícito Desensitización – material repulsivo, ilegal, chocante ya no hace ningún efecto y se lo considera normal Práctica de lo aprendido a través de la pornografía Pornography Addiction The progression Our thanks to Morality In Media for the use of the following  information from Healing Sexual and Pornography Addictions by Dr. Victor Cline. FIRST STEP - ADDICTION "The first change that happened was an addiction-effect. The porn-consumers got hooked. Once involved in pornographic materials, they kept coming back for more and still more... The pornography provided very exciting and powerful imagery which they frequently recalled to mind and elaborated on in their fantasies." "Once addicted, they could not throw off their dependence on the material by themselves, despite many negative consequences such as divorce, loss of family, and problems with the law (such as sexual assault, harassment or abuse of fellow employees)." "... many of my most intelligent male patients appeared to be most vulnerable—perhaps because they had a greater capacity to fantasize, which heightened the intensity of the experience and made them more susceptible to being conditioned into an addiction." "... It is difficult for non-addicts to comprehend the totally driven nature of a sex addict. When the "wave" hits them, nothing can stand in the way of getting what they want, whether that be pornography accompanied by masturbation, sex from a prostitute, molesting a child, or raping a woman. These men are consumed by their appetite, regardless of the cost or consequences. Their addiction virtually rules their lives." SECOND STEP - ESCALATION "The second phase was an escalation-effect. With the passage of time, the addicted person required rougher, more explicit, more deviant... sexual material to get their "highs" and "sexual turn-ons." It was reminiscent of individuals afflicted with drug addictions. Over time there is nearly always an increasing need for more of the stimulant to get the same initial effect." "... Their addiction and escalation were mainly due to the powerful sexual imagery in their minds, implanted there by the exposure to pornography." Back to Top THIRD PHASE - DESENSITIZATION "The third phase was desensitization. Material (in books, magazines, or films/videos) which was originally perceived as shocking, taboo-breaking, illegal, repulsive, or immoral, in time came to be seen as acceptable and commonplace. The sexual activity depicted in the pornography (no matter how anti-social or deviant) became legitimized. There was an increasing sense that "everybody does it" and this gave them permission to also do it, even though the activity was possibly illegal and contrary to their previous moral beliefs and personal standards." FOURTH PHASE - ACTING OUT SEXUALLY "The fourth phase was an increasing tendency to act out sexually the behaviors viewed in the pornography, including compulsive promiscuity, exhibitionism, group sex, voyeurism, frequenting massage parlors, having sex with minor children, rape, and inflicting pain on themselves or a partner during sex. This behavior frequently grew into a sexual addiction which they found themselves locked into and unable to change or reverse—no matter what the negative consequences were in their life." (*As seen in clinical studies of sex addicts, sex offenders, or other individuals [96% male Pornography Addiction The progression Our thanks to Morality In Media for the use of the following  information from Healing Sexual and Pornography Addictions by Dr. Victor Cline. FIRST STEP - ADDICTION "The first change that happened was an addiction-effect. The porn-consumers got hooked. Once involved in pornographic materials, they kept coming back for more and still more... The pornography provided very exciting and powerful imagery which they frequently recalled to mind and elaborated on in their fantasies." "Once addicted, they could not throw off their dependence on the material by themselves, despite many negative consequences such as divorce, loss of family, and problems with the law (such as sexual assault, harassment or abuse of fellow employees)." "... many of my most intelligent male patients appeared to be most vulnerable—perhaps because they had a greater capacity to fantasize, which heightened the intensity of the experience and made them more susceptible to being conditioned into an addiction." "... It is difficult for non-addicts to comprehend the totally driven nature of a sex addict. When the "wave" hits them, nothing can stand in the way of getting what they want, whether that be pornography accompanied by masturbation, sex from a prostitute, molesting a child, or raping a woman. These men are consumed by their appetite, regardless of the cost or consequences. Their addiction virtually rules their lives." SECOND STEP - ESCALATION "The second phase was an escalation-effect. With the passage of time, the addicted person required rougher, more explicit, more deviant... sexual material to get their "highs" and "sexual turn-ons." It was reminiscent of individuals afflicted with drug addictions. Over time there is nearly always an increasing need for more of the stimulant to get the same initial effect." "... Their addiction and escalation were mainly due to the powerful sexual imagery in their minds, implanted there by the exposure to pornography." Back to Top THIRD PHASE - DESENSITIZATION "The third phase was desensitization. Material (in books, magazines, or films/videos) which was originally perceived as shocking, taboo-breaking, illegal, repulsive, or immoral, in time came to be seen as acceptable and commonplace. The sexual activity depicted in the pornography (no matter how anti-social or deviant) became legitimized. There was an increasing sense that "everybody does it" and this gave them permission to also do it, even though the activity was possibly illegal and contrary to their previous moral beliefs and personal standards." FOURTH PHASE - ACTING OUT SEXUALLY "The fourth phase was an increasing tendency to act out sexually the behaviors viewed in the pornography, including compulsive promiscuity, exhibitionism, group sex, voyeurism, frequenting massage parlors, having sex with minor children, rape, and inflicting pain on themselves or a partner during sex. This behavior frequently grew into a sexual addiction which they found themselves locked into and unable to change or reverse—no matter what the negative consequences were in their life." (*As seen in clinical studies of sex addicts, sex offenders, or other individuals [96% male] with sexual illnesses. ) Pornography AddictionThe progression Our thanks to Morality In Media for the use of the following  information from Healing Sexual and Pornography Addictions by Dr. Victor Cline. FIRST STEP - ADDICTION "The first change that happened was an addiction-effect. The porn-consumers got hooked. Once involved in pornographic materials, they kept coming back for more and still more... The pornography provided very exciting and powerful imagery which they frequently recalled to mind and elaborated on in their fantasies." "Once addicted, they could not throw off their dependence on the material by themselves, despite many negative consequences such as divorce, loss of family, and problems with the law (such as sexual assault, harassment or abuse of fellow employees)." "... many of my most intelligent male patients appeared to be most vulnerable—perhaps because they had a greater capacity to fantasize, which heightened the intensity of the experience and made them more susceptible to being conditioned into an addiction." "... It is difficult for non-addicts to comprehend the totally driven nature of a sex addict. When the "wave" hits them, nothing can stand in the way of getting what they want, whether that be pornography accompanied by masturbation, sex from a prostitute, molesting a child, or raping a woman. These men are consumed by their appetite, regardless of the cost or consequences. Their addiction virtually rules their lives." SECOND STEP - ESCALATION "The second phase was an escalation-effect. With the passage of time, the addicted person required rougher, more explicit, more deviant... sexual material to get their "highs" and "sexual turn-ons." It was reminiscent of individuals afflicted with drug addictions. Over time there is nearly always an increasing need for more of the stimulant to get the same initial effect." "... Their addiction and escalation were mainly due to the powerful sexual imagery in their minds, implanted there by the exposure to pornography." Back to Top THIRD PHASE - DESENSITIZATION "The third phase was desensitization. Material (in books, magazines, or films/videos) which was originally perceived as shocking, taboo-breaking, illegal, repulsive, or immoral, in time came to be seen as acceptable and commonplace. The sexual activity depicted in the pornography (no matter how anti-social or deviant) became legitimized. There was an increasing sense that "everybody does it" and this gave them permission to also do it, even though the activity was possibly illegal and contrary to their previous moral beliefs and personal standards." FOURTH PHASE - ACTING OUT SEXUALLY "The fourth phase was an increasing tendency to act out sexually the behaviors viewed in the pornography, including compulsive promiscuity, exhibitionism, group sex, voyeurism, frequenting massage parlors, having sex with minor children, rape, and inflicting pain on themselves or a partner during sex. This behavior frequently grew into a sexual addiction which they found themselves locked into and unable to change or reverse—no matter what the negative consequences were in their life." (*As seen in clinical studies of sex addicts, sex offenders, or other individuals [96% male Pornography AddictionThe progression Our thanks to Morality In Media for the use of the following  information from Healing Sexual and Pornography Addictions by Dr. Victor Cline. FIRST STEP - ADDICTION "The first change that happened was an addiction-effect. The porn-consumers got hooked. Once involved in pornographic materials, they kept coming back for more and still more... The pornography provided very exciting and powerful imagery which they frequently recalled to mind and elaborated on in their fantasies." "Once addicted, they could not throw off their dependence on the material by themselves, despite many negative consequences such as divorce, loss of family, and problems with the law (such as sexual assault, harassment or abuse of fellow employees)." "... many of my most intelligent male patients appeared to be most vulnerable—perhaps because they had a greater capacity to fantasize, which heightened the intensity of the experience and made them more susceptible to being conditioned into an addiction." "... It is difficult for non-addicts to comprehend the totally driven nature of a sex addict. When the "wave" hits them, nothing can stand in the way of getting what they want, whether that be pornography accompanied by masturbation, sex from a prostitute, molesting a child, or raping a woman. These men are consumed by their appetite, regardless of the cost or consequences. Their addiction virtually rules their lives." SECOND STEP - ESCALATION "The second phase was an escalation-effect. With the passage of time, the addicted person required rougher, more explicit, more deviant... sexual material to get their "highs" and "sexual turn-ons." It was reminiscent of individuals afflicted with drug addictions. Over time there is nearly always an increasing need for more of the stimulant to get the same initial effect." "... Their addiction and escalation were mainly due to the powerful sexual imagery in their minds, implanted there by the exposure to pornography." Back to Top THIRD PHASE - DESENSITIZATION "The third phase was desensitization. Material (in books, magazines, or films/videos) which was originally perceived as shocking, taboo-breaking, illegal, repulsive, or immoral, in time came to be seen as acceptable and commonplace. The sexual activity depicted in the pornography (no matter how anti-social or deviant) became legitimized. There was an increasing sense that "everybody does it" and this gave them permission to also do it, even though the activity was possibly illegal and contrary to their previous moral beliefs and personal standards." FOURTH PHASE - ACTING OUT SEXUALLY "The fourth phase was an increasing tendency to act out sexually the behaviors viewed in the pornography, including compulsive promiscuity, exhibitionism, group sex, voyeurism, frequenting massage parlors, having sex with minor children, rape, and inflicting pain on themselves or a partner during sex. This behavior frequently grew into a sexual addiction which they found themselves locked into and unable to change or reverse—no matter what the negative consequences were in their life." (*As seen in clinical studies of sex addicts, sex offenders, or other individuals [96% male] with sexual illnesses. )

