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Strategic Fleet Study (2). Power Supply & Fuels System Planning April 6, 2009 update CONFIDENTIAL. Review. 3/23 Case Descriptions. Reference Case: Aug08 Business Plan 2022: JOF 1-10 retirement (1080 MWs) Replace with Coal unit (SCPC) onsite Assumes full DSM, no additional renewables
Strategic Fleet Study (2) PowerSupply& Fuels System Planning April 6, 2009 update CONFIDENTIAL
3/23 Case Descriptions • Reference Case: Aug08 Business Plan • 2022: JOF 1-10 retirement (1080 MWs) Replace with Coal unit (SCPC) onsite • Assumes full DSM, no additional renewables • Base Case: Apr09 preliminary Business Plan (also with High Gas) • 2022 JOF 2010 retirement (1080 MWs) Replace with SCPC onsite • Assumes full DSM, and a medium level of renewables • Case A1: JSF retires in 2012 • Case B1: JSF retires in 2014 (also with High Gas) • Asset shutdowns - MWs are summer capacity (2866 MWs) • 2010: WCF 1-6 (636 MWs) With transmission upgrades • 2012/2014: JSF 1-4 (704 MWs) Replace with CC onsite • 2014: JOF 5-10 (728 MWs) • 2016: JOF 1-4 (352 MWs) Replace with CC onsite • 2018: COF 5 (446 MWs) With transmission upgrades • All new cases assume full DSM and renewables to meet Bingaman Bill • Assume 4 gas IPP plant acquisitions in 2009/2010 (3549 MWs)
4/6 Case Descriptions • Reference Case: Aug08 Business Plan • 2022 JOF 1-10 retirement (1080 MWs) Replace with Coal unit (SCPC) onsite • Assumes full DSM, no additional renewables • Base Case: Apr09 R2 (potential acquisitions are not available) • Alternative Base Case: Apr 09 R2A (potential acquisitions are optimally picked as needed) • All Apr09 R2 base cases assume the following: • 2022 JOF 1-10 retirement (1080 MWs); replace with coal unit (SCPC) onsite • Assume dollars only for DSM, additional renewables, and EPU (no MWs, Gwh); Tapoco not available after 6/2010 • C1: lower acquisition costs and 2 BLN units fixed C2: higher acquisition costs and 2 BLN units fixed • D1: lower acquisition costs and 2 BLN units float D2: higher acquisition costs and 2 BLN units float • All R2 sensitivity cases assume the following: • 2012 JSF 1-4 (704 MWs) Replace with CC onsite • 2014 WCF1-6 (636 MWs) Requires transmission upgrade • 2015 JOF 5-10 (728 MWs) • 2016 JOF 1-4 (352 MWs) Replace with CC onsite • 2018 COF 5 (446 MWs) Requires transmission upgrade • Assume dollars only for DSM, additional renewables, and EPU (no MWs, Gwh) • Tapoco not available after 6/2010 • Assume 4 IPP plant acquistions are optimally picked as needed • TVA pays the Bingaman Bill requirements in lieu of renewable generation
4/6 Case Descriptions - Detail 2,900 MWs 3,500 MWs
Renewables Blue line represents March load forecast without DSM Red line represents dollars • Higher level of renewables were removed from the plan, as was DSM. • Alternative compliance payments were calculated w/escalation ($30/Mwh to $54 in 2028) • Cumulative costs under this alternative approaches $9 billion.
Summaries:Aug08, Apr09, Apr09 r2AHG, Apr 09 r2, Apr09 r2A, C1, C2, C1HG,D1, D2 11 . Without Bingaman Bill Impacts
Summaries:Aug08, Apr09, Apr09 r2AHG, Apr 09 r2, Apr09 r2A, C1, C2, C1HG,D1, D2 . With Bingaman Bill Impacts
Asset Acquisitions – Acquisition Price, Transmission, and Transportation • Firm Transportation Capacity is needed in quantities that would in some cases require pipeline expansion projects • In some cases, one CC could be supplied but not two or more without expansion projects • Decatur was chosen before Batesville and received a lower demand charge because of pipeline scarcity • Gas supply, storage, and transportation diversification all represent potential value • Acquisition prices are escalated at TVA inflation
TVA Load Forecast- March 2009 vs. January 2009 Summer Peak System Energy March 2009 w/o DSM March 2009 w/o DSM March 2009 w DSM March 2009 w DSM January 2009 w DSM January 2009 w DSM Key Forecast Inputs/Drivers Weather Assumptions: Jan09 and Mar09 forecasts assume normal weather Economic Drivers: The near term economic outlook is reduced for the same period in the January forecast. Prices: Retail Electric rates include the updated FCA. Natural Gas Prices are unchanged between plans. Changes in Large Customers: Direct served customers loads are reduced in FY09-FY11. March 2009 planning assumptions are shown with and without DSM energy or Peak impacts. DSM Programs: Annual Peak and Energy Impacts are unchanged. DSM Impacts including Losses (distribution & transmission) 2009 includes 5 months of actual energy.
3/23 Case Descriptions - Detail $Billions
4/6 Case Descriptions - Detail $Billions 2,900 MWs 3,500 MWs