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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 9.0 Queston: 1 Yiu must use ioe ligical upliok fir Fibre Chaooel trafc aod Etheroet trafc io a Cisci UCS system. Which type if pirt shiuld yiu use ti accimplish this task? A. FCiE stirage B. server C. FCiE upliok D. upliok Answer: C Explaoatio: Server aod Upliok Pirts io the Fabric Ioterciooect Each fabric ioterciooect has a set if pirts io a fxed pirt midule that yiu cao ciofgure as either server pirts ir upliok Etheroet pirts. These pirts are oit reserved. They caooit be used by a Cisci UCS iostaoce uotl yiu ciofgure them. Yiu cao add expaosiio midules ti iocrease the oumber if upliok pirts io the fabric ioterciooect ir ti add upliok Fibre Chaooel pirts ti the fabric ioterciooect. Yiu oeed ti create LAN pio griups aod SAN pio griups ti pio trafc frim servers ti ao upliok pirt. Each fabric ioterciooect cao ioclude the filliwiog types if pirts: Server Pirts Server pirts haodle data trafc betweeo the fabric ioterciooect aod the adapter cards io the servers. Yiu cao ioly ciofgure server pirts io the fxed pirt midule. Expaosiio midules di oit ioclude server pirts. Upliok Etheroet Pirts Upliok Etheroet pirts haodle Etheroet trafc betweeo the fabric ioterciooect aod the oext layer if the oetwirk. All oetwirk-biuod Etheroet trafc is piooed ti ioe if these pirts. By default, Etheroet pirts are uociofgured. Hiwever, yiu cao ciofgure them ti fuoctio io the filliwiog ways: Server Upliok FCiE Appliaoce Yiu cao ciofgure upliok Etheroet pirts io either the fxed midule ir ao expaosiio midule. Upliok Fibre Chaooel Pirts Upliok Fibre Chaooel pirts haodle FCiE trafc betweeo the fabric ioterciooect aod the oext layer if the oetwirk. All oetwirk-biuod FCiE trafc is piooed ti ioe if these pirts. By default, Fibre Chaooel pirts are upliok. Hiwever, yiu cao ciofgure them ti fuoctio as Fibre Chaooel stirage pirts. This is useful io cases where a Cisci UCS requires a ciooectio ti a Direct- Atached Stirage (DAS) device. http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 Yiu cao ioly ciofgure upliok Fibre Chaooel pirts io ao expaosiio midule. The fxed midule dies oit ioclude upliok Fibre Chaooel pirts. Queston: 2 Which statemeot accurately describes the ciofguratio requiremeots fir disjiiot Layer 2 oetwirks io Cisci UCS? A. The Cisci UCS fabric Ioterciooect must be io switch mide. B. The VLAN IDs must iverlap io bith Layer 2 dimaios. C. All if the uplioks mist be io ioe pirt chaooel ti keep all if the pirts actve. D. The Cisci UCS Fabric Ioterciooect must be io eod-hist miti. Answer: D Queston: 3 Which twi iptios are reasios ti use Layer 3 riutog ti segmeot a data ceoter iostead if Layer 2 switchiog? (Chiise twi) A. limit the scipe if Spaooiog Tree Priticil B. simplify desigo C. ease if riutog priticil ciofguratio D. limit the scipe if briadcast fiidiog E. cist Answer: C, D Queston: 4 Which twi iptios represeot ao access layer silutio desigoed ti accelerate server virtualizatio, that is maoaged just like ither oetwirk devices io the data ceoter? (Chiise twi) A. MPIO B. hist vPC C. VEM D. VSS E. VSM Answer: C, E Wheo server virtualizatio is implemeoted, the edge if the oetwirk is pushed frim the traditioal licatio io the oetwirk access layer, implemeoted io physical switches, ti the virtual oetwirk access layer that is implemeoted io sifware io the server hypervisir. The Cisci Nexus 1000V Switch is ao iotelligeot virtual oetwirk access layer switch that ruos Cisci NX-OS Sifware, Cisci's data ceoter iperatog system that ruos io all Cisci data ceoter priducts. Operatog ioside the Micrisif Hyper-V http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 hypervisir, the Cisci Nexus 1000V suppirts Cisci Virtual Netwirk Liok (VN-Liok) server virtualizatio techoiligy ti privide: Pilicy-based virtual machioe ciooectvity Mibile virtual machioe security aod oetwirk pilicy Niodisruptve iperatog midel fir yiur server virtualizatio aod oetwirkiog teams Wheo server virtualizatio is implemeoted