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Unit 3 A taste of English humour

Unit 3 A taste of English humour. I’m driving at a high speed. Warming up. Read the two English jokes and find out why they are funny. punchline. What kind of humour do these pictures show us?. Mr Bean is funny because he makes funny faces and acts silly behaviour. Edward Lear.

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Unit 3 A taste of English humour

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Unit 3 A taste of English humour

  2. I’m driving at a high speed.

  3. Warming up Read the two English jokes and find out why they are funny. punchline

  4. What kind of humour do these pictures show us?

  5. Mr Bean is funny because he makes funny faces and acts silly behaviour.

  6. Edward Lear Mark Twain (funny poems) (funny stories)

  7. Examples of Chinese humour funny plays (comedy)

  8. sketch

  9. Cross talk

  10. Charlie Chaplin (mime and farce)

  11. Charlie Chaplin’s Movie Posters

  12. verbal Types of humour nonverbal


  14. Skimming What’s the passage mainly about?

  15. Scanning Finish the notes about Charlie Chaplin in ex.1

  16. a small black hat He wore a small black hat, very wide trousers, a moustache and carried a stick that he swung in the air as he walked. a moustache a stick very wide trousers worn-out shoes

  17. Careful reading Write down the main idea of each paragraph. Paragraph 1 Why people needed cheering up.

  18. Paragraph 2 What Charlie Chaplin’s childhood was like. Paragraph 3 What his most famous character was like.

  19. Paragraph 4 An example of a sad situation that he made funny. Paragraph 5 His achievements.

  20. Fill in the blanks. performers childhood actors

  21. the little tramp homeless moustache worn-out walking stick

  22. gold leather enjoyment convincing

  23. directed outstanding Switzerland

  24. Read the passage again and do True or False. 1. Charlie Chaplin was poor when he was a small boy. 2. People who don’t know English cannot enjoy Chaplin’s films. 3. The Gold Rush is set in California in the late of the nineteenth century. T F F

  25. 4. In The Gold Rush Chaplin and his friend are fortunate to find some gold. 5. In the film the meal he eats is hard to chew. 6. Chaplin not only acted in films but wrote and directed films as well. F T T

  26. Discussion 1. Do you think his poor childhood helped him in his work? Why? 2. Why did people like The Little Tramp? 3. Why do you think he was so successful? 4. What should we learn from Charlie Chaplin?

  27. Conclusion Humour is everywhere in our daily life. I hope you can be optimistic (乐观) no matter what difficulties you meet, just as Charlie Chaplin was.

  28. If you don’t feel content with your life, please……

  29. ...Relax...

  30. … Play games...

  31. ...Enjoy the fields...

  32. …Get some sun…

  33. ...Don’t unload your anger on others...

  34. …Don’t be afraid of others just because they are bigger than you. The real size could be measured in the wisdom.

  35. In a word, you should develop a sense of humor and have a positive attitude towards life. And finallylook in the mirror and think“I’m beautiful” Now, enjoy your day !!!

  36. Homework Write a summary of the passage in your own words.

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