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Employers can no longer rely solely on resumes and candidate interviews to make a sound hiring decision. While both are an important part of the recruitment process, neither accurately report past performance, behavior, and other risk factors that could make a candidate a potential bad hire for a company. Having a pre-screening, or pre-employment screening process in place will help illuminate any risk factors that may be present before hiring an individual to your team.<br>https://www.intelifi.com/technology/emerge/
Employers are now stricter than before whilehiring employees in their organization to get quality employees.
This is happening because there are a lot ofnews regarding the workplace violence ortheft.
Employers don't want to take risks byhiring employees having criminalbackgrounds.
Employees having criminal background may create chaos or violence in the organization whichis an extra tension for them apart from their core workissues.
So they are inclined to performbackground checks on their prospective employees and hire the quality employees having clean background.
So what are the common things that arerevealed through the background checks?
Well, there are background checks done by the employers in several ways to know if according tothe job responsibility, is there a red flag or flaw in the employee ornot.
People think that background check is only related to thecriminal background check, but in actual, it is lot more thanthat.
Most of the employers want to know whateveryou have put in your resume is real ornot.
So they take help of the background checksto verify yourauthenticity.
Employees normally try to embellish their resumeswith false information about their credentials and other skills related to thejob.
Background check unravels the truth of your credentials, skills, past job titles, duration of your job, salary history, professional licenses, your performance and behavior in the previousorganizations etc.
Employers also want to know how much responsible the employee is by investigating about the credithistory.
If your employment position involves with handling of finances, then chances of doing background check onthe employeeincreases.
Because they can't shower the responsibility of the main pillar of the organization to a person who was abankrupt before.
Background check can also reveal the facts aboutyour driving records how much good or bad itis.
It can reveal the information from the minor speeding ticketor traffic violations to revoking of yourlicenses.
Everything will be counted as a part ofthe backgroundcheck.
Especially if you are applying for the post of driving car,van, trucks or even machinery, checking of the driving record is a vital part of the hiringprocess.
Employers want to know if you were involvedin criminal activities in thepast.
Basically most of the employees never revealtheir crimes openly to the recruiter as that will weaken the possibility of gettinghired.
Background check reveals whether you weresexual offender, was involved in substance abuse, violent offenses, or involved in cyber crime orfrauds.
It will help the employers to know any previousarrests, outstanding warrants, prior sentences and jail timeetc.
Background check also reveals the civil records of the employee and it depends upon the employers whetherthey want to know the civil history ornot.
Civil history shows whether someone has sued you for any cause, divorce judgments, judgments for property damage, non-payment of debt or anyother cases againstyou.
So in brief, the secrets that are revealed under the background check depends upon the person who is performing and for which position or purpose he wants to hire you inhis organization.
As there are number of state and federal rules associatedwith employment backgroundcheck.
Employers should hire a trusted background check company who can provide accurate results withouterror with proper regulatorycompliance.
For more info about:Pre employment screeningVisit: https://www.intelifi.com/technology/emerge/