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Nixon. He’s the One.

Nixon. He’s the One. Election Vietnam Economy Polarization Civil Rights Watergate. Election 68. June 5, 1968 Robert Kennedy was shot Dem Ticket went to Hubert Humphrey, LBJ’s heir Repubs put up Richard Nixon with Spiro T Agnew

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Nixon. He’s the One.

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  1. Nixon. He’s the One. Election Vietnam Economy Polarization Civil Rights Watergate

  2. Election 68 • June 5, 1968 Robert Kennedy was shot • Dem Ticket went to Hubert Humphrey, LBJ’s heir • Repubs put up Richard Nixon with Spiro T Agnew • Made name for himself after shooting of MLK during riots April 68: martial law in MD • 3rd party: George C. Wallace, former Gov AL • Racist, wanted to bomb Vietnamese to death

  3. Election 68 (2) • Victory for Nixon: Law & Order candidate • Promised most open white house in history • Also promised no one sided victory in Vietnam • Slogan: “Nixon, He’s the One” coopted by Dems. • Victory largely a reflection of US discontent with upheavals of 60s • War protests • Escalating crime • Riots • Basic desire to stop Civil Rights

  4. LBJ RIP • LBJ returned to ranch in TX • Died in 1973 • Tragedy that Vietnam, a war he committed to with noble intent, killed his other programs: Great Society and Civil Rights

  5. Economy Stagnates • Not one year of the 70s had a growth rate that matched any one year of the 50s or 60s • More women and teens in the work force • Less skill = less pay than males • Deteriorating machinery & US regulations ltd growth • Spending on Vietnam & Gt Society depleted US Treasury • Inflation became a constant problem • Competition from production in Japan & Germany eroded US domination of industries like Steel & Automobiles & consumer electronics

  6. 69 Moon Shot • Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin • Apollo 11 • 2.5 orbits around earth … to moon (sling shot style) • Eagle- small ship… lands on Moon • Left plaque: We Came in Peace for All Mankind • Radioed back to earth: “One small step for man, one giant step for mankind.”

  7. Nixon 4n Pol • Inaugural Address • Promises: bring Americans together after turmoil of 60s • Most open white house in history • Suspicious and secretive by nature • Isolated in White House to create “Imperial Presidency” • His first interest is foreign policy, not domestic • National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger, later Sec of State fashioned policy to reduce Cold War tensions

  8. Vietnamization • By 69 over 500,000 troops were in Vietnam • Objective: to reduce US involvement in war w/o conceding defeat. • Seeking Peace With Honor • Begins Vietnamization immediately • Gradual w/d of troops while giving more $$, weapons & training to S. Vietnamese troops to take over full conduct of the war. • Reduced # of troops from 540,000 1969 to 30,000 by 72

  9. Nixon Doctrine • Disengagement in Asia • That future allies in Asia would receive US support without extensive use of ground troops

  10. Reaction to Nixon Policies • At first gradual w/d reduced protests • April 1970 Nixon widened the war • Used US forces to invade Cambodia • To destroy VC bases there • Began Operation Rolling Thunder: Bombing North Vietnam heavily • Nationwide protests Kent State & other campuses • National guard shot and killed 4 • Jackson State, MS National Guard shot and killed 2 black students

  11. Reaction (2) • Senate reaction to escalation of war: • Repeal of Gulf of Tonkin Resolution • US learned about My Lai massacre of 300+ villagers in 68 by Lt. Calley • NY Times published Pentagon Papers • Installments • Secret study of US role in Vietnam by Rob. McNamara in 67 • Documents mistakes & deceptions of Gov Policy makers • Had led to McNamara’s resignation in 67 • Replaced by Clark Clifford (Hawk) • P.Papers had been leaked to press by former Defense Dept analyst Daniel Ellsberg • In public eye: dirt of P. Papers sticks to Nixon too.. Esp with secret bombing of Cambodia, Laos and N.V.