    55. ¿Cómo Nos Afecta la Pornografía? Pornografía es un vicio progresivo Pornografía se nutre de la fantasía Pornografía disminuye la capacidad de razonar Pornografía distorsiona la sexualidad humana Pornografía distorsiona la naturaleza de la relación entre hombre y mujer Pornografía es un vicio progresivo Pornografía se nutre de la fantasía Pornografía disminuye la capacidad de razonar Pornografía distorciona la sexualidad humana Pornografía distorciona la relación entre hombre y mujer Pornografía promueve la promiscuidad y otros comportamientos sexuales riesgozos Pornografía se concentra en satisfacción personal y no en el placer de su pareja Pornografía crea islamiento Pornografía destruye matrimonios Pornografía destruye hogares Pornografía desensitiza Pornografía resta valor al ser humano y la vida Pornografía promueve el inicio prematuro de la actividad sexual Pornografía conduce a la violencia, especialmente hacia la mujer y los niños Pornografía aumenta el riesgo de envolverse en actos de Pedofilia La masturbación va mano a mano con la Pornografía Pornografía aumenta el riesgo de perder todo lo que es de verdadera importanci para uno The Dangers of Pornography by Dennis and Barbara Rainey Please note: This is an archived Article. References to conferences, resources, or other special promotions may be obsolete. Pornography may be the most alluring trap of all for our teenagers. It certainly can be one of the most destructive. Children are naturally curious anyway. But when they approach adolescence and hormones begin streaking through their bodies, curiosity about the opposite sex soars. Of course, curiosity is a natural, good thing—as are the normal feelings of excitement that accompany sexual awakening. But the trap of pornography can turn innocent inquisitiveness into an obsession with destructive, lifelong consequences. Whenever programs about pornography are aired on “FamilyLife Today” radio, we receive an outpouring of heartbreaking letters from our listeners. Here are a couple of the letters we received: At the age of 13, I started my first job. That day I took my first puff of a cigarette and was exposed to pornography for the first time. I had no idea of the power that was to take control of my life as a result of that action. For the next 25 years I battled with pornography. My sin did not stop with pornography but took [other forms]. No matter how hard I tried, I could not make real changes. I could not escape it. My dad had pornographic literature in the house that I found as a young girl. It distorted my view of male-female relationships. I began to see sex as a way to get love. I led an extremely active sexual lifestyle and eventually started working as an exotic dancer. I’ve been following the Lord for 11 years now, and am married to a wonderful man. But the ghost of pornography still haunts me. Fantasies still plague my mind and interfere with what should be pure love for my husband. I can see the connection now between how I feel and what you said. I am praying for God to cleanse me of the effects of pornography.(1) This is a major trap for our youth. As parents we must do everything we can to protect our sons and daughters from this provocative snare. The All-American Boy Pornography can tear apart a home, and it can tear apart a person’s soul. And in some cases it leads to even worse consequences. In the 1950s a boy named Ted grew up in what he described as a normal, loving Christian home. When he was about 12, Ted started looking at so-called soft-core pornography found in a local grocery store. And like many boys do, while exploring the alleys and trash piles in his neighborhood, he encountered more explicit pornography, which had been carelessly discarded. Ted’s casual interest in pornography over time turned into a compulsive addiction. And like any type of addict, he needed stronger doses of his drug to provide the same levels of excitement and satisfaction. Ted moved gradually to harder and harder pornography until he was hooked on the worst, the most explicit printed and film images of raw sexual violence. To his family and friends Ted was just the all-American boy. He was intelligent, was an A student, became an Eagle Scout, went to college, and eventually studied law. The desire for pornography was a hidden part of his life. He reached the point where merely seeing violent pornography no longer gave Ted the rush that he craved. For about two years he stood on the edge between fantasy and actually performing the violent scenes flashing through his mind. One day he snapped—abducting, abusing, and murdering a young woman. Some months later he did it again. Then again…and again. By the time he was finally stopped, Ted Bundy admitted having killed more than two dozen women and girls. Just hours before he was executed at a Florida prison in 1987, in an interview with Dr. James Dobson, Ted explained the role that pornography—and alcohol—had played in fueling and enabling his twisted passions. “Pornography can reach out and snatch a kid out of any house today. It snatched me out of my house 30 years ago.…The most damaging kinds of pornography are those that involve violence and sexual violence. The wedding of those two forces brings about behavior too terrible to describe.”(2) Is this just an isolated case? The particularly cataclysmic outcome may be, but police investigators will tell you they are never surprised to find pornography in the home of a sex offender. And who can estimate the number of lives, marriages, and families that are rocked and wrecked each day by this pornographic sewage that seeps throughout our society? Don’t Wait At what age should you talk to your child about pornography? How should you go about discussing such a disgusting topic, one the child may not have even considered? What should be shared when a child seems so young and innocent? Like it or not, you must answer these questions and take action when your child is still young. Our children will be exposed to pornography—in a garbage can, on the Internet, from friends, on the newsstand. During elementary school, boys in particular are often first exposed to pornography. Of particular concern to parents these days is the widespread availability of pornography through the Internet. Just one web site that offers pornographic materials reported receiving nearly 1.5 million visits a day.(3) By way of comparison, we consider 3,000 hits to be a particularly good day at our FamilyLife web site. You need to help your child understand the danger of the pornography trap, but at the same time not do a disservice to God and His truth by making sex seem dirty. This is a challenge. Pornography is addictive and the addiction is progressive A porn addict, when no longer stimulated by "mainstream" porn, will seek out in ever-increasing frequency materials that are considered more deviant, more perverse. Ultimately, even the most hard-core types of pornography become unsatisfying, and many addicts are compelled to bring their fantasies to life in the real world. Pornografía es un vicio progresivo Pornografía se nutre de la fantasía Pornografía disminuye la capacidad de razonar Pornografía distorciona la sexualidad humana Pornografía distorciona la relación entre hombre y mujer Pornografía promueve la promiscuidad y otros comportamientos sexuales riesgozos Pornografía se concentra en satisfacción personal y no en el placer de su pareja Pornografía crea islamiento Pornografía destruye matrimonios Pornografía destruye hogares Pornografía desensitiza Pornografía resta valor al ser humano y la vida Pornografía promueve el inicio prematuro de la actividad sexual Pornografía conduce a la violencia, especialmente hacia la mujer y los niños Pornografía aumenta el riesgo de envolverse en actos de Pedofilia La masturbación va mano a mano con la Pornografía Pornografía aumenta el riesgo de perder todo lo que es de verdadera importanci para uno The Dangers of Pornographyby Dennis and Barbara Rainey

