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Energetic Ion Fluxes in the TNO Region The New Outer Heliosphere Meets the New Outer Solar System John F. Cooper
Energetic Ion Fluxes in the TNO Region The New Outer Heliosphere Meets the New Outer Solar System John F. Cooper Space Physics Data Facility Laboratory for Solar and Space Physics NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, U.S.A. Acknowledgements Matt Hill, John Richardson, Steve Sturner, Eric Christian, George Gloeckler, General Duff Green Or Space Weathering Fantasies, Facts and Suggestions Niagara Falls Holy Grail (Monty Python)
Related References Giani Strazzulla, John F. Cooper, Eric R. Christian, and Robert E. Johnson, Ion irradiation of TNOs: from the fluxes measured in space to the laboratory experiments, Comptes Rendus Physique, 4, 791-801, 2003. John F. Cooper, Eric R. Christian, John D. Richardson, and Chi Wang, Proton irradiation of Centaur, Kuiper Belt, and Oort Cloud Objects at Plasma to Cosmic Ray Energy, Earth, Moon, and Planets, 92, 261-277, June 2003. Proceedings of the First Decadal Review of the Edgeworth-Kuiper-Belt - Towards New Frontiers, European Southern Observatory and Universidad Catolica de Norte, Antofagasta, Chile, March 11 – 14, 2003. John F. Cooper, Matthew E. Hill, John D. Richardson, and Steven Sturner, Heliospheric Space Weathering of Icy Bodies in the Kuiper Belt and Beyond, Review chapter in progress for the Kuiper Belt Book Project, Editors: A. Barucci, H. Boehnhardt, D. Cruikshank, and A. Morbidelli, Fall 2006. International Workshop, Trans Neptunian Objects Dynamical and Physical properties, Hotel Nettuno, Catania, Italy, July 3-7, 2006
“But choose wisely, for while the true Grail will bring you life, the false Grail will take it”. The Grail Knight’s Warning, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, 1989
A Few Old Fantasies • For the Planetary Astronomer (mass focused) a. Outer Solar System = lots of cool objects + total vacuum b. Space weathering may safely be ignored for observation of objects that have been in contact with the space environment for millions to billions of years c. Atmospheres can only arise from internal processes d. Ice chemistry far from stars has no other energy sources • For the Heliophysicist (energy focused) a. Plasma-planetary interactions are minor defects on the perfection of the Sun-Heliosphere-LISM system b. Solar wind termination shock is the holy grail of heliophysics and will explain everything (WMD theory) c. Interstellar neutral atoms are important, ions are not d. Cometary (e.g., Halley) and KBO bodies all have dark radiation mantles (previously a shared fantasy)
A New View of the Outer Heliosphere from Voyager V1 V2 From Voyager Senior Review Proposal 2005
Heliospheric & Planetary Spacecraft Exploration of Solar System Ulysses Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX), Neutral Atom Imager. Earth orbit launch in 2008 V-1 P-11 P-10 V-2
Interstellar energetic ions deflected away at heliopause Interstellar neutral atoms injected into solar wind as pickup ions by ionization from solar UV Primary acceleration at termination shock The Conventional View as of December 15, 2004
Decker et al. (2005) Low Energy Charged Particle Detector (LECP) Energetic Particle Measurements for the Termination Shock Crossing Epoch Locally, the shock appeared as a boundary, not a source, for enhanced particle fluxes in the post-shock region, the heliosheath.
Cosmic Ray Flux Evolution vs. Time and Position Voyager LECP-CRS 38 – 74 AU cosmic ray proton spectra vary more with solar cycle phase than with heliocentric distance Solar cycle averaging needed for cumulative surface irradiation modeling LECP heliosheath spectra (M. E. Hill) approaching Cooper et al. (2003) limits on local interstellar spectra! What is the actual source, TS/HS acceleration ? Local interstellar ? Galactic interstellar ?
LISM Proton Fluxes Local interstellar flow 26 km/s, density 0.1/cc, and temperature ~ 104 K limit low energy flux E-2.7 GCR spectrum at GeV energies fixed by high altitude balloon cosmic ray fluxes Interstellar limit spectrum close to Gloeckler et al.’s E–1.5 ‘universal’ spectrum over eight orders of magnitude !!! Asymptotic limit of heliosheath H spectra ? Is TS/HS acceleration really needed to explain the TSP and ACR data? Full Particle Flux Evolution, Foreshock to LISM preshock
Universal Suprathermal Cascade Spectra Measurements in Inner Heliosphere Fisk et al. (2006) Same spectral forms (J ~ E–1.5 differential flux) observed in outer heliosphere
Suggestion – Niagara Falls Model for Heliosheath Particle Fluxes • Interstellar hot ions flow in through semi-permeable heliopause boundary • Heliosheath ions evolve from interstellar source via common cascade spectra • Acceleration at the termination shock is neither yet observed nor necessary Upstream LISM Heliosheath Cascade Downstream Heliosphere
Saturn Jupiter Uranus Neptune Pluto
Tegler et al., ApJ, 599, L49-L52, 2003. Centaurs (a < 40) may ??? be bimodal dependent on measurement error analysis. Keck, Steward, and Vatican !!! Observatory B–R Color Spectra for 91 Total Objects 21 of 21 “dynamically cold old” q > 40 AU KBOs are red. 17 of 20 “dynamically hot” Scattered Disk (Q > 70) Objects are grey. Fig. 1. B–Rhistograms. (a) Centaurs have bimodal colors. (b) Dynamical cold objects with small-i, small-e, and q > 40 AU are red, B – R > 1.5. (c) Dynamically hot objects with large-i, large-e, and Q > 70 AU are mostly gray, B – R< 1.5.
