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A Case Study of a Training Program for Teachers of Mathematics. MarÃa Isabel RamÃrez mi.ramirez78@uniandes.edu.co Presentation for the Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy February 2013, Blacksburg, VA. CENTER FOR RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT IN EDUCATION. Outline Introduction
A Case Study of a Training Program for Teachers of Mathematics María Isabel Ramírez mi.ramirez78@uniandes.edu.co Presentation for the Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy February 2013, Blacksburg, VA CENTER FOR RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT IN EDUCATION
Outline • Introduction • Description of the program. • Why does this training program arise? • Its purpose • Its development • The case study • Focus of the study • Research methodology design • Data analysis and Results • Conclusions and questions of participants. CENTRO DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y FORMACIÓN EN EDUCACIÓN-CIFE-
Whydoesthis training programarise? • Theprogramwasdesignedtoaddressthedifficultiespresentedbythe training of mathteachersin Colombia. • Theseparation of thethreecomponents in theformation of a teacher: mathematics, pedagogy and humanities. • Thebeliefthattoteachmathitisenoughtoknowmath. • Torecognizethatschoolmathisdifferentfrommathitself. CENTRO DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y FORMACIÓN EN EDUCACIÓN-CIFE-
Why does this training program arise? • The existing learning plan was divided in three main blocks (isolated): • Higher Education Math [80%] • General Pedagogy Classes [10%] – These did not give any information about what truly was happening in the classroom or at the school. • Classes on humanities or general culture [10%]. CENTRO DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y FORMACIÓN EN EDUCACIÓN-CIFE-
What was the outcome of this previous program? • The graduate was a Math expert faced to the reality of having to teach a school level curriculum, that did not reflect his level of expertise. • What mattered most was to master Math at a Higher Education level. • There was no refletion about what the graduate was going to teach, or about their teaching practice. • The consequences of graduates teaching in a school were never considered. • The teaching practice became following a textbook. CENTRO DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y FORMACIÓN EN EDUCACIÓN-CIFE-
Characteristics of this new program • It was imperative to create a program to train Math teachers who recognized the Human and the Educational aspects as essential, both in their training process and in their future practice. • School Math from an advanced point of view. • Start research on training math teachers where Math is seen as a means to construct the world. • Consciousness that all children and youth can learn Math. CENTRO DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y FORMACIÓN EN EDUCACIÓN-CIFE-
Purpose of the training • General • Totrain a professional in MathEducationtoperform in Primary and SecondarySchoolcontexts as a Mathteacher. • Specific • Toconceptualize and constructtheprofessionalknowledge of theMathTeacher. • Topersue a greaterrecognition of theMathteacherprofession. • Totransformthetraditionalteachingpractices in theMathfield. • To link research and innovatingprocessestothis new mathteachingpractices. CENTRO DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y FORMACIÓN EN EDUCACIÓN-CIFE-
Axes of training • SchoolMath and MathDidactics • Advancedmathematicalthinking • Practicein theclassroom • Professional context CENTRO DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y FORMACIÓN EN EDUCACIÓN-CIFE-
GraduateProfile • Mathteacher • Researcherteacher in theeducationalfield. • Seeksthetransformation of theeducational and pedagogicalpracticesaboutthemath in primary and secondaryschool. • CounselorforEducationalInstitutions. • Textbookselaborator. • Game, didactic material and educationalprogramsdesigner. CENTRO DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y FORMACIÓN EN EDUCACIÓN-CIFE-
However… • The research about training of math teachers in last generation programs (2000-2009) is recent. • The information (research, articles in recognized journals, academic production plus the skills developed and learning acquired in these programs is nonexistent (Lurduy, 2009). • There are few evaluation programs concerning specific aspects such as the role of the pedagogy, social and human in the training of math teachers. • There are specific aspects of the training of mathematics teachers that deserve further investigation Wood (2008). CENTRO DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y FORMACIÓN EN EDUCACIÓN-CIFE-
ResearchQuestions • Howtoaddresstheteaching and learning of pedagogy in theprogram? • Whatisthecontribution of the Professional Context Axis totheformation of mathteachers in Colombia? CENTRO DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y FORMACIÓN EN EDUCACIÓN-CIFE-
Information Sources in the Case Study • Source: http://www.nwlink.com/~donclark/agile/network2.jpg Employers (n=12) Semi-structured interview Graduates (n=37) Survey on-line Documents Public University Bogotá, Colombia Coordinator of training program Semi-structured interview Undergraduate (n=293 = 75%) Surveys and focus group Teachers (n=10) Semi-structured interviews CENTRO DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y FORMACIÓN EN EDUCACIÓN-CIFE-
I. How to address the teaching and learning of pedagogy in the program? • The theoretical basis of complex thinking in three moments: • Semester 1 to 3: Study of the subjects that the teacher interacts with: (teacher, child and teenager). • Semester 4 to 7: Study of the educational institution. (the school, the conflict resolution, educational policies). • Semester 8: Study and analysis of the moral issues that teachers might face in their practice. CENTRO DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y FORMACIÓN EN EDUCACIÓN-CIFE-
