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Joy B. Renfro

Joy B. Renfro. Ed.S Instructional Technology Portfolio University of West Georgia Spring 2011. Table of Contents. Introduction Purpose SWOT Analysis Program Course List Projects Standard Overview Performance Indicators & Artifacts Disposition & Field Experience Reflection.

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Joy B. Renfro

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Joy B. Renfro Ed.S Instructional Technology Portfolio University of West Georgia Spring 2011

  2. Table of Contents Introduction Purpose SWOT Analysis Program Course List Projects Standard Overview Performance Indicators & Artifacts Disposition & Field Experience Reflection

  3. Introduction Joy B. Renfro Fifth grade teacher Calhoun Elementary School in Calhoun, GA Teaching since 2005 Husband, Michael Enjoys reading, gardening, and photography Resume

  4. Purpose This e-portfolio documents my graduate work that I have completed in Instructional Technology Education Specialist Degree Program at the University of West Georgia.

  5. SWOT Analysis Link to SWOT Analysis

  6. Program Courses Diffusion of Innovations Digital & 35 mm Photography Integrating Technology Into the Curriculum Internet Tools, Resources, & Issues Issues in Instructions Technology Lifespan Human Development Program Evaluation Research Seminar Web Design for Instruction Web Design for Instruction

  7. Projects F.D.R. Movie WWII VoiceThread Duke Ellington Glog Digital Photography Website Animal Classification Website Program Evaluation Report

  8. Standards Table TL-I. Technology Operations and Concepts TL-II. Planning and Designing Learning Environments and Experiences TL-III. Teaching, Learning, and the Curriculum TL-IV. Assessment and Evaluation TL-V. Productivity and Professional Practice TL-VI. Social, Ethical, Legal, and Human Issues TL-VII. Procedures, Policies, Planning, and Budgeting for Technology Environments TL-VIII. Leadership and Vision

  9. TL-I. Technology Operations and Concepts

  10. TL-II. Planning and Designing Learning Environments and Experiences

  11. TL-III. Teaching, Learning, and the Curriculum

  12. TL-IV. Assessment and Evaluation

  13. TL-V. Productivity and Professional Practice

  14. TL-VI. Social, Ethical, Legal, and Human Issues

  15. TL-VII. Procedures, Policies, Planning, and Budgeting for Technology Environments

  16. TL-VIII. Leadership and Vision

  17. Disposition and Field Experience Disposition Field Experience NETS Standards and Conceptual Framework Chart

  18. Reflection As a result of this program, I believe that I am a much more effective teacher who is capable of utilizing the latest technology tools and techniques to benefit student learning. I believe that I am better equipped to be an advocate for technology in the classroom and school. I will share my strengths with fellow teachers and help them become more technology savvy as they learn to integrate technology into their classrooms as well. I believe that I have grown tremendously as a teacher as a result of this program. Consequentially, my students will be provided with a technology-rich classroom.

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