Diameters A > 0.2 A = 0.7 A = 0.1 A = 0.4 A = 0.60 A = 0.8 MPC On-Line Catalog: May 7, 2O06 990 Transneptunian Objects 167 Centaurs & Scattered-Disk Objects Other Large Objects 2004 DW D = 1500 km Ixion D = 1065 km 2002 AW197 D = 890 km Varuna D = 900 km A = 0.12 A = 0.86±0.07 2,400 ± 100 km Other albedoes: Europa (0.68), Enceladus (1.0), Tethys (0.9)
Elliot et al., Nature 424, 165-168, 2003. Seasonal effect of Pluto’s 248-year eccentric (29.7 – 49.7) AU orbit around the Sun ? Atmospheric T = +1.3º (N2 frost) surface albedo change, 0.64 to 0.59 ? Solar cycle irradiation effects on atmospheric heating and/or surface chemistry?
Radiolytic Gas Exospheres on Kuiper Belt Objects ? 100 eV produces ~ 0.1 H2 molecules in irradiated H2O ice. Solar UV lifetime for H2 ~ 5x1010 sec at 100 AU Heliosheath proton energy flux ~ 3x106 100-eV/cm2-s Exospheric column density < 1.5x1016 H2/cm2 Compare to ~ 1015 O2/cm2 for Europa from Jovian magnetospheric ion sputtering H2 will tend to escape but other species (O2, N2, CO2, CO) could be surface bound by cold trapping. Other atmospheric sources, e,.g. from outgassing ?
Enceladus Outgassing of Water Vapor from South Pole Cassini Orbiter Images - 2005
Energetic electron and ion bombardment Oxidants H2 Fuel H2O2 O2 OH O3 HO3 HO2 Radiation-driven plumes on Enceladus H2O Mass flux = 150 – 350 kg/s 240 m/s Escape Speed Input Power 0.04–0.09 mW/m2 Magnetospheric e- 2 mW/m2 Galactic Cosmic Rays 0.5 mW/m2 G(H2O2) ~ 0.1 0.25 mW/m2 NH3 – H2O slush
Decker et al. (2005) Low Energy Charged Particle Detector (LECP) Energetic Particle Measurements for the Termination Shock Crossing Epoch Locally, the shock appeared as a boundary, not a source, for enhanced particle fluxes in the post-shock region, the heliosheath.
Concluding Facts and Suggestions • Many Scattered Disk Objects traverse the heliosheath and some reach the LISM • Heliosheath proton fluxes approaching extrapolated absolute flux and spectral shape of the LISM flux • Termination shock acceleration may not be the dominant ion source for the outer heliosphere • Proton fluxes generally increase from the Classical Kuiper Belt towards the LISM and towards the Sun • Cold, old Classicals may be red due to deep cosmic ray irradiation, thin top crust, and erosion • Sputtering and micrometeoroid impacts could work as rotationally-averaged erosion processes • Europa to Pluto atmospheres, and Enceladus-like outgassing plumes, could be radiation driven and likely contribute to high albedo and color diversity
Heliosheath Irradiation Environment Components Modulated galactic cosmic ray ions and electrons Energetic particles accelerated in the inner or outer heliosheath ? Plasma and suprathermal ion & electron direct entry thru HP ? Heliopause instabilities and ISMF connection Christian, E. R., and J. F. Cooper, Polar rain entry of galactic electrons into the inner heliosphere, Sp. Sci. Rev.,72, 415-418, 1995. Subsonic solar wind plasma and pickup ions Interstellar neutral atoms and dust Sputtered neutrals & pickup ions from dust and planetary bodies
Sedna Orbit 76 – 900 AU now ~ 90 AU Perihelion: 2075 Period: 12,050 y Oort Cloud
1741 NH Web Site, APL
Aries Solar Distance vs. Heliospheric Windward Longitude (Ф– ФHe, SE) “Xena” 38 - 98 AU (557 y) V-2 Sedna 76 – 900 AU (12,050 y) N P-11 U P LISM He Flow V-1 P-10 J S R (AU) Solar EclipticΦHe = 253.9° λHe = +5.6° J. F. Cooper IGPP Waikiki 2006