I. How to address the teaching and learning of pedagogy in the program? • The value added offered by teacher training: knowledge throughout math: • Human • Political • Ethical • Social CENTRO DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y FORMACIÓN EN EDUCACIÓN-CIFE-
I. How to address the teaching and learning of pedagogy in the program? • Motivation to reflection on the student-teacher: the complexity of human beings and the reality of the "math teacher” profession. CENTRO DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y FORMACIÓN EN EDUCACIÓN-CIFE-
II. What is the contribution of the Professional Context Axis to the formation of math teachers in Colombia? • Pedagogical training. • By transforming traditional teaching and encyclopedic pedagogy, this axis links the whole human component to teacher training. CENTRO DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y FORMACIÓN EN EDUCACIÓN-CIFE-
II. What is the contribution of the Professional Context Axis to the formation of math teachers in Colombia? • Development of five skills. • Critical thinking, to give items for students to have understanding about education in relation to the condition of the world. • Communicative skills. The professional context axis maintains a high level of requirement from all activities that promote processes regarding reading, oral and writing skills. • Teamwork as one of the skills that today’s professional must manage. • The ability to solve problems. The professional context axis gives analysis elements that allow students to think and solve problems of their profession. • Research skills in their practices. CENTRO DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y FORMACIÓN EN EDUCACIÓN-CIFE-
II. What is the contribution of the Professional Context Axis to the formation of math teachers in Colombia? • Teacher’s Projection • It encourages students to make teaching their option for life. • It works for the construction and establishment of the identity of the teacher. • It invites students to think themselves as future teachers of mathematics and to be aware of the implications of this for their professional lives. • It remarks the social, political, ethical and moral responsibilities they will have with their future students’ lives. CENTRO DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y FORMACIÓN EN EDUCACIÓN-CIFE-
References • Abma T. & Stake, R. (2001). Stake's responsive evaluation: Core ideas and evolution. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 2001 (92), 7-22. • Black, P., & William, D. (1998, October). Inside the Black Box. Raising standards Through Classroom Assessment. Phi Delta Kappan Magazine, 139 – 148. • Gil, D. (2011). El eje de contextos profesionales, una formación pedagógica y humana para la formación de docentes de matemáticas no segregadores. Congreso internacional de educación universitaria y prácticas educativas innovadoras. 21, 22 y 23 de septiembre de 2011. México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. CENTRO DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y FORMACIÓN EN EDUCACIÓN-CIFE-
References • Lurduy, J. O. (2000). Formación de profesores de matemáticas. Revista Horizontes Pedagógicos v.1 fasc.1 p.9 - 17. Bogotá, Colombia: Taller Creativo. • Lurduy, J. O. (2009). Investigación en la formación de profesores de matemáticas. Agendas y perspectivas. En Revista Científica No.11. p. 165 - 178. Bogotá, Colombia: Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. • Lurduy, J. O. (2009). El profesor investigador de su práctica. Formación y competencias. En Revista Uno: Revista de Didáctica de las Matemáticas. No. 51. p. 19 - 29. • Ministerio de Educación Nacional (1994). Ley General de Educación. Bogotá, Colombia. CENTRO DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y FORMACIÓN EN EDUCACIÓN-CIFE-
References • Ministerio de Educación Nacional (1996). Decreto 0709 del 17 de abril. Reglamento general para el desarrollo de programas de formación de educadores y condiciones para su mejoramiento profesional. • Ministerio de Educación Nacional (2000). Formación de maestros, elementos para el debate. CAENS. Bogotá, Colombia. Recuperado el 27 de mayo de 2011, del sitio Web http://www.mineducacion.gov.co/1621/articles-85742_Archivo_pdf1.pdf CENTRO DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y FORMACIÓN EN EDUCACIÓN-CIFE-
References • Quito, M. & Vidal, A. (2000). “El modelo de formación de maestros en Colombia”. En Convenio Andrés Bello, Formación de formadores en educación media y básica (pp. 17 - 48). Santafé de Bogotá, Colombia: Azucena Martínez-Soporte Editorial. • Romero, J y otros (2002). Matemáticas para todos. El sentido de la profesión profesor(a) de Matemáticas. Bogotá: Universidad Distrital. • Salazar, C., Leguizamón C., Andrade L. (2004). “Rutas pedagógicas en la formación de licenciados en matemáticas”. Memorias sexto encuentro colombiano de matemática educativa. (pp. 86 y 87). Bogotá, Colombia: Grupo Editorial Gaia. CENTRO DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y FORMACIÓN EN EDUCACIÓN-CIFE-
References • Stake, R. (1967). The countenance educational evaluation. Recuperado el 22 de octubre de 2010, del sitio Web http://education.illinois.edu/CIRCE/Publications/Countenance.pdf • Stake, R. (2006). “Evaluación comprensiva”. En Graò (Ed.), Evaluación comprensiva y evaluación basada en estándares (pp. 141 - 165). Barcelona, España: Graó • Stake, R. (2010). Investigación con estudios de caso. Morada (Ed.). Barcelona, España: Madrid • Torres, R. M. (1996). “Formación docente, clave de la reforma educativa”. Santiago, Chile: Unesco. • Vasco, C. E., Barrera, M., Becerra, M., Suárez, A., & Perdomo, N. (2004). De la teoría a la práctica en la formación de maestros de ciencias y matemáticas en Colombia. Bogotá, Colombia: Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. CENTRO DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y FORMACIÓN EN EDUCACIÓN-CIFE-
A Case Study of a Training Program for Teachers of Mathematics María Isabel Ramírez mi.ramirez78@uniandes.edu.co Presentation for the Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy February 2013, Blacksburg, VA CENTER FOR RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT IN EDUCATION