  12. Peace Talks • Nixon sent Kissinger to run secret meetings w NV’s foreign minister: Le Duc Tho • Fall 72: Kissinger, “Peace is at hand” • Premature • NV wouldn’t compromise • Nixon orders massive bombing of NV • Heaviest air attacks of war • To force settlement • Several weeks of B52 attacks- NV agreed to armistice • US w/d troops & get back 500+ POWs • A one sided w/d

  13. Paris Accords • Jan 73 • Also promised cease fire & free elections • At end of war (for us): tens of thousands of enemy troops still in S.V. • War continues on w/o us • Cost: 58,000 lives • $118 Billion • Inflationary cycle in US through 60s-70s & 2 recessions.

  14. Détente With China & USSR • Taking advantage of rivalry between China & USSR • Playing off of fears of each • Nixon goes to visit China Feb 72 • Outspoken critic of Communism • Goes to Beijing to meet w/ Mao • Visits initiated diplomatic exchanges • Ultimately led to US recognition of Communist China by 1979 (ping pong diplomacy)

  15. Arms control w/ USSR • Using new relations w/ China to put pressure on USSR • To get them to agree to limit anti ballistic missiles ABMs • New technology that wd have expanded arms race • SALT talks (strategic arms limitations talks) • End of first round of SALT I • Got consent of Soviets to freeze # of ballistic missiles carying nuclear warheads • A 1st step toward reducing Cold War tensions

  16. Domestic Policy • Dem majority in both houses continued • Nixon lays foundation for shift in public opinion toward conservatives & future gains of Republicans of 80s & 90s

  17. New Federalism • Trying to slow growth of Gt Society programs • proposed Family Assistance Plan- welfare reform • Dem majority in congress defeats initiative • Nixon shifts responsibility for many social programs from Fed Gov to States • Revenue Sharing • Congress approves giving local govs $30 billion in block grants over 5 yrs to address local needs as they saw fit • w/o fed gov controlling spending in programs • Purpose: stop growth of Fed Gov & return responsibility 2 states as before New Deal

  18. Impounding Funds • Nixon tried to bypass Congress by impounding (not spending) funds appropriated by social programs • Dems protest: Abuse of Powers • Court agrees w/ Congress

  19. Economic Policies • Recession in 70s triggers Stagflation • Combined econ slow down and high inflation • To slow inflation Nixon tries to cut Fed Spending • Caused further recession & higher unemployment • Adopts Supply Side Economics

  20. Nixon Shock • Nixon Shock: • August 1971: announced 90 day Wage & Price Freeze • Also 10% import surcharge • Closed the Gold Window • Ending convertibility between US dollars and gold • Forced all world’s major currencies off Gold Standard • Impact: Fed Res not obliged to tie Dollar to anything. • It can print as much $$ as it wants- can pump in $$ to avoid recessions • AKA: Free floating national money supply • Positive: Stock Market Crash of 87 did not lead to depression • Negative: increases risk to international investors who hedge risk in buying up mortgages & other dangerous games

  21. Southern Strategy • 1972 • Nixon, minority prez w/ 43% of vote • Appeals to millions of voters who hated anti war protests, black militants, integration, busing to achieve racial balance & youthful counter culture • Silent Majority: Southern Whites, Catholics, Blue Collar workers & recent suburbanites who resent liberal shifts in Dem policies • To win over South: Nixon asks Cts to delay integration plans, nominates 2 Southern Conservatives to Supreme Court • Court rejects, but it played well in South • Also authorized VP Agnew to verbally assault war protestors & liberal press

  22. Burger Court • 4 older justices retired • Replaced by conservative strict constructionist judges • Warren E Burger- MN, Chief Justice after Earl Warren • One moderate: Harry Blackmun, who wrote pro choice ruling of Roe v Wade, 73 • Next 2: Lewis Powell & William Rehnquist both approved • Ironically, Nixon’s court will turn on him by denying claims to exec privilege and order him to turn over the tapes 74

  23. Election 72 • Southern strategy is successful- • Nixon wins every Southern state • Reelection practically assured by • Foreign policy success- China, USSR • Removal of George Wallace by assassination attempt • Paralyzed • Nominated by Dems of very liberal anti war; anti establishment Senator George McGovern of SD • Very quickly off track • Dropped VP Sen Thomas Eagleton, MD • Bcm known he had been treated for depression w/ electroshock • Nixon landslide: 60.8% of pop vote.. • Every state but MA • Dems still control both houses • Voting patterns indicate major political realignment of sunbelt and suburban voters forming New Republican majority

