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John Flynn Placement Program. Remarkable Places & Extraordinary People. John Flynn Placement Program. Who runs the JFPP? The program is an initiative of the Australian Government and is administered by the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM)—
John Flynn Placement Program Remarkable Places & Extraordinary People
John Flynn Placement Program Who runs the JFPP? The program is an initiative of the Australian Government and is administered by the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM)— the peak professional organisation for rural medical education and training in Australia and recognised world leader in rural medicine.
John Flynn Placement Program What does a JFPP place offer? Students on the JFPP get to travel to a rural or remote community each year of their medical education program to experience country life and rural general practice. Students are matched to a mentor who is an experienced rural general practitioner. The student undertakes a placement each year – up to 8 weeks total over the time of their study. For students in a 6 year degree this would typically involve 4 two week placements (total 8 weeks) but for students on a 4 year degree it will involve 2 three week and one 2 week placement (total 8 weeks).
John Flynn Placement Program When do I take my placement? The timing of the placement is arranged between you and your mentor - or their practice manager - during university vacation periods. Essentially when there are no academic commitments. Final placements need to be completed by the end of February of the calendar year following your final academic year of your medical studies. Most students do not wish to undertake a final placement once they have finished their university studies!
John Flynn Placement Program Objectives of the program Create opportunities for medical students to: • develop a long-term relationship with a rural or remote doctor and community • experience the daily practice of medicine in that community • benefit from professional opportunities to network in the broader medical community
John Flynn Placement Program What does the placement cover?: • Student stipend of $500 per week • travel to and from your placement community organised through travel agency CTM • accommodation while on placement – host family, hospital quarters, budget (backpackers, caravan park) • dedicated mentor (a doctor in a practice or hospital) • community contact – a local person who will show you around and connect you in with local social events
John Flynn Placement Program Personal benefits: • meet new people • social events, adventure, outdoor activities • same community for the 4 years • learn more about Australia • learn more about yourself • Have FUN!!
John Flynn Placement Program Professional benefits Clinical experiences may include: • patient consultation • attending surgery • rural hospital • obstetrics • allied health • Most importantly - confidence and career insights gained from working closely with a dedicated, practising mentor.
John Flynn Placement Program Professional benefits The John Flynn Placement Program is highly regarded by the medical profession. Positions on the program are very competitive and there are always many more applicants than available positions. All participants receive a Certificate of Participation when they have successfully completed their 8 weeks of placement.
John Flynn Placement Program ACRRM arranges your: • mentor (a GP in private practice or hospital) • community contact • accommodation (host family, hospital quarters or budget) • travel to and from your community • allowance – stipend of $500 per week whilst on placement (to cover food, daily travel, internet and social activities whilst on placement)
John Flynn Placement Program Who can apply? Students who: • are enrolled in an accredited medical program at a participating university • are Australian citizens or permanent residents. New Zealand citizens residing permanently in Australia are also eligible to apply. • can commit to a total of 8 weeks in the community • have a passion or genuine enthusiasm for rural medicine!!
John Flynn Placement Program How to apply • Read the current Guidelinescarefully 2. Register to be eligible to complete the online Application process (from 13 February 2012) • All students will undertake an online application at the same time (over a 3 hour period) on SATURDAY 17 MARCH 2012 Information will be available at: www.acrrm.org.au/prevocational
John Flynn Placement Program Selection process In 2012 there will be an online application process that students will undertake at the same time. All applications will be assessed according to specific criteria. 80 percent of the available places will be automatically offered to the highest scoring applicants. The remaining 20 percent of places will be selected by a process that will consider both the application and a personal interview. Interviews will be conducted with double the number of students to the available places.
John Flynn Placement Program Community selection Once selected for the program, students are advised by email and are invited to complete an online placement preference selection form. Preferences are made according to: • Size of community • Remoteness • Inter-state or Intra-state • Indigenous • GP or hospital Dependent on availability, students are then matched to a mentoring doctor and community that best fits their preferences.
John Flynn Placement Program Support to JFPP students from ACRRM • Each student has a dedicated project officer who is there to support all the JFPP students from that University. • The JFPP team conducts a detailed induction session at each University or via an online tutorial with all successful students once they have been matched to a mentor and community. This is a great opportunity for JFPP students to meet with the ACRRM team.
John Flynn Placement Program More information? Please contact ACRRM: • Phone: 07 3105 8200 • Freecall: 1800 231 231 • Email: jfpp@acrrm.org.au • Website: www.acrrm.org.au/prevocational