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www.Upledger.org. Video Highlights of Program. New Tools for your Toolbox. Combined advanced manual therapies such as Upledger CranioSacral Therapy (CST), Barral Visceral Manipulation (VM) and Barral Neural Manipulation (NM) can produce dramatic positive results for professional athletes.
New Tools for your Toolbox • Combined advanced manual therapies such as Upledger CranioSacral Therapy (CST), Barral Visceral Manipulation (VM) and Barral Neural Manipulation (NM) can produce dramatic positive results for professional athletes. • Some athletic trainers are aware or familiar with these modalities, but many are not. • Most players have experienced the benefits of certain massage modalities; many have not had the opportunity to feel the benefits of CST, VM and NM.
Team on Team Play Our team is also an elite group of professionals throughout the world who have chosen, through intensive study and practice, to develop a unique skill set. They are the best in their field. It is the synergy of the team that produces the dynamic results beyond any one individual’s ability.
How Do We Work? • We assemble our team to provide an intensive week of advanced manual therapeutic work. • Each player has three therapists working with them daily for a minimum of 5 hours per day. • Daily, the teams are matched to the players according to their individual needs.
Why does it work? Integrative Manual Therapies (CranioSacral Therapy, Neural Manipulation and Visceral Manipulation) facilitate natural healing processes already at work. When the body is no longer bound by restrictions along the fascial system, it can move with greater ease, readily adapt to its environment, and thus have a greater expression of health.
Upledger CranioSacral Therapy A light-touch, whole-body treatment technique that works with the body’s craniosacral system to support and nourish the central nervous system — improving overall health and well-being. By freeing restrictions within the central nervous system, CST naturally reduces pain and stress, strengthens resistance to disease, and enhances health and well-being.
Barral Neural Manipulation A light-touch, hands-on treatment that releases local nerve restrictions, while at the same time examining the effect these local fixations have on the rest of the body, and resolves the more comprehensive (global) dysfunctional patterns. NM aims to free tissue restrictions within the central and peripheral nervous systems. NM can enhance proper functioning of the nervous system – one of the communication highways throughout the body.
Barral Visceral Manipulation A gentle manual therapy that assesses the structural relationships between the viscera (organs), and their fascial or ligamentous attachments to the various systems in the body. It assists functional and structural imbalances throughout the body including musculoskeletal, vascular, nervous, urogenital, respiratory, digestive and lymphatic dysfunction. VM increases proprioceptive communication within the body.
Our Research Study We chose to study the most extreme cases to validate the benefits that advanced manual therapies provide for professional athletes at all stages in their careers.
Dr. John E. Upledger Foundation and The Ricky Williams Foundation Concussion Pilot Program Five former professional football players, including Ricky Williams, participated in the five-day intensive manual therapy concussion pilot research project at the Upledger Institute Clinic in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. The intensive program was designed for football players with a predisposition to Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) and other sports related injuries.
The men ranged in age from early 30’s to early 50’s. The number of concussions received varied for each individual. Chief complaints for the participants: anxiety depression sleep problems fatigue cervical/head pain difficulty with memory, learning, reading, decision making Minor complaints: balance, dizziness, digestive or elimination problems
Each athlete was evaluated by a medical doctor, and received the diagnosis of post concussion syndrome and other sports related injuries. Gold Standard Tests were performed immediately before, after, 4 weeks and 3 months post treatment. The players were treated twice a day for 5 days with Upledger CranioSacral Therapy, Barral Visceral Manipulation and Barral Neural Manipulation.
Tests consisted of: • Medical exam • Impact Test (testing neurocognitive deficiencies) • Beck Depression Inventory II (tests symptoms associated with depression) • Numeric Pain Intensity Scale (number given by participant for overall pain) • SF 36 QoL (Quality of Life) • HIT 6 (Headache Intensity Test) • Dizziness Handicap Inventory • Dynamic Gait Index (measures the capacity to adapt gait to complex tasks) • Standard Orthopedic ROM, Strength, Vestibular and Balance Tests (TUG - Timed ‘Up and Go’)
Study Results prepared by Gail Wetzler, PT, DPT, EDO, BI-D
Dynamic Gait Index (measures the capacity to adapt gait to complex tasks)
Beck Depression Inventory II (tests symptoms associated with depression)
Numeric Pain Intensity Scale (number given by participant for overall pain)
Game On! The results range from significant to dramatic for all former players suffering from old and serious injuries that were treatment resistant. Just think what the impact might be on a healthy functioning team!
In describing one of his best seasons as a player, Ricky Williams said, "During the summer before the 2009 football season, I went through the CranioSacral Intensive Program at The Upledger Institute looking to deal with some nagging physical complaints I had from past injuries. I ended up getting the relief I was looking for and much more. I credit much of my well-being and my 1000 yard season to the multi-modality manual therapy program I experienced at Upledger."
Chris Borland • San Francisco 49ers2014 • After 10 intensive treatments of Upledger CranioSacral Therapy over the course • of 5 days I feel largely different mentally and emotionally Throughout the five days of treatment I became increasingly relaxed, and more in touch with my inner thoughts and feelings. The multiple therapists that worked on me at a time encouraged deep relaxation and assisted me in meditation. It was unlike anything I've previously experienced! • I think CranioSacral Therapy can be a revelation for former football players who've become accustomed to burying the pain of their injuries. CST allows players an opportunity to address physical issues they've long ignored, both mentally and emotionally. • Chris Borland
Performance and Sustainability Imagine the increased potential of a whole team that has enhanced their performance abilities and mitigated their physical challenges all at once with a safe, drug free solution… how would that change the game?