  24. Watergate • Humiliation of Nixon, jailing of 26 White House officials, paralyzing effect on political system of mid 70s • Affected US prestige abroad • Weakened the presidency for the rest of the decade • Together w/ Johnson’s credibility problem • Created lack of trust in nation’s highest office and all who hold it

  25. White House Abuses • June 72: continuation of policy by Nixon • Had ordered wire taps on Gov employees & reporters • To stop news leaks like the one that exposed secret bombings of Cambodia • President’s aides created group: ‘plumbers’ to stop leaks • And to discredit opponents • After Daniel Ellsberg had leaked the Pentagon Papers to the NY Times • Plumbers broke into his psych’s office to find info to discredit • ‘Enemies List’ had prominent Americans who opposed Nixon, Vietnam War or both • Investigated by gov agencies, IRS

  26. Watergate break in • 72- plumbers caught breaking in to the offices of the Democratic National Headquarters in the Watergate complex in DC • This and the attempted bugging of the offices • Part of ‘dirty tricks’ & illegal activities carried on by Nixon Admin • The Committee To Reelect the President (CREEP) • Attitude of Nixon Admin: any means could & should be used to promote National Security • Objective often confused w/ protecting the Nixon Admin from critics

  27. Watergate investigation • No solid proof that Nixon ordered any of these illegal activities • After months of investigations • Clear he did engage in an illegal cover up to avoid scandal • Fed Judge John Sirica sentenced the W. Burglars • 411 about use of $$ & promises of pardon by the White House staff to keep the burglars quiet • Senate investigating committee head: Sam Ervin NC televised • Highlight: testimony of John Dean, WH lawyer, who linked pres to cover up! • HR Haldeman & John Erlichman resigned to protect him (top aides), later indicted with many others for obstructing justice • Discovery of taping system in oval office • Year long struggle w/ Nixon to turn over tapes • He says no on basis of executive privilege • Fall 73: VP Agnew forced to resign for having taken bribes while gov MD

  28. War Powers Act • News that he’d authorized 3,500+ secret bombing raids in Cambodia (Neutral country) shocked nation • Caused uproar • Congress tried to limit his powers over the military • Nov 73, passed over N’s veto: War Powers Act req’d any future pres to report to congress w/n 48 hours after taking military action • Congress must approve any military action lasting longer than 60 days

  29. October War • Oct 73: Yom Kippur, Jewish holiday. • Syrians & Egyptians launched surprise attack on Israel to recover lands lost in 1967 (6 day war) • Nixon ordered nuclear forces on alert • Airlifted almost 2 billion$$ in arms • To Israel to stop retreat • Tide shifted to Israel • War soon over • Price for supporting Israel: Arab members of OPEC placed oil embargo on oil sold to all Israel’s supporters

  30. Oil Embargo • World wide shortage triggered • Long lines at gas stations • Rationing • Run away inflation • Loss of manufacturing jobs • Lower standard of living for blue collar workers • Big Recession • Consumers switch from Big American gas guzzlers to small efficient Japanese made cars • Cost ¼ mill auto worker jobs • Congress’ response: 55 mph speed limit • To save gas • Also approved oil pipeline in AK

  31. Resignation of a President • 1974 • Triumphant visits to Moscow, Cairo.. But at home Nixon’s reputation is sliding • Oct 73 Pres fired Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox, assigned to Watergate investigation • US Atty Gen Eliot Richardson resigned in protest • Impeachment hearings start • 74: Nixon reveals some transcripts • July Sup Ct decision: necessary to force him to turn over tapes to courts, Congress

  32. Resignation • House Judiciary Committee voted 3 articles of impeachment: • Obstruction of Justice • Abuse of Power • Contempt of Congress • Taped convos shocking • Replete w/ foul language • One tape clearly implicated Nixon in the cover up only days after break in • Smoking gun • Nixon chose to resign Aug 9, 74 • Appointed VP Gerald Ford took oath of office as first unelected pres in history • Significance: to some, resignation proves checks & balances worked as intended • For others: scandal under lined dangerous shift in power to the presidency that started with FDR & expanded during cold war • Certainly contributed to growing loss of faith in fed gov.