    56. ¿Cómo Nos Afecta la Pornografía? Pornografía promueve la promiscuidad y otros comportamientos sexuales riesgosos Pornografía se concentra en satisfacción personal y no en el placer de su pareja Pornografía crea aislamiento Pornografía destruye matrimonios y hogares The Dangers of Pornography by Dennis and Barbara Rainey Please note: This is an archived Article. References to conferences, resources, or other special promotions may be obsolete. Pornography may be the most alluring trap of all for our teenagers. It certainly can be one of the most destructive. Children are naturally curious anyway. But when they approach adolescence and hormones begin streaking through their bodies, curiosity about the opposite sex soars. Of course, curiosity is a natural, good thing—as are the normal feelings of excitement that accompany sexual awakening. But the trap of pornography can turn innocent inquisitiveness into an obsession with destructive, lifelong consequences. Whenever programs about pornography are aired on “FamilyLife Today” radio, we receive an outpouring of heartbreaking letters from our listeners. Here are a couple of the letters we received: At the age of 13, I started my first job. That day I took my first puff of a cigarette and was exposed to pornography for the first time. I had no idea of the power that was to take control of my life as a result of that action. For the next 25 years I battled with pornography. My sin did not stop with pornography but took [other forms]. No matter how hard I tried, I could not make real changes. I could not escape it. My dad had pornographic literature in the house that I found as a young girl. It distorted my view of male-female relationships. I began to see sex as a way to get love. I led an extremely active sexual lifestyle and eventually started working as an exotic dancer. I’ve been following the Lord for 11 years now, and am married to a wonderful man. But the ghost of pornography still haunts me. Fantasies still plague my mind and interfere with what should be pure love for my husband. I can see the connection now between how I feel and what you said. I am praying for God to cleanse me of the effects of pornography.(1) This is a major trap for our youth. As parents we must do everything we can to protect our sons and daughters from this provocative snare. The All-American Boy Pornography can tear apart a home, and it can tear apart a person’s soul. And in some cases it leads to even worse consequences. In the 1950s a boy named Ted grew up in what he described as a normal, loving Christian home. When he was about 12, Ted started looking at so-called soft-core pornography found in a local grocery store. And like many boys do, while exploring the alleys and trash piles in his neighborhood, he encountered more explicit pornography, which had been carelessly discarded. Ted’s casual interest in pornography over time turned into a compulsive addiction. And like any type of addict, he needed stronger doses of his drug to provide the same levels of excitement and satisfaction. Ted moved gradually to harder and harder pornography until he was hooked on the worst, the most explicit printed and film images of raw sexual violence. To his family and friends Ted was just the all-American boy. He was intelligent, was an A student, became an Eagle Scout, went to college, and eventually studied law. The desire for pornography was a hidden part of his life. He reached the point where merely seeing violent pornography no longer gave Ted the rush that he craved. For about two years he stood on the edge between fantasy and actually performing the violent scenes flashing through his mind. One day he snapped—abducting, abusing, and murdering a young woman. Some months later he did it again. Then again…and again. By the time he was finally stopped, Ted Bundy admitted having killed more than two dozen women and girls. Just hours before he was executed at a Florida prison in 1987, in an interview with Dr. James Dobson, Ted explained the role that pornography—and alcohol—had played in fueling and enabling his twisted passions. “Pornography can reach out and snatch a kid out of any house today. It snatched me out of my house 30 years ago.…The most damaging kinds of pornography are those that involve violence and sexual violence. The wedding of those two forces brings about behavior too terrible to describe.”(2) Is this just an isolated case? The particularly cataclysmic outcome may be, but police investigators will tell you they are never surprised to find pornography in the home of a sex offender. And who can estimate the number of lives, marriages, and families that are rocked and wrecked each day by this pornographic sewage that seeps throughout our society? Don’t Wait At what age should you talk to your child about pornography? How should you go about discussing such a disgusting topic, one the child may not have even considered? What should be shared when a child seems so young and innocent? Like it or not, you must answer these questions and take action when your child is still young. Our children will be exposed to pornography—in a garbage can, on the Internet, from friends, on the newsstand. During elementary school, boys in particular are often first exposed to pornography. Of particular concern to parents these days is the widespread availability of pornography through the Internet. Just one web site that offers pornographic materials reported receiving nearly 1.5 million visits a day.(3) By way of comparison, we consider 3,000 hits to be a particularly good day at our FamilyLife web site. You need to help your child understand the danger of the pornography trap, but at the same time not do a disservice to God and His truth by making sex seem dirty. This is a challenge. Pornography is addictive and the addiction is progressive A porn addict, when no longer stimulated by "mainstream" porn, will seek out in ever-increasing frequency materials that are considered more deviant, more perverse. Ultimately, even the most hard-core types of pornography become unsatisfying, and many addicts are compelled to bring their fantasies to life in the real world. The Dangers of Pornographyby Dennis and Barbara Rainey