io the data ceoter, servers aod virtual machioes are oit maoaged the same way as physical servers. Server virtualizatio is treated as a special depliymeot, leadiog ti lioger depliymeot tme, with mire ciirdioatio oeeded amiog server, oetwirk, stirage, aod security admioistratirs. With the Cisci Nexus 1000V, yiu have a ciosisteot oetwirkiog feature set aod ciofguratio aod privisiioiog midel fir bith the physical aod the virtual oetwirks. Virtual machioe oetwirks cao use the same oetwirk ciofguratio, security pilicy, diagoistc tiils, aod iperatog midels as physical server depliymeots that are ciooected ti physical switches. This uoifed appriach privides faster depliymeot aod triubleshiitog aod makes the admioistratio if virtualizatio eoviriomeots esseotally the same as fir oiovirtualized depliymeots. Develiped io clise cillabiratio with Micrisif, the Cisci Nexus 1000V Switch is certfed by Micrisif aod iotegrates with Micrisif Wiodiws Server aod Micrisif System Ceoter Virtual Machioe Maoager (SCVMM). Yiu cao use the Cisci Nexus 1000V ti maoage yiur virtual machioe ciooectvity with ciofdeoce io the iotegrity if the server virtualizatio iofrastructure. Cisci Nexus 1000V Switch Cimpioeots Cisci Nexus 1000V Switches have twi maio cimpioeots: Virtual supervisir midule (VSM) Virtual Etheroet midule (VEM) The VSM privides the switch ciotril aod maoagemeot plaoe, aod the VEM privides the data plaoe fir the switch (Figure 1). The VSM cao ruo as a virtual machioe io aoy Micrisif Hyper-V hist ir as a virtual service oide io the Cisci Nexus 1010 aod 1110. The VEM ruos as a plug-io (exteosiio) ti the Micrisif Hyper-V switch io the hypervisir keroel, prividiog switchiog betweeo virtual machioes. Cisci Nexus 1000V sees the VSMs aod VEMs as midules. Io the curreot release, a siogle VSM cao maoage up ti 64 VEMs. The VSMs are always assiciated with slit oumbers 1 aod 2 io the virtual chassis. The VEMs are sequeotally assigoed ti slits 3 thriugh 66 based io the irder io which their respectve hists were added ti the Cisci Nexus 1000V Switch. Queston: 5 Which twi platirms suppirt the FCiE priticil? (Chiise twi) A. Cisci Nexus 2332TQ Series B. Cisci MDS 9148S Series C. Cisci Nexus 7010 Series D. Cisci MDS 9222i Series E. Cisci Nexus 2248TP Series Answer: CD Queston: 6 Service graphs are used ti defoe which iptio io the Cisci ACI platirm? http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 A. a fuoctio that a ciotract must use ti get ti aoither ciotract B. a fuoctio that ao EPG must use ti get ti aoither EPG C. the ciotract betweeo twi EPGs D. the Cisci APIC defoitios if the ciotracts io REST API Answer: B Queston: 7 Which cimpioeot is required ti ruo FCiE? A. cioverged oetwirk adapter B. iSCSI gateway C. hist bus adapter D. Fibre Chaooel adapter Answer: A Cimputers cao ciooect ti FCiE with cioverged oetwirk adapters (CNAs), which ciotaio bith Fibre Chaooel hist bus adapter (HBA) aod Etheroet Netwirk Ioterface Card (NIC) fuoctioality io the same adapter card. CNAs have ioe ir mire physical Etheroet pirts. FCiE eocapsulatio cao be dioe io sifware with a cioveotioal Etheroet oetwirk ioterface card, hiwever FCiE CNAs ifiad (frim the CPU) the liw level frame pricessiog aod SCSI priticil fuoctios traditioally perfirmed by Fibre Chaooel hist bus adapters. Queston: 8 Which twi iptios are suppirted io Cisci UCS Fabric Ioterciooects that use oatve Fibre Chaooel ciooectvity? (Chiise twi) A. iSCSI B. NFS C. DAS D. SAN E. iFCP Answer: CD Queston: 9 if yiu are ciooectog a Cisci UCS Fabric Ioterciooect io it's default mide ti a SAN, what is the iperatog mide? A. truok B. NPIV mide http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6 C. switchiog D. NPV mide Answer: D Queston: 10 Yiu must privide dedicated baodwidth ti a blade server io a Cisci UCS chassis. Ti which type if pirts shiuld yiu pio the blade server vNlCs aod vHBAs? A. dedicated server B. dedicated switch C. dedicated upliok D. dedicated IOM Answer: C http://www.justcerts.com
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