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DATA BASE ALIGNMENT PROGRAM (DAPs) Purpose: Designed to resolve various data base discrepancies. These discrepancies are normally caused by application software inaccuracies or data entry errors made by users.
DATA BASE ALIGNMENT PROGRAM (DAPs) Personnel Requirements Five major personnel functions are necessary to perform DAPs. They include computer operations, data base administration, system administration, and maintenance / supply functional data base administration.
DATA BASE ALIGNMENT PROGRAM (DAPs) Precautions It is recommended that DAPs be executed as detailed or further data base discrepancies will occur. The majority of NALCOMIS DAPs access, modify,and/or create and delete data in the system. It is imperative that data base or system saves be completed prior to and after execution of NALCOMIS DAPs.
DATA BASE ALIGNMENT PROGRAM (DAPs) Aids in resolving Inv DB problems 1. Validates NIIN records against COGs/MCCs 2. Validates FGCs for multiple Heads of Family 3. Validates DIFM items without a N812 mailbox 4. Validates IOU records 5. Displays records associated with specific MAF 6. Modify history data for specific DDSN 7. Create a N812 mailbox 8. Generates mini-transledger report 9. Removes contract data from data base 10. Deletes MAF (MCN) when necessary 11. Deletes requisition records when necessary
Contains all available DAPS to maintain data base integrity
DBAG14 Select
DBAGs (REPORTS) DBAG14 (COG/MCC ERROR REPORT) Allows you to generate an Error Report of mismatched NIIN's COG/MCC and Table's COG/MCC. It also generates a Counter Report to show the number of NIINs for each COG/MCC on the database. NOTE: All COG/MCC combination must be loaded.
DBAGs (REPORTS) DBAG21 (INV DISC REPORT) Allows you to generate an error report of out of balance quantities and show the number of non-DIFM items attached to a MAF. Also displays Inventory discrepancies. It is used as an aid to resolving inventory data base problem areas. This program should be run at least weekly for one month following the initial site turn-on, thereafter, monthly-during reconciliation).
DBAGs (REPORTS) DBAG32 (INV / ITEM REC) Allows you to review a list of records for a specific NIIN. to perform analysis and/or troubleshooting. This DAP is used in conjunction with DBAG21 (Displays Inventory Discrepancies) and is a valuable trouble-shooting tool which is used in researching problem areas.
DBAGs (REPORTS) DBAG85 (MINI TRANSLEDGER) This DAP creates a Mini-Transledger report based on an input file of NIINs or group of NIINs. USE: This DAP is used in conjunction with DBAG21 (Displays Inventory Discrepancies) and is a valuable trouble-shooting tool which is used in researching problem areas identified by DBAG21.
DBAGs (REPORTS) DBDM37 (1144 RPT) Allows you to generate the UADPS 1144 Supply Effectiveness Reports using selected pool codes; type of report and whether to use existing extract files or create new ones. Last run date will be displayed when the user selects the DBDM37 process. Enter reporting period beginning run date. Enter reporting period ending run date. Pool Code Processing: Select Include, and enter pool codes to be processed. Select Exclude, and enter pool codes to be excluded from the process. Click All to process all pool codes on the database.
DBAGs (REPORTS) DBDM37 (1144 RPT) Report Selection: Select Repairables Only to produce reports containing repairables. Select Repairables & Pack-Ups to produce reports containing repairables and pack-ups. To use existing extract files, click in the check box. The default is N. Click OK to generate the reports. Click Cancel to return to the main menu.
DBAGs (REPORTS) DBAG2L (BE4 ICRL OUTPUT) This window allows you to create a BE4 file and save it to a directory or diskette. This process will run in the background and must be transferred using "File Transfer" to a designated drive and directory. BE4 PROCESS Click OK to run the BE4 processes in the background. Click Cancel to return to the main menu. NOTE: A message appears giving you the batch job number and location of the file. You must use the job number when file transferring. Screen copy the message and click OK, acknowledging that the DBAG2L process has finished. This file may be too large to fit on one diskette, It is suggested that the file be transferred to a directory and zipped, then copied to a diskette.
DBAGs (REPORTS) DBAG2H (AIRPAC COST ACCT) Allows you to produce an AIRPAC Financial report file totaling activity requisitions for repairables and consumables. This process can create two different files based on the activity code criteria. A file can be created for an individual activity by using an activity code or for all activities by using three asterisks (***). Using "-DM" as the activity code can create another file. This will create a file with DDSN and MCN information only.
DBAGs (REPORTS) DBAG2H (AIRPAC COST ACCT) This process will run in the background and must be transferred using "File Transfer" to a designated drive and directory. 1. Enter the Activity Code (one Activity code, *** = All, or -DM (DDSN-MCN). 2. Enter the Beginning Julian Date (98017). · The Julian date must be 001 through 366. · The Beginning date must be less than the ending date. 3. Enter the Ending Julian Date (98035). 4. Click OK to run the process. 5. Click Cancel to return to the main menu.
