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Survival Tips for Teaching English with Technology

My books- Learning to Go https://gumroad.com/l/learn2go & The 30 Goals Challenge for Teachers http://amazon.com/The-Goals-Challenge-Teachers-Transform/dp/0415735343 <br>Resources at http://shellyterrell.com/TechTips

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Survival Tips for Teaching English with Technology

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Tips for Teaching English With Technology ShellyTerrell.com/techtips

  2. Pedagogy is the driver, technology is the accelerator. - Michael Fullan Digital Blooms SAMR Peeragogy Connectivism CALL RAT TPACK Image by hammershaug, Flic.kr/p/8ngYbH

  3. ©Wordle.net Edorigami.wikispaces.com, Andrew Churches Connectivism.ca/about.html Hippasus.com/blog Image: @SylviaDuckworth Slideshare.net/timbuckteeth

  4. Know your tools!

  5. Edshelf.com Commonsense.org

  6. Comics Games Video conferencing Videos Audio recordings Digital storytelling AR VR Virtual trips Infographics Ezines QR codes Coding Digital storytelling Posters Presentations Digital books Mindmaps Blogs eportfolios Screencasts Curation Backchanneling Scrapbooks Sketchnoting Wearables Timelines Technology Possibilities ShellyTerrell.com/techtips

  7. Class VLE/LMS Google Classroom ESLPlace Schoology Edmodo Pbworks Moodle Edublogs Haiku Learning ShellyTerrell.com/vle

  8. Connect with Teachers Online! Webinars Web Conferences MOOCS Web Courses PLNs ShellyTerrell.com/ELTPLNs

  9. #ELTChat #ELLChat #ESL #ELLs #TESOL #TLEAP #EAP #EDTECH # Bit.ly/eslhashtags ShellyTerrell.com/Edhashtags

  10. #Flipclass #mlearning #AR #BYOT #Edtech #3Dprinting #Elearning #iPaded #EdtechChat #EdApps #BadgeChatK12 # #GAFE #Code #SK12 #EdChat #VirtualReality ShellyTerrell.com/edhashtags

  11. Tip: Add a technology component to current lessons or projects

  12. ideastoinspire.co.uk

  13. Engaging Parents with Technology ShellyTerrell.com/parents

  14. Parent communication tools & apps Remind Cel.ly GAFE Class Dojo Smore ShellyTerrell.com/parents

  15. Tip: Cover digital literacy & citizenship daily so it becomes a habit Analog and Digital VOL. Entertainment by Guian Bolisay, Flic.kr/p/gytFKt

  16. Utechtips.com/2009/07/31/aup-driven-by-vision-not- protection/

  17. Utechtips.com/2009/07/31/aup-driven-by-vision-not- protection/

  18. The technology may fail you at times!

  19. Did you…? Shut it down Unplug it Reboot Tech Google the problem Ask for help ShellyTerrell.com/techtips

  20. Tip: Have students learn the tools, then offer tech support

  21. How do I manage this?

  22. Calendars

  23. The Cup System Top cup is their status! •  Yellow= sunny & bright, we’re all right! •  Blue= through, next to do? •  Red= help!!! Activity Logs

  24. Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important. - Bill Gates

  25. Pearltrees.com/shellyterrell/tech-tips/id5941548

  26. Shellyterrell.com/publications

  27. Gum.co/learn2go 30Goals.com ShellyTerrell.com/techtips @ShellTerrell Facebook.com/ShellyTerrell

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