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Ephesians - Colossians. “He Chose us in Him” - Eph.1:4 v . eklegomai – trans. “ choose ” adj . eklektos – trans. “ elect”, “ chosen ” n . eklogē – trans. “election”, “ choice ”, “ choosing ”. Ephesians - Colossians.
Ephesians - Colossians “He Chose us in Him” - Eph.1:4 v.eklegomai – trans. “choose” adj. eklektos – trans. “elect”, “chosen” n. eklogē – trans. “election”, “choice”, “choosing” Part 5, ver.1.7
Ephesians - Colossians “Put on, therefore, as chosen of God, holy and beloved, deep-feelings of pity, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience.” - Col.3:12 Part 5, ver.1.7
Ephesians - Colossians How are God’s acts of choosing distributed? • OT – 110 occurrences • NT – 45 occurrences Part 5, ver.1.7
Ephesians - Colossians What else is involved in God’s choosing (“election”)? Purpose, plan, foreknowledge, predestination, calling – all seem to connect with His choosing Part 5, ver.1.7
Ephesians - Colossians Some word explanations: Foreknow(proginōskō) – get to know beforehand Predestinate – (proorizō) – mark off, or set the bounds beforehand – “predetermine” Part 5, ver.1.7
Ephesians - Colossians How did God’s election work with Israel in OT? How did God’s election work with Israel & Gentile graft in Gospels & Acts? How does God’s election work in “the dispensation of the mystery”? Part 5, ver.1.7
Ephesians - Colossians What similarities? What differences? Part 5, ver.1.7
Ephesians - Colossians Our starting point is: Eph.1:4 – He chose us in Him before the overthrow of the world Part 5, ver.1.7
Ephesians - Colossians Eph.1:5 – in love having predestined us for sonship, through Jesus Christ for Himself, according to the good-pleasure of His desire Part 5, ver.1.7
Ephesians - Colossians Eph.1:9-10 – having disclosed to us the mystery of His desire, according to His good-pleasure, which He purposed in (by) Himself, Part 5, ver.1.7
Ephesians - Colossians Eph.1:9-10 (ctd.) – for a dispensation of the fullness of the seasons to sum up all these things in Christ: the things for the heavens and the things for the earth Part 5, ver.1.7
Ephesians - Colossians Eph.1:11 – by Him you were taken for an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of Him Who energizes all these things according to the plan of His desire Part 5, ver.1.7
Ephesians - Colossians Eph.1:18 – the eyes of your heart having been enlightened for you to know what is the hope of His calling, what the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the Holies Part 5, ver.1.7
Ephesians - Colossians Eph.3:10-11 – … the manifold wisdom of God, according to the purpose of the ages which he worked by (in) Christ Jesus our Lord Part 5, ver.1.7
Ephesians - Colossians Eph.4:1 – I … encourage you to walk equal to the calling which you were called Eph.4:4 – One body and one Spirit, even as also you were called in one hope of your calling. Part 5, ver.1.7
Ephesians - Colossians Col.3:12 - Put on, therefore, as chosen of God, holy and beloved, gut-feelings of pity, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience. Part 5, ver.1.7
Ephesians - Colossians Col.3:15 – let the peace of Christ umpire in your hearts, into which (peace) you were called in one body Part 5, ver.1.7
Ephesians - Colossians Phi.3:14 – I press forward to the goal for the prize of the above-calling of God in Christ Jesus Part 5, ver.1.7
Ephesians - Colossians 1 Ti.5:21 - I declare solemnly before God and Christ Jesus and the chosen angels that you should guard these things Part 5, ver.1.7
Ephesians - Colossians 1 Ti.6:12 – Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eonian life into which you were called and professed the good profession before many witnesses. Part 5, ver.1.7
Ephesians - Colossians 2 Ti.1:9 – (God) Who saved us and called us by a holy calling – not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace, which He gave us in Christ Jesus before eonian-times. Part 5, ver.1.7
Ephesians - Colossians 2 Ti.2:10 - Therefore, I endure all things for the sake of the chosen, so that they may receive salvation which is in (by) Christ Jesus with age-abiding glory. Part 5, ver.1.7
