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Nandita Chugh Robert Teets Liwei Zhu. Problem. “Roughly one in three people (35 percent) could name their Member of Congress” study done this year
NanditaChugh Robert Teets Liwei Zhu
Problem • “Roughly one in three people (35 percent) could name their Member of Congress” study done this year • “In 2012, Congressional approval averaged 15 percent, the lowest in nearly four decades of Gallup polling. And yet, 90% of House Members who sought re-election won last November” • Government process still lagging behind current technology Source: Washington Post http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-fix/wp/2013/05/09/people-hate-congress-but-most-incumbents-get-re-elected-what-gives/
Solution • Promote government transparency • Educate the U.S. Public • Update the way people can learn about political happenings “…. There’s an App for that”
Tech Specifics • App follows the MVC architecture • Model - was built on the mySQL server • View - comprised of JQUERY Mobile, HTML, CSS and Java Script • Controller – Built using PHP • Currently built for the Android (can be adapted to iOS)
To Do • Build out database and transfer to our own server then to cloud • Add Senate and other politicians (State, Municipal) • Add “Vote For” & “Veto” capabilities • Capture and store user Data / create management tools • Add a political mapping function which gives users feedback on their political leanings and compares them to representatives • Add an option for a user to be alerted when their representative votes on a bill
Competing Apps • Political Fury: Blends games with political data (not necessarily for adults) $1.99, iOS only • Politifact: investigative tool for public political statements (whether true or not and whether politicians follow through on promises) $1.99 on iOSand Android • Proud Republican and Proud Democrat iOS $4.99 for Proud Republican and $0.99 for Proud Democrat (probably biggest competitor)
Business Plan Overview • Drive User Traffic through social media • Gather data on users • Use data and site traffic to earn high CPM rates in excess of $30 • Offered Free Source: The Atlantic Wire
Business plan continued • Potential buyers • Crowd Gather • Yahoo • Google • Adoption Strategy: advertising during political cycles, celebrity endorsements, Business competitions, ability to share on Facebook, Twitter, etc. • Revenue: need about 25,000 -500,000 views/ month to receive service from most internet ad agencies. • CTR (Click Through Rate) 3% in the 90’s now .1-.3% some estimates of Facebook wall ads at 6.5% • 1% click through rate for political ads. With 200,000 daily users means the app will generate roughly $21,900/ year or $43,800 / year with $30 and $60 CPMs respectively