  33. Not a Lincoln but a Ford • Before becoming VP in 73, served in Congress as Rep from MI and Republican Minority leader of House • Pardon Me?! • 1st month in office, lost Good Will of people by granting Nixon a Full and Unconditional Pardon for ANY crime he might have committed • Extended b4 any indictment or formal charges were filed by a court of law. • Accused of making a corrupt bargain w/ RMN • Explained purpose: to end the ‘National Nightmare’ • Instead of prolonging it for months or years • Same time all those who fled the draft to CA or MX were pardoned if they served 2 yrs of community service. • For national healing • Critics angry that RMN henchmen serve time in jail but he gets off free • The public never gets the full truth of what he did

  34. Investigating the CIA • Democratic congress continued to search for abuses in executive branch • Esp the CIA • Accused of engineering the assassination of foreign leaders • Including Chile’s Allende • Ford appoints former TX Congressman George Bush to reform the agency as new Director • Had previously worked in Nixon Administration • Now blocked release of documents from CIA to congress • Bush- Ford pushed for bill to give jail terms to all who leak CIA secrets to press

  35. Failure of US policy in South East Asia • Unable to get additional funds from Congress for S Vietnamese • Who in ‘74 faced strong attack from Communist forces • April 75 US supported gov in Saigon fell to the enemy • Vietnam became one country under the rule of the Communists in Hanoi • Just before the collapse, the US evacuated about 150,000 S. Vietnamese who’d supported the US • Faced certain persecution as collaborators • Low point for American prestige at home and abroad

  36. Cambodian Killing Fields • 1975- US supported Gov in nearby Cambodia fell to Khmer Rouge (radical Communist faction) • Conducted genocide against over a million of its own people • Attempt to compensate for failure of SE Asian Policy- Ford ordered attack on Cambodian Naval Base • Had captured US Merchant ship: Mayaguez • 39 crewmen freed; 38 Marines died in assault • Future of SE Asia: • Rest of area did NOT fall as predicted • Singapore • Thailand • Malaysia emerge as little Tigers of new Pacific Rim economy

  37. Economic & Domestic Ford Policies • Chief concern: Inflation • WIN: (button) Whip Inflation Now • Voluntary measures on part of business & consumers • Inflation & recession continued • Unemployment exceeds 9% • Finally Ford agrees to Dem package to stimulate economy

  38. Ford Domestic • 1976 Bicentennial 200th Birthday bash • Election: Ford challenged for Republican nomination by Reagan (more conservative) • Ford won close battle but conflict hurt him in polls • Several Dems, including former GA gov Jimmy Carter who ran as Washington outsider • Against corruption in Gov • Carried most of South, 97% African American vote • Close election • Dems win strong majority in both houses

  39. Carter Presidency • Tried to end the ‘Imperial Presidency’ • Walked down Penna Ave instead of riding in Limo • Carried his own luggage • Congress will feel that Carter depends too much on outsiders • Politically inexperienced advisors from GA • Keen intelligence, attention to detail bogged him down • Critics, “In telling the forest from the trees, he’s a leaf man.”

  40. Foreign Policy • Hallmark: Human Rights • Preached w/ Wilsonian fervor to dictators • Appointed Andrew Young (Af Am) US Ambassador to UN • Young denounced oppression of black majority in S Africa & Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) • Latin American Human Rts violations by govs of Argentina, Chile caused Carter to cut off aid to both

  41. The Big Give Away • Panama Canal- to correct inequities of 1903 treaty- new treaty ratified to transfer operation and control of canal to P • Process completed by year 2000 • Will help cost Carter election of 1980

  42. Camp David Accords • 1978- • Single Greatest Achievement as prez • Peace between Egypt & Israel • 1977 first step: Egyptian pres Anwar Sadat visited Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin in Jerusalem • Carter next invited Sadat and Begin to Camp David, MD • Carter= mediator • Negotiated Camp David Accords Sept 78: Framework for Peace • Later: Treaty 79 • Egypt bcm first Arab nation to recognize right of Israel to exist • In return, Israel w/d troops from Sinai territory, won in 6 day war of 1967 • Treaty opposed by PLO & most of Arab world, but was 1st step in long road to negotiated Peace in Middle East • Egyptian Islamic Jihad behind assassination 1981