Ephesians - Colossians Ti.1:1 - Paul, slave of God and apostle of Christ Jesus, according to the faith of God’s chosen, and recognition of the truth which is according to piety. Part 5, ver.1.7
Ephesians - Colossians A little more in 2 Timothy - Nevertheless the firm foundation of God stands having this seal: ‘the Lord knows who are His’ and ‘let everyone naming the name of the Lord fall away from unrighteousness’. – 2:19 Part 5, ver.1.7
Ephesians - Colossians Not much teaching on the fundamentals of God’s choosing, calling, predestinating in Paul’s post-Acts 28 epistles. May indicate that some principles explained in Acts period epistles are still in effect. Part 5, ver.1.7
Ephesians - Colossians Summing up so far for “the dispensation of the mystery” individually chosen – in one body individually called – to one hope called according to His purpose Part 5, ver.1.7
Ephesians - Colossians Summing up so far (ctd.) - not based on God’s foreknowing within the bounds of adoption Part 5, ver.1.7
Ephesians - Colossians Summing up so far (ctd.) - we believing, Holy Spirit put His seal of ownership on us God’s firm-foundation-seal: a) He knows His own, b) if we call ourselves His, depart from sin Part 5, ver.1.7
Ephesians - Colossians Summing up so far (ctd.) - in His purpose of the ages, the present dispensation of the fullness of the seasons is the summit of His planning “in Christ” Part 5, ver.1.7
Ephesians - Colossians Summing up so far (ctd.) - His inheritance in us – before ours is even mentioned His inheritance predestined – based on His purpose/plan Part 5, ver.1.7
Ephesians - Colossians Summing up so far (ctd.) - we should live up to the choosing we should live up to the calling pressing for the prize of the above-calling should be our goal Part 5, ver.1.7
Ephesians - Colossians Summing up so far (ctd.) - we’re called to eonian life, but must still take hold of it Paul labored for the chosen to receivesalvation Part 5, ver.1.7
Ephesians - Colossians Summing up so far (ctd.) - Paul’s service in harmony with the faith of God’s chosen we witness to the P & A, the chosen angels the manifold wisdom of God Part 5, ver.1.7
Ephesians - Colossians How did we get to be “in grace”? Can “election” be lost? Can “salvation” be lost? Part 5, ver.1.7
Ephesians - Colossians Basis of salvation in Ephesians - “…by the grace you are saved through faith and that not from yourselves – the gift of God – not from works lest any might boast. – 2:8-10 Part 5, ver.1.7
Ephesians - Colossians Salvation in Ephesians (ctd) - “For we are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” – 2:8-10 Part 5, ver.1.7
Ephesians - Colossians Life and reward in 2 Timothy - …if we died together, we will even live together; if we endure, we will even reign together. If we deny Him, He will even deny us… – 2:11-13 Part 5, ver.1.7
Ephesians - Colossians Gospel-Acts period texts may help- Joh.6:44 – no one comes to Jesus unless the Father draws him Joh.12:32 – if I should be lifted up, will draw all to Myself Part 5, ver.1.7
Ephesians - Colossians Gospel-Acts period texts (ctd.) – 1 Co.2:14 – “natural (soulish) manreceives not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him. Neither can he get to know them, because they are evaluated spiritually.” Part 5, ver.1.7
Ephesians - Colossians Gospel-Acts period texts (ctd.) - Luk.14:23 – Parable of the Great Supper – “compel them to come in” Mat.22:1-14 – parallel Parable of the Wedding Feast – “many called, but few chosen” Part 5, ver.1.7
Ephesians - Colossians Gospel-Acts period texts (ctd.) – Joh.12:38-40 – “therefore they could not believe” Rom.11:7 – “the chosen obtained … the rest … hardened” – believing remnant characterizes Acts Part 5, ver.1.7
Ephesians - Colossians Gospel-Acts period texts (ctd.) – 1 Pe.1:1-2 - Part 5, ver.1.7
Ephesians - Colossians Special case? Joh.15:16 – choosing the Twelve – who chose whom? Joh.6:70 – He even chose a devil Part 5, ver.1.7
Ephesians - Colossians Acts 2:23 – Christ was delivered by the determined (horizō) plan and foreknowledge of God, but the rulers lawlessly destroyed Him Part 5, ver.1.7
Ephesians - Colossians Part 5, ver.1.7
Ephesians - Colossians Part 5, ver.1.7
Ephesians - Colossians Part 5, ver.1.7