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K’ima: w Diabete s Clinic. Understanding your lab work K’ima:w Medical Center. Kidn e y F unction. Glucose Control. Empower i ng P e o p l e Th r ou g h Ed uc at io n. Hemoglobi n A1C

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  1. K’ima:wDiabetesClinic Understanding your lab work K’ima:w Medical Center KidneyFunction Glucose Control Empowering PeopleThroughEducation HemoglobinA1C Thistest isused tomonitordiabetes treatmentin someone who has been diagnosedwithdiabetes. Ithelps to evaluate howwelltheirglucoselevels have been controlled bytreatmentover time. The A1c test evaluates the average amount of glucose in the blood over the last 2to 3 months. Itdoes thisbymeasuring the concentrationofglucose attached to a proteinfound inyour red bloodcellscalled hemoglobin. The higherthe concentration of glucose in the blood,the moreglucose- hemoglobin isformed. Hemoglobin A1CGoal: Less than 7% Your Hemoglobin A1C____/_____ UrineA/CRatio This testmeasuresthe tiny amountsofalbu- min thatthebodybegins to releaseintothe urineseveral yearsbefore significant kidney damagebecomesapparent. Whenthe kid- neysarefunctioning properly,virtually no albuminis allowedtoleakthrough intothe urine.Ifaperson’s kidneys becomedamaged ordiseased, theybegin tolose their ability to filterproteinsoutoftheurine.This is fre- quently seenin chronicdiseases,suchas diabetes andhypertension, withincreasing amountsofproteinin theurine reflecting increasingkidneyfailure. UrineA/CRatioGoal: Less than 30 Your UrineA/CRatio_____/_____ Patientswho haveconsistently detectible amountsofalbuminin theirurinehavean increasedriskofdeveloping progressive kid- neyfailureandcardiovascular diseasein the future. UnderstandingYourLabWork K’ima:wDiabetesClinicStaff 530.625. 4261x262 Please contact oneof our staff members to schedule a personal consultation to help your reach your personalgoals of managing thecomplications of diabetes and pre-diabetes. Tel:530.625.4261x262

  2. Lipid Profile (CVD).Certainfactorscancontributeto high triglyceridelevelsandtoyourriskof CVD,includinglackof exercise,being over- weight, smoking cigarettes,consuming excess alcohol, andmedicalconditions suchas diabetes andkidneydisease. TotalCholesterol Cholesterolis asubstance(a steroid) thatisessentialforlife.Yourbodypro- ducesthecholesterolneededtowork properly,butthesourceforsomecholes- terol isyour diet. Ifyoueattoo muchof thefoodsthatarehigh in cholesterol, saturatedfats,andtransunsaturated fats(transfats),thentheextra cholester- olin yourbloodmaynarroworblockyour blood vessels causingproblemssuchas heartdisease andstroke. Total CholesterolGoal: Lessthan200 Your Cholesterol_____/_____ TriglyceridesGoal: Less than 150 Your Trigycerides_____/_____ Lifestylechangessuchasahealthydiet andincreasedexerciseareusually the primary strategy forlowering levels. LDL LDLisatypeof lipoprotein thatcarries cholesterolin theblood. LDLisconsidered tobeundesirablebecauseit depositsex- cess cholesterolin wallsofbloodvessel andcontributestohardeningofthearter- ies(atherosclerosis) andheart disease. Hence LDLcholesterolis oftentermed “bad”cholesterol.The first stepin treating high LDLcholesterolis adoptionoflifestyle changes,includingdecreasing theamount ofsaturatedfatin thediet, achieving and maintaining desirable body weight,and gettingregularexercise. If lifestylechang- esdo notadequatelylowerLDLcholester- ol,drugsmay beprescribed. LDL Goal: HDL HDL cholesterol is oneof thelipoproteins thatcarry cholesterol inthe blood. Itis considered to be bene- ficial be- causeit removes excesscho- lesterol from tissues andcarriesit totheliverfordisposal. Hence,HDLcholesterolis oftentermed “good”cholesterol.Higherlevelsof blood HDL-C can decrease yourriskofdeveloping plaquesby removing excesscholesterol fromyourblood. HDLGoal: More than 40 (Men) Morethan50(Women) Your HDL_____/_____ Sincesmokingcandecrease HDLlevels, quitting smoking isa good way toincrease HDL levelsby upto 5%. Exerciseisanoth- ergoodway toincreaseHDL. Lessthan100 Your LDL_____/_____ Adoptionofa dietlowin saturatedfat(less than 7% ofcaloriesfromsaturatedfat) will usually lowerLDLcholesterol by about 10%. Triglycerides Triglyceridesareaformoffatandama- jorsourceofenergy forthebody.Some triglyceridescirculatein thebloodto providefuelformusclestowork. High levelsoftriglyceridesin the bloodare associated with anincreasedriskof developing cardiovascular disease

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