    57. ¿Cómo Nos Afecta la Pornografía? Pornografía desensitiza Pornografía resta valor al ser humano y la vida Pornografía promueve el inicio prematuro de la actividad sexual Pornografía conduce a la violencia, especialmente hacia la mujer y los niños The Dangers of Pornography by Dennis and Barbara Rainey Please note: This is an archived Article. References to conferences, resources, or other special promotions may be obsolete. Pornography may be the most alluring trap of all for our teenagers. It certainly can be one of the most destructive. Children are naturally curious anyway. But when they approach adolescence and hormones begin streaking through their bodies, curiosity about the opposite sex soars. Of course, curiosity is a natural, good thing—as are the normal feelings of excitement that accompany sexual awakening. But the trap of pornography can turn innocent inquisitiveness into an obsession with destructive, lifelong consequences. Whenever programs about pornography are aired on “FamilyLife Today” radio, we receive an outpouring of heartbreaking letters from our listeners. Here are a couple of the letters we received: At the age of 13, I started my first job. That day I took my first puff of a cigarette and was exposed to pornography for the first time. I had no idea of the power that was to take control of my life as a result of that action. For the next 25 years I battled with pornography. My sin did not stop with pornography but took [other forms]. No matter how hard I tried, I could not make real changes. I could not escape it. My dad had pornographic literature in the house that I found as a young girl. It distorted my view of male-female relationships. I began to see sex as a way to get love. I led an extremely active sexual lifestyle and eventually started working as an exotic dancer. I’ve been following the Lord for 11 years now, and am married to a wonderful man. But the ghost of pornography still haunts me. Fantasies still plague my mind and interfere with what should be pure love for my husband. I can see the connection now between how I feel and what you said. I am praying for God to cleanse me of the effects of pornography.(1) This is a major trap for our youth. As parents we must do everything we can to protect our sons and daughters from this provocative snare. The All-American Boy Pornography can tear apart a home, and it can tear apart a person’s soul. And in some cases it leads to even worse consequences. In the 1950s a boy named Ted grew up in what he described as a normal, loving Christian home. When he was about 12, Ted started looking at so-called soft-core pornography found in a local grocery store. And like many boys do, while exploring the alleys and trash piles in his neighborhood, he encountered more explicit pornography, which had been carelessly discarded. Ted’s casual interest in pornography over time turned into a compulsive addiction. And like any type of addict, he needed stronger doses of his drug to provide the same levels of excitement and satisfaction. Ted moved gradually to harder and harder pornography until he was hooked on the worst, the most explicit printed and film images of raw sexual violence. To his family and friends Ted was just the all-American boy. He was intelligent, was an A student, became an Eagle Scout, went to college, and eventually studied law. The desire for pornography was a hidden part of his life. He reached the point where merely seeing violent pornography no longer gave Ted the rush that he craved. For about two years he stood on the edge between fantasy and actually performing the violent scenes flashing through his mind. One day he snapped—abducting, abusing, and murdering a young woman. Some months later he did it again. Then again…and again. By the time he was finally stopped, Ted Bundy admitted having killed more than two dozen women and girls. Just hours before he was executed at a Florida prison in 1987, in an interview with Dr. James Dobson, Ted explained the role that pornography—and alcohol—had played in fueling and enabling his twisted passions. “Pornography can reach out and snatch a kid out of any house today. It snatched me out of my house 30 years ago.…The most damaging kinds of pornography are those that involve violence and sexual violence. The wedding of those two forces brings about behavior too terrible to describe.”(2) Is this just an isolated case? The particularly cataclysmic outcome may be, but police investigators will tell you they are never surprised to find pornography in the home of a sex offender. And who can estimate the number of lives, marriages, and families that are rocked and wrecked each day by this pornographic sewage that seeps throughout our society? Don’t Wait At what age should you talk to your child about pornography? How should you go about discussing such a disgusting topic, one the child may not have even considered? What should be shared when a child seems so young and innocent? Like it or not, you must answer these questions and take action when your child is still young. Our children will be exposed to pornography—in a garbage can, on the Internet, from friends, on the newsstand. During elementary school, boys in particular are often first exposed to pornography. Of particular concern to parents these days is the widespread availability of pornography through the Internet. Just one web site that offers pornographic materials reported receiving nearly 1.5 million visits a day.(3) By way of comparison, we consider 3,000 hits to be a particularly good day at our FamilyLife web site. You need to help your child understand the danger of the pornography trap, but at the same time not do a disservice to God and His truth by making sex seem dirty. This is a challenge. Pornography is addictive and the addiction is progressive A porn addict, when no longer stimulated by "mainstream" porn, will seek out in ever-increasing frequency materials that are considered more deviant, more perverse. Ultimately, even the most hard-core types of pornography become unsatisfying, and many addicts are compelled to bring their fantasies to life in the real world. The Dangers of Pornographyby Dennis and Barbara Rainey

    58. ¿Cómo Nos Afecta la Pornografía? Pornografía aumenta el riesgo de envolverse en actos de Pedofilia Pornografía aumenta el riesgo de perder todo lo que es de verdadera importancia para uno La masturbación va mano a mano con la Pornografía The Dangers of Pornography by Dennis and Barbara Rainey Please note: This is an archived Article. References to conferences, resources, or other special promotions may be obsolete. Pornography may be the most alluring trap of all for our teenagers. It certainly can be one of the most destructive. Children are naturally curious anyway. But when they approach adolescence and hormones begin streaking through their bodies, curiosity about the opposite sex soars. Of course, curiosity is a natural, good thing—as are the normal feelings of excitement that accompany sexual awakening. But the trap of pornography can turn innocent inquisitiveness into an obsession with destructive, lifelong consequences. Whenever programs about pornography are aired on “FamilyLife Today” radio, we receive an outpouring of heartbreaking letters from our listeners. Here are a couple of the letters we received: At the age of 13, I started my first job. That day I took my first puff of a cigarette and was exposed to pornography for the first time. I had no idea of the power that was to take control of my life as a result of that action. For the next 25 years I battled with pornography. My sin did not stop with pornography but took [other forms]. No matter how hard I tried, I could not make real changes. I could not escape it. My dad had pornographic literature in the house that I found as a young girl. It distorted my view of male-female relationships. I began to see sex as a way to get love. I led an extremely active sexual lifestyle and eventually started working as an exotic dancer. I’ve been following the Lord for 11 years now, and am married to a wonderful man. But the ghost of pornography still haunts me. Fantasies still plague my mind and interfere with what should be pure love for my husband. I can see the connection now between how I feel and what you said. I am praying for God to cleanse me of the effects of pornography.(1) This is a major trap for our youth. As parents we must do everything we can to protect our sons and daughters from this provocative snare. The All-American Boy Pornography can tear apart a home, and it can tear apart a person’s soul. And in some cases it leads to even worse consequences. In the 1950s a boy named Ted grew up in what he described as a normal, loving Christian home. When he was about 12, Ted started looking at so-called soft-core pornography found in a local grocery store. And like many boys do, while exploring the alleys and trash piles in his neighborhood, he encountered more explicit pornography, which had been carelessly discarded. Ted’s casual interest in pornography over time turned into a compulsive addiction. And like any type of addict, he needed stronger doses of his drug to provide the same levels of excitement and satisfaction. Ted moved gradually to harder and harder pornography until he was hooked on the worst, the most explicit printed and film images of raw sexual violence. To his family and friends Ted was just the all-American boy. He was intelligent, was an A student, became an Eagle Scout, went to college, and eventually studied law. The desire for pornography was a hidden part of his life. He reached the point where merely seeing violent pornography no longer gave Ted the rush that he craved. For about two years he stood on the edge between fantasy and actually performing the violent scenes flashing through his mind. One day he snapped—abducting, abusing, and murdering a young woman. Some months later he did it again. Then again…and again. By the time he was finally stopped, Ted Bundy admitted having killed more than two dozen women and girls. Just hours before he was executed at a Florida prison in 1987, in an interview with Dr. James Dobson, Ted explained the role that pornography—and alcohol—had played in fueling and enabling his twisted passions. “Pornography can reach out and snatch a kid out of any house today. It snatched me out of my house 30 years ago.…The most damaging kinds of pornography are those that involve violence and sexual violence. The wedding of those two forces brings about behavior too terrible to describe.”(2) Is this just an isolated case? The particularly cataclysmic outcome may be, but police investigators will tell you they are never surprised to find pornography in the home of a sex offender. And who can estimate the number of lives, marriages, and families that are rocked and wrecked each day by this pornographic sewage that seeps throughout our society? Don’t Wait At what age should you talk to your child about pornography? How should you go about discussing such a disgusting topic, one the child may not have even considered? What should be shared when a child seems so young and innocent? Like it or not, you must answer these questions and take action when your child is still young. Our children will be exposed to pornography—in a garbage can, on the Internet, from friends, on the newsstand. During elementary school, boys in particular are often first exposed to pornography. Of particular concern to parents these days is the widespread availability of pornography through the Internet. Just one web site that offers pornographic materials reported receiving nearly 1.5 million visits a day.(3) By way of comparison, we consider 3,000 hits to be a particularly good day at our FamilyLife web site. You need to help your child understand the danger of the pornography trap, but at the same time not do a disservice to God and His truth by making sex seem dirty. This is a challenge. Pornography is addictive and the addiction is progressive A porn addict, when no longer stimulated by "mainstream" porn, will seek out in ever-increasing frequency materials that are considered more deviant, more perverse. Ultimately, even the most hard-core types of pornography become unsatisfying, and many addicts are compelled to bring their fantasies to life in the real world. The Dangers of Pornographyby Dennis and Barbara Rainey