  43. Iran & Hostages • Carter’s Greatest Frustration & Defeat • 1979: Islamic fundamentalists led by Ayatollah Khomeini overthrew Shaw’s dictatorial pro west gov • Shah had kept oil flowing to west in 70s • Autocratic rule & westernization alienated mostly Shia Muslim pop • w/ Ayatollah & fundamentalists in power, oil was cut off • 2nd world wide oil shortage of 70s & another round of price increases • Nov 79 Iranian militants (many students) seized US Embassy in Tehran & held 50+ as hostages • Shah had gotten special permission to come to US for medical treatment • Iranians want him home for trial • Hostage crisis dragged on through failed rescue mission • helicopters broke down over desert, 8 lives lost • Became symbol of failed presidency

  44. Cold War • Détente w/ China & USSR continued • US ended official recognition of Nationalist Gov at Taiwan and exchanged ambassadors w/ People’s Republic of China • Signing of SALT II, 79 • Further ltd size of nuclear arsenals (USSR & US) • USSR, bogged down in Afghanistan- • Senate never ratified • Soviet invasion of Afghanistan ended decade of improving relations • US feared eventual control over region of Persian Gulf (Oil) • Carter’s response: Grain embargo, no exports of grain, technology • & boycott of Olympics 78 in Moscow • Now also favors arms build up

  45. Domestic policy • Inflation still growing 1979-80: 13% • Econ growth slowed • Interest rates & prices up • Chair of Fed Res B: Paul Volcker, hoped to stop inflation by pushing interest rates up to 20% (1980) • Mostly hurt auto & building industries • Tens of thousands laid off • Middle class tax payers pushed into higher tax bracket by inflation • Tax payers revolt results • Gov Social Programs indexed to inflation rate pushed federal deficit to $60 Billion in 1980 • Standard of living declined- first time since WWII

  46. Loss of Popularity • Intelligence, effort & integrity not enough • Iranian hostage crisis & econ probs continue • 1979 Malaise Speech: US problems the fault of moral & spiritual crisis of American people • Critics say: weak, indecisive leadership at fault • Approval rating 1980: 23%

  47. American Society • Social changes by end of 70s • Half US lived in fastest growing parts areas: S & W • Fastest growing group: seniors • By 1990: minority groups= 25% pop • By 2050, nearly 50% will be Hispanic, African-American and Asian • Cultural pluralism replaced melting pot • Ethnic minorities treasure, celebrate differences, unique values, traditions

  48. Growth of immigration • Before 60s mostly from Europe, Canada • 1980s: 47% from Latin America • 37% Asia • Less than 13% Europe, Canada • Partly due to shift from Vietnam, Haiti, Cuba • Immigration Act 65- ended pro Euro ethnic quotas of 20s • Illegal immigrants • By mid 70s about 12 million • Mostly from Latin America, Asia • Immigration Reform & Control Act 1986 • Penalized employers for hiring illegals • Granted amnesty for illegals arriving before 1982

  49. Demands for Minority Rights • 1 aspect of 60s that survived • Effort of minorities to get relief from discrimination • Mexican Americans: deported 30s, encouraged to come in 50s-60s for low paying agri jobs • Exploited before Cesar Chavez boycotts, United Farm Workers Org got collective bargaining 75 • Chicano activists won fed mandate for bilingual ed • 80s-90s more Mexican Americans elected to public office

  50. Native Americans • 50s assimilation off reservations under Ike • AIM founded 68: goal is self determ & revival of tribal trads • Militant acts include taking Alcatraz 69, Wounded Knee, SD 73 • Successes: Indian Self Determination Act 75- res & tribal lands get control over internal programs, edu, law enforcement • Property compensation for treaty violations taken to court successfully • Tribally Controlled Community College Assistance Act 78 • To improve edu, fight poverty • Industries, casinos built on reservations under Self Det. Legislation • Growing support in public opinion • Growing pop- by 1990: 1.5 mill, half on res

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