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There are No Shortcuts and No Silver Bullets

There are No Shortcuts and No Silver Bullets. Asset-based Development Strategies for the “The Other Ohio”. Ned Hill Professor of Economic Development. Victims never prosper. Purpose changes over time. Purpose changes over time. The slow strangulation of decline … but decline in what?.

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There are No Shortcuts and No Silver Bullets

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Presentation Transcript

  1. There are No Shortcuts and No Silver Bullets Asset-based Development Strategies for the “The Other Ohio” Ned Hill Professor of Economic Development

  2. Victims never prosper

  3. Purpose changes over time

  4. Purpose changes over time

  5. The slow strangulation of decline … but decline in what? • Learn from boiled frogs • If a place is not nice then it is dying • If locals do not invest neither will people from away • Success depends on playing the long game & having a widely held strategy

  6. Community development necessary; not sufficient David and Richard Stradling. Where the River Burned. Cornell University Press, 2015

  7. People Products Productivity Placemaking

  8. Playing the Long Game Provide immediate results & respond to crisis and politics Provide two types of investments Invest in people Invest in the Place ~ municipal corporation • Access • Anchor institutions • Infrastructure • Safety • Justice • Honesty • Respect

  9. Six ingredients Economic purpose Delivering the Basics Education Leadership Vibrancy Diversity

  10. Catalysts of distinction Pride of place Plug and play social structure Trust Energy – people, not oil Civic risk taking and resilience Citizen engagement

  11. What is the goal?

  12. Five Developments Commercial and Industrial Real Estate Community Development Economic Development Workforce Development Housing Development

  13. Ten Guidelines • Find your own compass Adapt, do not Adopt • Decline cannot be managed What can be managed? Reimagine Reposition Reinvest

  14. Ten Guidelines • Community counts; Cynicism kills • Optimism rooted in reality reduces risk

  15. Ten Guidelines • Regions mater: Strategies differ by Size region and community, Assets, & Location • Understand your anchor institutions How location adds value to anchor How anchor contributes value

  16. Ten Guidelines • Discover what is unique and build from there • Make no little plans; Make feasible & actionable plans

  17. Ten Guidelines Revitalization is a long journey • Share the map widely • Mile markers consist of physical signs of achievement

  18. Six questionsDoes your community have answers? • Are you distinctive? • Are you proud of who you are and what you can become? • Do you embrace newcomers? • Are there 3rd places & spaces? • Are you willing to invest in your own future? • Are you connected to the external economy?

  19. No one would remember the Good Samaritan if he only had good intentions; he had money as well.” • ~ Margaret Thatcher January 6, 1980 But, it takes ….

  20. Asset based developmentWhat worked?

  21. Edward (Ned) Hill, Ph.D.Professor of Economic DevelopmentJohn Glenn College of Public AffairsOhio Manufacturing InstituteHill.1973@osu.edu

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