    59. Masturbación Recuerda que el sexo fue creado para dúos, no para solos Enfoque en uno mismo y no en la pareja Puede convertirse en una obceción Puede inducirte a la promiscuidad Over the years, I have been reticent to take a strong stand on issues that are not clearly spelled out in Scripture. The Bible is silent about the subject of masturbation. However, it is not silent about sex. Nowhere in Scripture do we find God blessing sex done in solo. Four observations are worth noting and discussing with your child: Masturbation betrays the natural function of the sex act as God created it. Sex was not created for a solo, but a duet. God gave us sexual urges to move us to deeper intimacy and unity in marriage with the opposite sex. Masturbation is primarily focused on self, while sex in marriage is focused on the other (see 1 Corinthians 7:3-4). Why would God want us to spend our single years after puberty learning how to use this gift to satisfy ourselves when the nature of sex is to seek to find the way to satisfy your spouse? There’s already enough selfishness in this culture that needs to be eradicated. I believe the higher road is to teach our sons and daughters to learn the discipline and self-control that will have to be practiced as a single person, and later in marriage when refraining from sexual intercourse (due to illness, separation because of work, mutual agreement, etc.). Masturbation can and often does lead to other forms of behavior—lust, use of pornography, sexual addictions--that are destructive both now and later in the marriage relationship. Marriage isn’t a fantasy; it’s a real relationship with a real person who won’t always measure up to your dreams. Because the fantasy nature of masturbation and other sexual sins are so closely related, I would have grave concerns about telling my son (or daughter) that these forms of sexual behavior are okay, because I would have no way of knowing where that practice might lead him. The biblical prescription to singles who are struggling with sexual lust and temptation is to marry, not to masturbate (see 1 Corinthians 7:8-9). Paul here could have provided physical relief for those who lack self-control and burn with unmet sexual needs, but instead he points them to marriage. I can’t help but wonder if the huge problem of pornography that we have in the Christian community has occurred in part because we haven’t trained our sons to develop self-control in their thought lives and passions. Fathers need to strongly encourage their sons (and mothers need to encourage daughters) to abstain from masturbation. We also need to be ready to offer generous amounts of grace and forgiveness if our children fail. Over the years, I have been reticent to take a strong stand on issues that are not clearly spelled out in Scripture. The Bible is silent about the subject of masturbation. However, it is not silent about sex. Nowhere in Scripture do we find God blessing sex done in solo.

    60. Masturbación Puede inducirte a la pornografía y a adicciones sexuales Puede producirte un sentido de culpabilidad opresivo el cual puede afectar tu relación con Dios En el contexto del matrimonio, puede llegar a remplazar or substituir las relaciones sexuales normales Over the years, I have been reticent to take a strong stand on issues that are not clearly spelled out in Scripture. The Bible is silent about the subject of masturbation. However, it is not silent about sex. Nowhere in Scripture do we find God blessing sex done in solo. Four observations are worth noting and discussing with your child: Masturbation betrays the natural function of the sex act as God created it. Sex was not created for a solo, but a duet. God gave us sexual urges to move us to deeper intimacy and unity in marriage with the opposite sex. Masturbation is primarily focused on self, while sex in marriage is focused on the other (see 1 Corinthians 7:3-4). Why would God want us to spend our single years after puberty learning how to use this gift to satisfy ourselves when the nature of sex is to seek to find the way to satisfy your spouse? There’s already enough selfishness in this culture that needs to be eradicated. I believe the higher road is to teach our sons and daughters to learn the discipline and self-control that will have to be practiced as a single person, and later in marriage when refraining from sexual intercourse (due to illness, separation because of work, mutual agreement, etc.). Masturbation can and often does lead to other forms of behavior—lust, use of pornography, sexual addictions--that are destructive both now and later in the marriage relationship. Marriage isn’t a fantasy; it’s a real relationship with a real person who won’t always measure up to your dreams. Because the fantasy nature of masturbation and other sexual sins are so closely related, I would have grave concerns about telling my son (or daughter) that these forms of sexual behavior are okay, because I would have no way of knowing where that practice might lead him. The biblical prescription to singles who are struggling with sexual lust and temptation is to marry, not to masturbate (see 1 Corinthians 7:8-9). Paul here could have provided physical relief for those who lack self-control and burn with unmet sexual needs, but instead he points them to marriage. I can’t help but wonder if the huge problem of pornography that we have in the Christian community has occurred in part because we haven’t trained our sons to develop self-control in their thought lives and passions. Fathers need to strongly encourage their sons (and mothers need to encourage daughters) to abstain from masturbation. We also need to be ready to offer generous amounts of grace and forgiveness if our children fail. Over the years, I have been reticent to take a strong stand on issues that are not clearly spelled out in Scripture. The Bible is silent about the subject of masturbation. However, it is not silent about sex. Nowhere in Scripture do we find God blessing sex done in solo.

    61. Plan de Ataque Contra la Pornografía Make a choice to realign your peer group to include like-minded students who are committed to honoring God and their own personal boundaries in their character and conduct. Find an accountability partner with whom you can be completely open, honest, and vulnerable who can help keep you from falling into temptation that could lead to sexual activity. Share your pledge of sexual purity with significant relationships (parents, dates, close friends) to help underscore the seriousness of your commitment. Make careful decisions about whom to date and where dating activity takes place. If you make a bad choice, promptly admit it and get back on track. Remind yourself often that premarital sexual activity can result in unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted disease, emotional problems, and spiritual problems, to name a few of the consequences. Walk away, use the telephone, or call a parent or friend if you find yourself in a compromising situation. Be of help to a friend in his or her fight to remain sexually pure. Avoid all drugs and situations where they are likely to be present. Avoid all drinking situations or occasions. Don’t let yourself become overly dependent on another person. Seek knowledgeable help when you feel weak. Live in TODAY, not yesterday. When in doubt, ask questions. The only stupid question is the one not asked. Be willing to go to any lengths to stay sexually pure. Be honest and consistent. These behaviors are fundamental to maintaining sexual purity. Make a choice to realign your peer group to include like-minded students who are committed to honoring God and their own personal boundaries in their character and conduct. Find an accountability partner with whom you can be completely open, honest, and vulnerable who can help keep you from falling into temptation that could lead to sexual activity. Share your pledge of sexual purity with significant relationships (parents, dates, close friends) to help underscore the seriousness of your commitment. Make careful decisions about whom to date and where dating activity takes place. If you make a bad choice, promptly admit it and get back on track. Remind yourself often that premarital sexual activity can result in unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted disease, emotional problems, and spiritual problems, to name a few of the consequences. Walk away, use the telephone, or call a parent or friend if you find yourself in a compromising situation. Be of help to a friend in his or her fight to remain sexually pure. Avoid all drugs and situations where they are likely to be present. Avoid all drinking situations or occasions. Don’t let yourself become overly dependent on another person. Seek knowledgeable help when you feel weak. Live in TODAY, not yesterday. When in doubt, ask questions. The only stupid question is the one not asked. Be willing to go to any lengths to stay sexually pure. Be honest and consistent. These behaviors are fundamental to maintaining sexual purity.

