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Creation. By: Christopher Marsh. Thesis. Even though all of the different religions believe different things, I feel very strongly about creation because I believe in the bible and I go to church.
Creation By: Christopher Marsh
Thesis • Even though all of the different religions believe different things, I feel very strongly about creation because I believe in the bible and I go to church.
Since the beginning, all men have been without excuse if they have not acknowledged the Creator God, for the evidence is all around them in the created world (Romans 1:19-20). Modern science has revealed evidence which supports the creation.
Creation is by definition a divine miracle in which God has established in the world. Scientists will never understand why/how God created living things. On the other hand, evolutionary scientists say that they are devising theories to explain the evolution of all life and that they are discovering natural processes or mechanisms which can evolve new plants and animals. Evolution and creation are two totally different things, and no one will ever understand the true meaning of creation until the jurisdiction day.
Evidence for creation is yet very difficult to figure out. Biological classification reveals the separateness of the kinds, and the data for alleged molecular evolution also shows the separateness of the kinds. Limited space forbids more discussion of these subjects in this brief paper.
The Bible tells us, “The fool says in his heart, 'There is no God'” (Psalm 14:1; 53:1). The Bible also proclaims that people are without excuse for not believing in a Creator God. “For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—His eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse” (Romans 1:20).
If creation is true, then there is a Creator to whom we are accountable. Evolution is an enabler for atheism. Evolution gives atheists a basis for explaining how life exists apart from a Creator God. Evolution denies the need for a God to be involved in the universe. Evolution is the “creation theory” for the religion of atheism. According to the Bible, the choice is clear. We can believe the Word of our omnipotent and omniscient God, or we can believe the illogically biased, “scientific” explanations of fools.
Centuries before Galileo (1564-1642) theorized the earth was round, Scripture declared that the Almighty "sits upon the circle of the earth..." (Isaiah 40:22). "He hangeth the earth upon nothing." (Job 26:7) The theory of evolution is not compatible with Scripture. Scripture states that each varying classification, at creation, was made "after its own kind," or "according to its own kind." (Genesis 1:25; etc.) In not a single instance has one class of creature evolved into another. And yes, everything was "created" -- that, is, made out of nothing. Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." Before anything else was, there was God.
The problem with both these theories is that neither can be put to a scientific test. Karl Popper's view is that a true science is one in which experiments can be derived which could refute the theory under consideration. In a pseudo-science, no experiment which would finally refute a theory can be made. For example, a theory regarding the relationship between heat and temperature can be tested in any laboratory at any time and can, therefore, be classed as scientific. On the other hand, no experiment on evolution or biblical creation can be carried out, these must then be classed as pseudo-science. All that can be done, so far as evolution is concerned, is to study such subjects as paleontology and geology and offer an interpretation.
Richard Dawkins, in a Royal Academy lecture series for children a few years ago, brilliantly took up the challenge of the wing and the eye. What good is a tiny fluffy protuberance that might develop into a wing? Well, an animal that lived in trees might have a fraction of a per cent less chance of dying as a result of falling out of the tree because the protuberance slightly breaks its fall, or because it slightly increases the animal's wind resistance. An eye might first start of as a few slightly light sensitive cells. The chance mutation of a narrow ridge of skin around the patch would cast a slight shadow, which would give the ability to distinguish very crudely between different positions of the light source. You can work out the rest from there.
When we try to apply these theoretical ideas to the massive complexity of the world of living things, with or without the aid of computer models, the imagination balks. We are only able to see, to understand, a very small part of the picture. From that we infer to the whole. It follows that we cannot prove that the inference is correct. But no theory in science is ever proved once and for all. The only claim made is that the theory of evolution by natural selection is, all things considered, the best explanation.
The creation (shows that God exists)+The Bible (what God wants us to do)=No Excuses!
Before the fall of Adam and Eve the Earth was a perfect paradise in which there was no sin, and consequently no death. There were no predators, every animal that was created was a vegetarian, living in perfect harmony with the other co-inhabitants of the Earth.
So Adam and Eve through their sin incurred the death penalty for the entire human race, and because of this, we all stand in dire need of the salvation offered by Jesus. Attempting to introduce evolution into the creation story actually destroys the very foundation of the Gospel message: that the Bible is the trustworthy word of God presenting the absolute truth about creation, the origins of sin, death and the possibility of salvation by faith in Jesus Christ.
To propose that the "days" of Genesis are not literal, but are symbolic for undefined eons of time, in an attempt to weave evolution into the creation story, introduces death before Adam and Eve existed, since it proposes that man is the peak of a slow process that took millions of years to evolve from simple forms of life. And if death was not introduced by God as the penalty for the sin of Adam and Eve, then the wages of sin is not death, God is actually responsible for creating an imperfect world that had it's origins in death and random evolutionary events.
This view holds that when God engaged in the work of creation, He did so instantaneously … No time interval lapsed between God’s commanding words and creation leaping into existence. No slow process of evolution was involved in any way. God alone was responsible for creating, making, and forming all that is in the universe. And He did so without using preexisting materials. One moment, nothing existed anywhere in the universe. The next moment, after God gave the command, the universe leaped into existence. This is known among theologians as creatio ex nihilo (creation out of nothing). Instantaneously, God brought forth each ‘kind’ of animal and plant, and each then reproduced ‘after its kind.
What about the appearance of age in a young-earth creation? “We must conclude that God can and does create things that appear much older than they really are. For example, when Jesus created the wine at the wedding in Cana (John 2:1-10), people naturally assumed that the wine had been made by growing, processing, and fermenting the grapes, then placing the resulting beverage in containers to transport to the wedding feast.
“God provides sufficient ambiguity in the Creation for humans to conclude erroneously a history that never actually occurred – if they so choose – because God requires faith of us. But He also provides the truth in the account He gives us, and He provides evidence against the alternative hypotheses.”
“If you had been present to meet Adam after he was created from the dust of the ground, you might have assumed (falsely, of course) that he had grown from an embryo, through childhood, and into young adulthood.
Sources • http://www.gotquestions.org/creation-evolution.html • http://www.dianedew.com/creation.htm • http://www.123infinity.com/creation_vs_evolution.html • http://bestbiblescience.org/index.htm • http://biblelight.net/7days.htm • http://erlc.com/article/creation-vs-evolution-young-earth-theory/