DBAGs (REPORTS) DBAG2H (AIRPAC COST ACCT) NOTE: A message will appear giving you the batch job number and location of the file. You must use the job number when file transferring. Screen copy the message and click OK, acknowledging that the DBAG2H process has finished and the file must be file transferred.
DBAGs (REPORTS) DBAG57 (E38 FILE EXTRACT) This window allows you to extract the necessary data from the NALCOMIS database for input to FMSO's E38 process. by producing an E38 file and save it to a directory. This process runs in the background and must be transferred using "File Transfer" to a designated drive and directory. E38 Process: Select the E38 File Extract Process (Reconciliation or Retrieval). Select Retrieve Nomenclature, if required. Click OK to run process. Click Cancel to return to the Main Menu.
DBAGs (REPORTS) DBAG57 (E38 FILE EXTRACT) NOTE: A message appears giving you the batch job number and location of the file. You must use the job number when file transferring. Screen copy the message and click OK, acknowledging that the E38 process has finished.
DBAGs (UPDATE) DBAG1R (SUBCUSTODY UPDATE) Allows update to the subcustody inventory quantity and recompute the ACBAL inventory quantity. You can add and delete item records for a specific subcustody NIIN. - Enter the NIIN and click OK to display inventory and subcustody records for the NIIN entered. Select subcustody item records to be deleted. Click Delete to delete selected record. Click Restore to restore record that was deleted. Click Add to add a subcustody item record. Click Update to modify the database for those add and delete records Click Cancel to return to the main menu.
DBAGs (UPDATE) DBAG1R (SUBCUSTODY UPDATE) NOTE: If Update is clicked without selecting Add or Delete, the inventory subcustody and ACBAL quantities will be recomputed.
DBAGs (UPDATE) DBAG17 (ACBAL UPDATE) Allows you to produce a file containing NIINs that have a discrepant ACBAL for review and update. CAUTION: Before using this process to update, a NIIN should be researched to determine whether it should be updated.
DBAGs (UPDATE) DBAG17 (ACBAL UPDATE) Click any header column to sort on that column. Click Print to produce a hardcopy to review and research. Select a NIIN or a group of NIINs using the shift key and click Delete to delete the NIINs from the file that you do not want updated. Click Restore to undelete the NIINs. NIINs will be added at the end of the file. Re-sort on the NIIN to reposition. Click Update to modify the invdata ACBAL records. All records left in the file will be updated with the correct ACBAL field data, except those NIINS with a negative ACBAL. They MUST BE corrected using other DAPs or procedures.The correct ACBAL field is calculated using other invdata quantities and does not check to see if the item records exist.If you choose to update the invdata ACBAL using the corrected ACBAL field data without research, you could have an incorrect ACBAL
DBAGs (UPDATE) DBAG17 (ACBAL UPDATE) You can delete those NIINs that you do not want to update from the file. Some of the NIINs may show a negative ACBAL. Those NIINs cannot be updated using this procedure and must be updated using other DAPs or procedures. Each NIIN should be researched before updating. This procedure will not correct any column on the invdata record except ACBAL, therefore, each NIIN should be corrected using the specified DAP if other columns are to be corrected. Re-running DBAG17 after corrections are made will eliminate those NIINs from this file.
DBAGs (UPDATE) DBAG42 (EXTERNAL/CONTRACT DELETE) Enables you to delete external records (dr05) that are not attached to a requisition (dr09) or an item record (ds03). The system then deletes the contract records (dr04) that do not have a matching external record and are not attached to a requisition. - Click Yes to send this process to the scheduler for release. - Click No to send this process to the batch queue for release. - Click Cancel to return to the main menu.
DBAGs (UPDATE) DBAG75 (DIFM/OW/ER UPDATE) Allows you to display DIFM item and invdata records for review and update and to delete an ITEM record when no mailbox message exists and no MAF exists or a MAF exists with job status of JC with PC signature; and adjust the DIFM, OWE, and ER invdata quantities based on the DIFM item records present for a specific NIIN. Also, the ACBAL will be recomputed.
DBAGs (UPDATE) DBAG75 (DIFM/OW/ER UPDATE) Enter a NIIN. Click OK to display invdata and DIFM item records for the NIIN specified. Click Delete to delete the selected record from the window. Click Update to delete the ITEM record from the database, adjust the DIFM quantities on the database, and recompute the ACBAL. Click Update, without selecting an ITEM record, to modify DIFM, OWE, and ER invdata quantities and recompute the ACBAL. Click Close to return to the main menu.
DBAGs (UPDATE) DBAG76 (DUE QTY UPDATE) Allows you to enter a NIIN to review the Due invdata quantity for update and adjust the Due invdata quantity based on the Due Item records for a specific NIIN - Enter a NIIN. Click OK to display invdata and Due records for the NIIN specified. Click Update to modify due invdata quantity on the database. Click Close to return to the main menu.