    62. Pornografía – Plan de Ataque Toma la determinación de mantener pureza sexual Make a choice to realign your peer group to include like-minded students who are committed to honoring God and their own personal boundaries in their character and conduct. Find an accountability partner with whom you can be completely open, honest, and vulnerable who can help keep you from falling into temptation that could lead to sexual activity. Share your pledge of sexual purity with significant relationships (parents, dates, close friends) to help underscore the seriousness of your commitment. Make careful decisions about whom to date and where dating activity takes place. If you make a bad choice, promptly admit it and get back on track. Remind yourself often that premarital sexual activity can result in unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted disease, emotional problems, and spiritual problems, to name a few of the consequences. Walk away, use the telephone, or call a parent or friend if you find yourself in a compromising situation. Be of help to a friend in his or her fight to remain sexually pure. Avoid all drugs and situations where they are likely to be present. Avoid all drinking situations or occasions. Don’t let yourself become overly dependent on another person. Seek knowledgeable help when you feel weak. Live in TODAY, not yesterday. When in doubt, ask questions. The only stupid question is the one not asked. Be willing to go to any lengths to stay sexually pure. Be honest and consistent. These behaviors are fundamental to maintaining sexual purity. Make a choice to realign your peer group to include like-minded students who are committed to honoring God and their own personal boundaries in their character and conduct. Find an accountability partner with whom you can be completely open, honest, and vulnerable who can help keep you from falling into temptation that could lead to sexual activity. Share your pledge of sexual purity with significant relationships (parents, dates, close friends) to help underscore the seriousness of your commitment. Make careful decisions about whom to date and where dating activity takes place. If you make a bad choice, promptly admit it and get back on track. Remind yourself often that premarital sexual activity can result in unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted disease, emotional problems, and spiritual problems, to name a few of the consequences. Walk away, use the telephone, or call a parent or friend if you find yourself in a compromising situation. Be of help to a friend in his or her fight to remain sexually pure. Avoid all drugs and situations where they are likely to be present. Avoid all drinking situations or occasions. Don’t let yourself become overly dependent on another person. Seek knowledgeable help when you feel weak. Live in TODAY, not yesterday. When in doubt, ask questions. The only stupid question is the one not asked. Be willing to go to any lengths to stay sexually pure. Be honest and consistent. These behaviors are fundamental to maintaining sexual purity.

    63. Pornografía – Plan de Ataque Hice pacto con mis ojos de no mirar codiciosamente a ninguna doncella. (Job 31:1)  No pondré ante mis ojos cosa injusta. Aborrezco la obra de los que se desvían. Nada de ellos se me pegará. (Sal 101:3) Huye de las pasiones juveniles. Sigue la justicia, la fe, el amor, la paz, junto con los que invocan al Señor de limpio corazón (2 Tim 2:22) Make a choice to realign your peer group to include like-minded students who are committed to honoring God and their own personal boundaries in their character and conduct. Find an accountability partner with whom you can be completely open, honest, and vulnerable who can help keep you from falling into temptation that could lead to sexual activity. Share your pledge of sexual purity with significant relationships (parents, dates, close friends) to help underscore the seriousness of your commitment. Make careful decisions about whom to date and where dating activity takes place. If you make a bad choice, promptly admit it and get back on track. Remind yourself often that premarital sexual activity can result in unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted disease, emotional problems, and spiritual problems, to name a few of the consequences. Walk away, use the telephone, or call a parent or friend if you find yourself in a compromising situation. Be of help to a friend in his or her fight to remain sexually pure. Avoid all drugs and situations where they are likely to be present. Avoid all drinking situations or occasions. Don’t let yourself become overly dependent on another person. Seek knowledgeable help when you feel weak. Live in TODAY, not yesterday. When in doubt, ask questions. The only stupid question is the one not asked. Be willing to go to any lengths to stay sexually pure. Be honest and consistent. These behaviors are fundamental to maintaining sexual purity. Make a choice to realign your peer group to include like-minded students who are committed to honoring God and their own personal boundaries in their character and conduct. Find an accountability partner with whom you can be completely open, honest, and vulnerable who can help keep you from falling into temptation that could lead to sexual activity. Share your pledge of sexual purity with significant relationships (parents, dates, close friends) to help underscore the seriousness of your commitment. Make careful decisions about whom to date and where dating activity takes place. If you make a bad choice, promptly admit it and get back on track. Remind yourself often that premarital sexual activity can result in unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted disease, emotional problems, and spiritual problems, to name a few of the consequences. Walk away, use the telephone, or call a parent or friend if you find yourself in a compromising situation. Be of help to a friend in his or her fight to remain sexually pure. Avoid all drugs and situations where they are likely to be present. Avoid all drinking situations or occasions. Don’t let yourself become overly dependent on another person. Seek knowledgeable help when you feel weak. Live in TODAY, not yesterday. When in doubt, ask questions. The only stupid question is the one not asked. Be willing to go to any lengths to stay sexually pure. Be honest and consistent. These behaviors are fundamental to maintaining sexual purity.

    64. Pornografía – Plan de Ataque Huye de las pasiones juveniles. Sigue la justicia, la fe, el amor, la paz, junto con los que invocan al Señor de limpio corazón (2 Tim 2:22) Más mi Dios, pues, suplirá toda necesidad vuestra, conforme a su gloriosa riqueza en Cristo Jesús (Fil. 4: 19) Make a choice to realign your peer group to include like-minded students who are committed to honoring God and their own personal boundaries in their character and conduct. Find an accountability partner with whom you can be completely open, honest, and vulnerable who can help keep you from falling into temptation that could lead to sexual activity. Share your pledge of sexual purity with significant relationships (parents, dates, close friends) to help underscore the seriousness of your commitment. Make careful decisions about whom to date and where dating activity takes place. If you make a bad choice, promptly admit it and get back on track. Remind yourself often that premarital sexual activity can result in unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted disease, emotional problems, and spiritual problems, to name a few of the consequences. Walk away, use the telephone, or call a parent or friend if you find yourself in a compromising situation. Be of help to a friend in his or her fight to remain sexually pure. Avoid all drugs and situations where they are likely to be present. Avoid all drinking situations or occasions. Don’t let yourself become overly dependent on another person. Seek knowledgeable help when you feel weak. Live in TODAY, not yesterday. When in doubt, ask questions. The only stupid question is the one not asked. Be willing to go to any lengths to stay sexually pure. Be honest and consistent. These behaviors are fundamental to maintaining sexual purity. Make a choice to realign your peer group to include like-minded students who are committed to honoring God and their own personal boundaries in their character and conduct. Find an accountability partner with whom you can be completely open, honest, and vulnerable who can help keep you from falling into temptation that could lead to sexual activity. Share your pledge of sexual purity with significant relationships (parents, dates, close friends) to help underscore the seriousness of your commitment. Make careful decisions about whom to date and where dating activity takes place. If you make a bad choice, promptly admit it and get back on track. Remind yourself often that premarital sexual activity can result in unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted disease, emotional problems, and spiritual problems, to name a few of the consequences. Walk away, use the telephone, or call a parent or friend if you find yourself in a compromising situation. Be of help to a friend in his or her fight to remain sexually pure. Avoid all drugs and situations where they are likely to be present. Avoid all drinking situations or occasions. Don’t let yourself become overly dependent on another person. Seek knowledgeable help when you feel weak. Live in TODAY, not yesterday. When in doubt, ask questions. The only stupid question is the one not asked. Be willing to go to any lengths to stay sexually pure. Be honest and consistent. These behaviors are fundamental to maintaining sexual purity.

    65. Pornografía – Plan de Ataque Asociate con gente de buenos principios Se honesto y consistente Evita a todo costo el uso de drogas y alcohol Obedece a tus padres Busca conocimiento Lee Pregunta Make a choice to realign your peer group to include like-minded students who are committed to honoring God and their own personal boundaries in their character and conduct. Find an accountability partner with whom you can be completely open, honest, and vulnerable who can help keep you from falling into temptation that could lead to sexual activity. Share your pledge of sexual purity with significant relationships (parents, dates, close friends) to help underscore the seriousness of your commitment. Make careful decisions about whom to date and where dating activity takes place. If you make a bad choice, promptly admit it and get back on track. Remind yourself often that premarital sexual activity can result in unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted disease, emotional problems, and spiritual problems, to name a few of the consequences. Walk away, use the telephone, or call a parent or friend if you find yourself in a compromising situation. Be of help to a friend in his or her fight to remain sexually pure. Avoid all drugs and situations where they are likely to be present. Avoid all drinking situations or occasions. Don’t let yourself become overly dependent on another person. Seek knowledgeable help when you feel weak. Live in TODAY, not yesterday. When in doubt, ask questions. The only stupid question is the one not asked. Be willing to go to any lengths to stay sexually pure. Be honest and consistent. These behaviors are fundamental to maintaining sexual purity. Make a choice to realign your peer group to include like-minded students who are committed to honoring God and their own personal boundaries in their character and conduct. Find an accountability partner with whom you can be completely open, honest, and vulnerable who can help keep you from falling into temptation that could lead to sexual activity. Share your pledge of sexual purity with significant relationships (parents, dates, close friends) to help underscore the seriousness of your commitment. Make careful decisions about whom to date and where dating activity takes place. If you make a bad choice, promptly admit it and get back on track. Remind yourself often that premarital sexual activity can result in unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted disease, emotional problems, and spiritual problems, to name a few of the consequences. Walk away, use the telephone, or call a parent or friend if you find yourself in a compromising situation. Be of help to a friend in his or her fight to remain sexually pure. Avoid all drugs and situations where they are likely to be present. Avoid all drinking situations or occasions. Don’t let yourself become overly dependent on another person. Seek knowledgeable help when you feel weak. Live in TODAY, not yesterday. When in doubt, ask questions. The only stupid question is the one not asked. Be willing to go to any lengths to stay sexually pure. Be honest and consistent. These behaviors are fundamental to maintaining sexual purity.

    66. Pornografía – Plan de Ataque Si as caído Admite el error Arrepiéntete y confiesa tu pecado Rectifica Descarta todo material reprochable Evita las circunstancias que te puedan hacer caer Sustituye viejos malos hábitos por actividades positivas Toma la determinación de mantener pureza sexual Vive el día de HOY y no dejes que el pasado te atormente Busca ayuda Make a choice to realign your peer group to include like-minded students who are committed to honoring God and their own personal boundaries in their character and conduct. Find an accountability partner with whom you can be completely open, honest, and vulnerable who can help keep you from falling into temptation that could lead to sexual activity. Share your pledge of sexual purity with significant relationships (parents, dates, close friends) to help underscore the seriousness of your commitment. Make careful decisions about whom to date and where dating activity takes place. If you make a bad choice, promptly admit it and get back on track. Remind yourself often that premarital sexual activity can result in unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted disease, emotional problems, and spiritual problems, to name a few of the consequences. Walk away, use the telephone, or call a parent or friend if you find yourself in a compromising situation. Be of help to a friend in his or her fight to remain sexually pure. Avoid all drugs and situations where they are likely to be present. Avoid all drinking situations or occasions. Don’t let yourself become overly dependent on another person. Seek knowledgeable help when you feel weak. Live in TODAY, not yesterday. When in doubt, ask questions. The only stupid question is the one not asked. Be willing to go to any lengths to stay sexually pure. Be honest and consistent. These behaviors are fundamental to maintaining sexual purity. Make a choice to realign your peer group to include like-minded students who are committed to honoring God and their own personal boundaries in their character and conduct. Find an accountability partner with whom you can be completely open, honest, and vulnerable who can help keep you from falling into temptation that could lead to sexual activity. Share your pledge of sexual purity with significant relationships (parents, dates, close friends) to help underscore the seriousness of your commitment. Make careful decisions about whom to date and where dating activity takes place. If you make a bad choice, promptly admit it and get back on track. Remind yourself often that premarital sexual activity can result in unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted disease, emotional problems, and spiritual problems, to name a few of the consequences. Walk away, use the telephone, or call a parent or friend if you find yourself in a compromising situation. Be of help to a friend in his or her fight to remain sexually pure. Avoid all drugs and situations where they are likely to be present. Avoid all drinking situations or occasions. Don’t let yourself become overly dependent on another person. Seek knowledgeable help when you feel weak. Live in TODAY, not yesterday. When in doubt, ask questions. The only stupid question is the one not asked. Be willing to go to any lengths to stay sexually pure. Be honest and consistent. These behaviors are fundamental to maintaining sexual purity.

    67. Pornografía – Plan de Ataque El Secreto de la Paz Mental “Por lo demás hermanos, todo lo que es verdadero, todo lo honorable, todo lo justo, todo lo puro, todo lo amable, todo lo que es de buen nombre; si hay virtud alguna, si algo digno de alabanza, en eso pensad”… Make a choice to realign your peer group to include like-minded students who are committed to honoring God and their own personal boundaries in their character and conduct. Find an accountability partner with whom you can be completely open, honest, and vulnerable who can help keep you from falling into temptation that could lead to sexual activity. Share your pledge of sexual purity with significant relationships (parents, dates, close friends) to help underscore the seriousness of your commitment. Make careful decisions about whom to date and where dating activity takes place. If you make a bad choice, promptly admit it and get back on track. Remind yourself often that premarital sexual activity can result in unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted disease, emotional problems, and spiritual problems, to name a few of the consequences. Walk away, use the telephone, or call a parent or friend if you find yourself in a compromising situation. Be of help to a friend in his or her fight to remain sexually pure. Avoid all drugs and situations where they are likely to be present. Avoid all drinking situations or occasions. Don’t let yourself become overly dependent on another person. Seek knowledgeable help when you feel weak. Live in TODAY, not yesterday. When in doubt, ask questions. The only stupid question is the one not asked. Be willing to go to any lengths to stay sexually pure. Be honest and consistent. These behaviors are fundamental to maintaining sexual purity. Make a choice to realign your peer group to include like-minded students who are committed to honoring God and their own personal boundaries in their character and conduct. Find an accountability partner with whom you can be completely open, honest, and vulnerable who can help keep you from falling into temptation that could lead to sexual activity. Share your pledge of sexual purity with significant relationships (parents, dates, close friends) to help underscore the seriousness of your commitment. Make careful decisions about whom to date and where dating activity takes place. If you make a bad choice, promptly admit it and get back on track. Remind yourself often that premarital sexual activity can result in unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted disease, emotional problems, and spiritual problems, to name a few of the consequences. Walk away, use the telephone, or call a parent or friend if you find yourself in a compromising situation. Be of help to a friend in his or her fight to remain sexually pure. Avoid all drugs and situations where they are likely to be present. Avoid all drinking situations or occasions. Don’t let yourself become overly dependent on another person. Seek knowledgeable help when you feel weak. Live in TODAY, not yesterday. When in doubt, ask questions. The only stupid question is the one not asked. Be willing to go to any lengths to stay sexually pure. Be honest and consistent. These behaviors are fundamental to maintaining sexual purity.

    68. Pornografía – Plan de Ataque El Secreto de la Paz Mental “Lo que aprendisteis y recibisteis, oísteis y visteis aquí*, eso haced. Y el Dios de Paz estará con vosotros” (Fil. 4: 8,9) *Texto original dice en mí. Make a choice to realign your peer group to include like-minded students who are committed to honoring God and their own personal boundaries in their character and conduct. Find an accountability partner with whom you can be completely open, honest, and vulnerable who can help keep you from falling into temptation that could lead to sexual activity. Share your pledge of sexual purity with significant relationships (parents, dates, close friends) to help underscore the seriousness of your commitment. Make careful decisions about whom to date and where dating activity takes place. If you make a bad choice, promptly admit it and get back on track. Remind yourself often that premarital sexual activity can result in unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted disease, emotional problems, and spiritual problems, to name a few of the consequences. Walk away, use the telephone, or call a parent or friend if you find yourself in a compromising situation. Be of help to a friend in his or her fight to remain sexually pure. Avoid all drugs and situations where they are likely to be present. Avoid all drinking situations or occasions. Don’t let yourself become overly dependent on another person. Seek knowledgeable help when you feel weak. Live in TODAY, not yesterday. When in doubt, ask questions. The only stupid question is the one not asked. Be willing to go to any lengths to stay sexually pure. Be honest and consistent. These behaviors are fundamental to maintaining sexual purity. Make a choice to realign your peer group to include like-minded students who are committed to honoring God and their own personal boundaries in their character and conduct. Find an accountability partner with whom you can be completely open, honest, and vulnerable who can help keep you from falling into temptation that could lead to sexual activity. Share your pledge of sexual purity with significant relationships (parents, dates, close friends) to help underscore the seriousness of your commitment. Make careful decisions about whom to date and where dating activity takes place. If you make a bad choice, promptly admit it and get back on track. Remind yourself often that premarital sexual activity can result in unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted disease, emotional problems, and spiritual problems, to name a few of the consequences. Walk away, use the telephone, or call a parent or friend if you find yourself in a compromising situation. Be of help to a friend in his or her fight to remain sexually pure. Avoid all drugs and situations where they are likely to be present. Avoid all drinking situations or occasions. Don’t let yourself become overly dependent on another person. Seek knowledgeable help when you feel weak. Live in TODAY, not yesterday. When in doubt, ask questions. The only stupid question is the one not asked. Be willing to go to any lengths to stay sexually pure. Be honest and consistent. These behaviors are fundamental to maintaining sexual purity.

    69. Pornografía – Plan de Ataque “Todo lo puedo en Cristo que me fortalece” (Fil. 4: 19) Make a choice to realign your peer group to include like-minded students who are committed to honoring God and their own personal boundaries in their character and conduct. Find an accountability partner with whom you can be completely open, honest, and vulnerable who can help keep you from falling into temptation that could lead to sexual activity. Share your pledge of sexual purity with significant relationships (parents, dates, close friends) to help underscore the seriousness of your commitment. Make careful decisions about whom to date and where dating activity takes place. If you make a bad choice, promptly admit it and get back on track. Remind yourself often that premarital sexual activity can result in unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted disease, emotional problems, and spiritual problems, to name a few of the consequences. Walk away, use the telephone, or call a parent or friend if you find yourself in a compromising situation. Be of help to a friend in his or her fight to remain sexually pure. Avoid all drugs and situations where they are likely to be present. Avoid all drinking situations or occasions. Don’t let yourself become overly dependent on another person. Seek knowledgeable help when you feel weak. Live in TODAY, not yesterday. When in doubt, ask questions. The only stupid question is the one not asked. Be willing to go to any lengths to stay sexually pure. Be honest and consistent. These behaviors are fundamental to maintaining sexual purity. Make a choice to realign your peer group to include like-minded students who are committed to honoring God and their own personal boundaries in their character and conduct. Find an accountability partner with whom you can be completely open, honest, and vulnerable who can help keep you from falling into temptation that could lead to sexual activity. Share your pledge of sexual purity with significant relationships (parents, dates, close friends) to help underscore the seriousness of your commitment. Make careful decisions about whom to date and where dating activity takes place. If you make a bad choice, promptly admit it and get back on track. Remind yourself often that premarital sexual activity can result in unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted disease, emotional problems, and spiritual problems, to name a few of the consequences. Walk away, use the telephone, or call a parent or friend if you find yourself in a compromising situation. Be of help to a friend in his or her fight to remain sexually pure. Avoid all drugs and situations where they are likely to be present. Avoid all drinking situations or occasions. Don’t let yourself become overly dependent on another person. Seek knowledgeable help when you feel weak. Live in TODAY, not yesterday. When in doubt, ask questions. The only stupid question is the one not asked. Be willing to go to any lengths to stay sexually pure. Be honest and consistent. These behaviors are fundamental to maintaining sexual purity.

    73. SDA Position on Pornography A Statement on Pornography Diverse courts and cultures may debate the definitions and consequences of pornography (the literature of sexual deviance), but on the basis of eternal principles, Seventh-day Adventists of whatever culture deem pornography to be destructive, demeaning, desensitizing, and exploitative. It is destructive to marital relationships, thus subverting God's design that husband and wife cleave so closely to each other that they become, symbolically, "one flesh" (Genesis 2:24). It is demeaning, defining a woman (and in some instances a man) not as a spiritual-mental-physical whole, but as a one-dimensional and disposable sex-object, thus depriving her of the worth and the respect that are her due and right as a daughter of God. It is desensitizing to the viewer/reader, callousing the conscience and "perverting the perception," thus producing a "depraved person" (Romans 1:22. 28, NEB). It is exploitative, pandering to prurience, and basally abusive, thus contrary to the Golden rule, which insists that one treat others as one wishes to be treated (Matthew 7:12). Particularly offensive is child pornography. Said Jesus: "If anyone leads astray even one child who believes in me, he would be better off thrown into the depths of the sea with a millstone hung around his neck!" (See Matthew 18:6). Though Norman Cousins may not have said it in Biblical language, he has perceptively written: "The trouble with this wide open pornography . . . is not that it corrupts but that it desensitizes; not that it unleashes the passions but that it cripples the emotions; not that it encourages a mature attitude, but that it is a reversion to infantile obsessions; not that it removes the blinders, but that it distorts the view. Prowess is proclaimed but love is denied. What we have is not liberation but dehumanization."—Saturday Review of Literature, Sept. 20, 1975. A society plagued by plunging standards of decency, increasing child prostitution, teenage pregnancies, sexual assaults on women and children, drug-damaged mentalities, and organized crime can ill afford pornography's contribution to these evils. Wise, indeed, is the counsel of Christianity's first great theologian: "If you believe in goodness and if you value the approval of God, fix your minds on the things which are holy and right and pure and beautiful and good" (Philippians 4:8, 9, Phillips). This is advice that all Christians would do well to heed.   This public statement was released by the General Conference president, Neal C. Wilson, after consultation with the 16 world vice presidents of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, on July 5, 1990, at the General Conference session in Indianapolis, Indiana.

    74. Jesus paid it all I hear the Savior say, “Thy strength indeed is small; Child of weakness, watch and pray, Find in Me thine all in all.” Refrain: Jesus paid it all, All to Him I owe; Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow. For nothing good have I Whereby Thy grace to claim; I’ll wash my garments white In the blood of Calv’ry’s Lamb. And now complete in Him, My robe, His righteousness, Close sheltered ’neath His side, I am divinely blest. Lord, now indeed I find Thy pow’r, and Thine alone, Can change the leper?s spots And melt the heart of stone. When from my dying bed My ransomed soul shall rise, “Jesus died my soul to save,” Shall rend the vaulted skies. And when before the throne I stand in Him complete, I’ll lay my trophies down, All down at Jesus’ feet.

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